Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

:people_hugging:Brian ā€“ huge hugs from me my friend ā€“ so happy to hear about selflove and care! You are doing great and just want to say I am amazed at all that you give back to the community. Keep being awesome.

I totally agree. Itā€™s like my life got so much richer when I found this community and all of you. I do not feel alone ā€“ in fact, I feel like I can do ANYTHING! Seeing the connections and the struggles and the achievements is so beautiful. Hope you had a wonderful time with the doggies ā€“ beautiful pic!

Very cool ā€“ that sounds like a fun day. Hope it was much better than the day before. A huge congrats to your sober time ā€“ you are doing fantastic!
@m-be-free49 Grateful that your ā€œactions were not your reactionsā€ ā€“ this really hit me. I am working on absorbing my surroundings and taking a minute before responding because I was / have been quick to respond (not always a great reaction). Grateful that you took a breathe. FALL ā€“ yes, love this weather / time of year ā€“ keep hearing about it on the threads but we are far from experiencing it (still hot and humid here). Enjoy!
@pandita Outdanced yourself!! I love it! So much fun ā€“ grateful that you were able to go out and live it up ā€“ grateful that today is Sunday and hopefully you can relax and recoup
@soberbilly Thank you for the coffee friend ā€“ just what I needed! Picture of my favorite mugā€¦ I think all the words describe me perfectly -LOL. Love your mug too! Beautiful sunrise pic. Loads of love on this beautiful Sunday morning to you my friend. :people_hugging:

What a lovely Sunday morning - hope all your badasses are having a wonderful dayā€¦
I will have to get back to my gratitudeā€™s my mother is calling and insistent on me coming over immediately to share morning coffee :slight_smile: This I am forever grateful forā€¦


Ok - so that coffee with mom didnā€™t happen - it was a tense scene with my mom realizing that meeting with my cousins for breakfast was going to be in an hour and she was not ready. LOL - well - iā€™m back home and enjoying my coffee solo.
I am so grateful that i was able to apply Emmā€™s method of not reacting immediately to a situation. So thrilled with myself. My dad for some reason produced a tude and i gently brought that to his attention and left before things escalated.
I am so grateful that i will get to see my cousin and her family today - i will meet them at the Diner and then they will come spend the evening and tomorrow morning chilling with me - will take them to the pool as i am not able to do much else.
I am so grateful that I just got a call from my dad apologizing. We all have our moments - iā€™m grateful that none of us is perfect.
I am so grateful for feeling content with my day - i am really trying hard not to focus on or give energy to anything but the positive. Grateful for all the beauty around me to help make this possible. I can soak in positive energy from my mediation / prayer practices, from the soothing music, from the beautiful nature, from the rays of sunshine, ā€¦ENDLESS SOURCES OF POSITIVITY!
I am so grateful that i did have enough energy to make choc chip cookies and oreo bars for our guests. Grateful that they are gf/vegan so i can have a bite too :wink:
I am so grateful that i was able to make Mexican style beans and rice for dinner last night. I have had acid reflux for 3 days so i figured what the hell - might as well enjoy a meal that is not the same three things - Iā€™m grateful that today my acid reflux is gone.
I am so grateful for my selfcare rituals - grateful to be breathing clean and fresh air - grateful for roaring laughter - grateful for connections (irl and virtual) - grateful for a non-judgmental community - grateful for fresh herbs - grateful for my flourishing succulents
I am so grateful for my HP - thank you for not giving up on me even when i had so clearly given up on myself. Grateful for showing me how awful continuing down that path of life could be. Grateful for the chance to heal and get back to a better way of life.
I am so grateful for body aches and pains - make me feel like iā€™m still here and will be more appreciative of my body and mind when these drift off into oblivion.
I am so grateful for the state of being at peace with myself and my surroundings. At least for now (it really is a minute by minute task - lol)
I am so grateful for ALL you beautiful souls that make my days easier - grateful for all your love and compassion - grateful for how openly and willingly you all share your struggles and achievements - make me feel like I too can conquer it all. Grateful to be on this journey with all you fellow warriors!
Well - off to get ready - ā€“ have a positively charged addiction free day - sending much love! :heart: :heart:


Iā€™m grateful I made to Scottsdale yesterday on my own with a car load.
Iā€™m grateful for my coffee and now my hot tea.
Iā€™m grateful itā€™s very quiet around here. Way too fucking quiet.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m certain :100: sure Iā€™d rather be doing my dog and cat chores while the coffee is brewing.

