Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Today I am grateful for:

  • My job and having the ability to work
  • God and how he helped my husband yesterday with his dental procedure
  • For exercise