Iā€™m grateful I got the day to myself.

Iā€™m grateful I drove around town last night to finally find a curry. Iā€™m grateful it was ok but I had fun driving around by myself looking for a place after the first place couldnā€™t handle me.
Iā€™m grateful when I walk into a restaurant I can tell immediately, when whatā€™s going on is fucked! Iā€™m grateful I gave them the benefit of the doubt and waited 5 minutes before I left. Iā€™m grateful I knew I should have left immediately butā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

Iā€™m grateful being alone and driving around on a hot summers night brought back great memories of when I first left the Boston area and was adventurously on my own in Austin on my first summer nights able to go and do whatever I wanted. When I wasnā€™t working. Something about that hot night air and walking in parking lots. And living in the moment. Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t have to get toā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.anywhere/anything/anyone.

Iā€™m grateful I miss the wife. And the poor Ol Burner is depressed. Wonā€™t even eat his bone with peanut butter on it :cry: Not grateful heā€™s depressed.

Iā€™m grateful I called my wife before I went out to dinner last night. I was miserable wanting her to call me and I know sheā€™s too stubborn and tired of telling me sheā€™s sorry. Iā€™m grateful I get it. Iā€™m grateful Friday nights low for her was even lower that Wednesdayā€™s night low. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m learning I just got to let her find her bottom. Or not :man_shrugging: Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m powerless.

Iā€™m grateful I got hope in myself.

And oh yeaā€¦ā€¦Iā€™m grateful we did have a nice chat. Grateful I caved and called her. Iā€™m grateful I never would have had such a great evening alone if I didnā€™t call her. Iā€™m grateful thatā€™s just who I am.

Iā€™m grateful for The Recovery Show Podcast. I just love Eric when heā€™s a guest. And Spenser, the host, and I have so much in common. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not alone in this.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m good this morning. Sober. Hangover free. Never gets old.
Iā€™m grateful times like this alone use to be a hall pass to drink my ass off. Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t want to and even more grateful, and so fucken happy and blessed, I donā€™t even think about doing that anymore. Iā€™m grateful I know Iā€™m not cured. But if I just donā€™t have that first one. My life is manageable. So much more manageable.

Iā€™m grateful yā€™all got my back.

Being comfortable on your own is a superpower.
Just read that somewhere :slightly_smiling_face:


This weekend I am grateful for the time I get to spend with my nieces. They stayed over Friday night and I got to spend my entire Saturday with my family. It was nice.


Good sunday to ya sober fam,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My total sobriety!
469 days free from my addiction to weed and alcohol
12.59 days without being chained to the vape
Woke up and got a good workout in
Lost a lil weight
Able to buy whatever i want at the grocery store
The whisk app that helps me plan and shop for meals
Boscoe the cuddlebug
Hubby whos extra lovey today
Feels like fall today
Time to unwind
Time to catchup on chores
Our home
All of you!

We can. One step at a time


Today Iā€™m grateful I can relate to so much gratitude that has been posted :pray:

Iā€™m grateful I was up on normal time and lazed around in bed reading. Iā€™m grateful for service on TV, it touched me deeply. Iā€™m grateful for homecooked breakfast and late lunch so I was able to cancel dinner. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m already in bed, early, freshly showered after some garden work in the evening. Iā€™m grateful the old boy loves snuggling on my chest :orange_heart:
Iā€™m grateful I did a bunch of necessary chores today. Iā€™m grateful for freedom, for opportunities, for having a choice to do or leave whatever crosses my mind. Iā€™m grateful this was definitely a fine day without depression which proves the med change works how it should :pray: Iā€™m grateful and feel relieved. I know it will not be as this every day but Iā€™m deeply grateful the dark depressive sadness and feelings of hopelessness and lonelyness didnā€™t creep in today.
Iā€™m grateful I watched a lot of uplifting and funny TV today. I had some good loud laughs!
Just for today life was ok and fine. ODAATšŸ™


Iā€™m grateful I got an invite to morning coffee :smiling_face::coffee: @Soberbilly and Iā€™m grateful for your amazing sky photo :heart_eyes:
Iā€™m grateful this was my sundown view from the balcony of our holiday house today, enjoyed with a delicious sparkling blueberry juice.

Iā€™m grateful for safe travels.
Iā€™m grateful I felt happy and calm and enjoyed the journey.
Iā€™m grateful for this precious time with my family.
Iā€™m grateful my thirteen year old daughter cracked her cooler than cool/grumpy facade and goofed around with us in the hot tub.
Iā€™m grateful today is day 1 of me stopping vapingā€¦ @Cjp Iā€™m there with you now.
Iā€™m grateful to all of you wonderful souls.


Hang in there sober buddy. It gets worse before it gets better. PM me if need be. Cravings got better for me around day 10


Thank you :heart: you are doing so well and have inspired me to make the change as well :blush:


Im grateful for being able to be truthful with my family about who I am and my struggles. Im grateful that they are supportive and try to understand and help me. Im grateful for living in a house with three stories and a comfortable dry soft bed in a big room where I can sleep safely. Im grateful for always having food and being abke go eat what I want. Im grateful that I am emploeyed and earn a paycheck everymonth. Im grateful that I have many nice coworkers. Im grateful that my work is safe and respectful and that I see many faces everyday. Im grateful I dont have too wash dishes andymore or serve plates. Normally. Im grateful for allowing myself to be mindful, killing off any rumination, worry, guilt, fears, negative thoughts etc. Im greatful that I can choose to see the good in everything. Im grateful that I have peace at home. Im grateful that I dont owe anybody anything, that Im not being chased or haunted or forced to do or be anything. Im grateful to live in a free country where I can be safe and be who I am. Im grateful that I know my passion and sense in life and that I am following it. Im grateful that Ive come the longest with it. Im grateful for being able to go to the cinema whenever I want. Im grateful for getting to eat eggs in the morning. Im grateful for the internet provuding so much knowledge to better underdtand myself and cope with my illnesses. Im thankful that Im doing experiment let go which is hard but rewarding. Im thankful that I can sleep in tomorrow. Im thankful that I have late shift. Im thankful that my job is relatively easy. Im thankful that I have a short commute. Im thankful for coworkers being tolerant people. Im tvankful for being able to make people laugh and smile. Im thankful for tips. Im thankful to be alive. To habe all my limbs, to be able to see colours and shaoes and the world and its beauties, to be able to hear music and voices of loved ones and birds chirping and people chatting. Im grateful to be able to smell coffe and the air and the rain and flowers and perfume and fresh laundry. Im thankful for having clothes and a washing machine so I can always wear clean clothes. Im thankful that I have a private shower in a private home where I can take hot long showers. Im thankful that I can wash myself whwnever I want to in a safd space. Im grateful for having a toilet that I can use whenever I need to in a private and safe space. Im thankful for the kitchen and allour pans and utensils to make and eat food. Im thankful for electricity and running water. Im thankful for the supermarket around thd corner. The fields near out home. Im thankful for this thread. Love yourself to the max. Let go of torturing yourself with counter productive negative perspectives. Let go. Find peace. Thank you that Im alive and can see the stars. Thanks for my car. Thanks for the gas station nearby. Thanks for being a free human being with all the possibilitied in the world.


Welcome Mulan. I am grateful you found the gratitude thread. Congratulations on the 1000 plus days I saw you post the other thread. That is some amazing clean and sober time.
Iā€™m glad youā€™re here.


Thank you for your kindness. I can literally feel the warmth through the phone, haha! :heart: Proud of the fact that there are people like you among us


Im grateful for my 18 months of freedom. In the beginning, i truly thought that this was impossible. Gratitude for this forum and for God and for my recovery is in full force today.
Im grateful that im actually starting to like myself (and dare I say love myself lol). I actually am okay with who im becoming and im ao grateful for that.
Im grateful for fresh smelling clothes. Its very comforting.
Im grateful for my DBT workbook. Its been opening my eyes lately to my ED and helping me not to binge
Im grateful for my valuesā€¦ health, hope, family, comfort, and spirituality. Ive recently discovered what my top 5 values are and im grateful to be working towards these
Im so grateful for sooo much. But these stand out for me today!


Awww, thank you, friend!

Iā€™m very grateful for you. For your presence here. For putting so much wind in my and all Gratidudesā€™ sails! For making me think. For making me chuckle. (Like the image of the mosquito doped up on blood from the before-times-Billy, lol). I effinā€™ love you.

All of you! Us. The thread and place and space.

And yes, Iā€™m from the Great White North. Live a few degrees south of the 60th parallel. Some Canadians would call where I live north. But itā€™s all relative. My work has taken me to the arctic circle at least a dozen times (grateful for that) and up there, pretty much anything south of 60 is all ā€œsouthā€, lol.

Fellow G-dudes @I.cant.We.can and @Its_me_Stella are :canada: too, and thereā€™s some honorary Canadians for sure. :wink: Some even call us ā€œhosersā€ā€¦

(really hard to find a picture of them without beerā€¦ :see_no_evil:)

Grateful for you, @Soberbilly :people_hugging: :orange_heart:


Yes this! Itā€™s why I though Iā€™d go for it on holidayā€¦different place, out of routine, plenty to keep me occupied. There are still lots of the same points in the day I would ordinarily vape, but hopefully enough different to give me a bit of an edge. :crossed_fingers:


Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My growing sobriety!
470 days no weed and alcohol
13.39 days no vaping
Woke up before my alarm
Got an early morning workout in
My pumpkin spice overnight oats taste delicious
Cucumber water
Boscoes companionship
Quality time with hubby
Well rested on a monday morning
Clean water
My mom and our relationship

Much love my people


@dilettante Congrats on your day 1 of no vape ā€“ Keep strong my friend. You and @CJP will be kicking some serious vape ass!
@mia2 Love all the gratitudeā€™s! It really made my evening reading these before bed. Love that you are with us on this beautiful journey Mulan

OOOH ā€“ YES dare to say and feel it! That is so beautiful Dana! I love this for you and happy to hear you feeling this way.

Happy Monday morning my beautiful sober companions
What a lovely Monday morning - grateful for another day of being alive and breathing the clean fresh air!
I am so grateful that I was able to spend some quality time yesterday with my cousin and her fam. It was tiring and i pushed through everything cause my heart was overwhelmed with joy. I am hopeful that they will have a few hours today to spend with me as well. Lucky for me - we have the pool so i can chill and talk with them without have to exert myself.
I am so grateful that i woke up to some peace and quiet on this beautiful Monday morning (seems the lawn maintenance folks are running behind schedule)
I am so grateful I am relaxing and enjoying my coffee this morning. Still unable to fully open my eyes but i am trying to catch up here before day gets busy. So grateful that each day seems like more to catch up on - love seeing new faces on threads!
I am so grateful that my mosquitoes bites are not bothering me this morning - i did think of you Emm last night as i was swatting them away. I did apply some bio-freeze (a roll on pain reliever i use for my muscles) - seems to have helped with the itching and swelling
I am so grateful for my family - get to see my sister tonight for a bit. Love that we have a wonderful bond and do live fairly close. My mom is so beautiful - calling first this to make sure i am ok. I feel like shit but i also know that today will be last day for me to see my cousins so i feel like i need to push through. Will see how i do - i do get that energy boost when i am around all that love.
I am so grateful pain and symptoms are bearable today.
I am so grateful i do enjoy doing dishes - we have soooo many piled up and dishwasher is brokenā€¦ love that i find the water soothing.
I am so grateful for the cooler less sunny day - feels welcoming!
I am so grateful for my meditation / prayer - my HP and my deeper connections to myself and to Him. Grateful for always learning and growing.
I am so grateful for positive energy - sometimes we have to manifest it for our surroundings but living in this energy field is so gratifying.
I am so grateful for music, laughter, jokes, memes, funny videos!
I am so grateful for healthy fruits and vegetables! Grateful for the healing properties and the deliciousness
I am so grateful for this community! You all make my ODAAT enjoyable and much easier than i would have expected - thank you for being so amazing and for being on this journey with me.
I hope you all have a positively charged addiction free day - sending much love :heart: :heart:


Good morning CJ :sun_with_face:
Iā€™m grateful for coffee and memes in the morning.
Iā€™m grateful to be up before the sunrise to watch it.
Iā€™m grateful for my view.

Iā€™m grateful for the wonderful day I had on my own yesterday.
Grateful for my mani pedi.
Grateful I returned a shirt at the mall.
Grateful I went to True Food kitchen and enjoyed my fave avocado toast.
Grateful I got my little car a hand job.
Iā€™m grateful it will be all clean and sparkly when we are united in a couple of weeks.
Grateful I got home for a meditation.
Grateful I went to my fave pizza place. Grateful, since I was alone, I got to have olives and onions on my pepperoni :pizza:
Grateful I miss my wife. Especially when I ate the whole fucking :pizza: It was thin crust only 12 inches. Iā€™m grateful it was so fucking good and all I had was avocado toast yesterday.
Iā€™m grateful I weighed in with a good weight yesterday.

Grateful my wife and I texted a lot yesterday.
Grateful I topped the day off at my Sunday night meeting and a couple of people were surprised excited to see me and I got big hugs.

Iā€™m grateful the AA meeting next door was loud and I could here people celebrating and I saw someone bringing in a large cake.
Iā€™m grateful I think Iā€™m most excited about that :point_up:
Iā€™m grateful for both my recoveries.

Iā€™m grateful for the time away from the wife.
Iā€™m grateful to get back home to wife and pets in a couple of hours. Maybe I can still walk the Burner. Maybe my wife will come with.

Iā€™m grateful for Zillow.
Iā€™m grateful I found 3 gorgeous houses I love but itā€™s way too early for that and grateful I can let them go. Iā€™m grateful while searching on Zillow Iā€™m learning about different neighborhoods in Cali and how far away they are from Gus. And the beach :desert_island:

Iā€™m grateful and hopeful (did I say, write, or think hopeful :thinking: :scream:) that I really do want to do this and settle down in Cali. Itā€™s been a wild ride from the east coast since 1978.

Iā€™m grateful for my home thread of Gratidudes.
:pray:t2: :pizza: :heart:

Our society is much more interested in information than wonder, in noise rather than silence. And I feel that we need a lot more wonder and a lot more silence in our lives.
Fred Rogers
Disclaimer: not the quote I was looking for. But you canā€™t argue with Mr. Rogers.


Today I am grateful for the mental health day I decided to take. I have been feeling a lot of anxiety lately n decided to take this day for myself to try to relax.


Iā€™m grateful today is the day I went to renew my motorcycle permit before work and I got to sleep in a bit during this cool, rainy weather. It was such a sleepy morning the dogs didnā€™t even want to get up! Iā€™m grateful for the fun and restful weekend, grateful to have had the opportunity to spend time with friends, grateful for the puppy playtime, grateful for a lazy Saturday with my special man. Grateful Iā€™m sober so when the dogs decided 6am was a great time to begin the day I was ready for it (sort of, I guess lol). Grateful for a sober Monday and a fairly quiet week ahead.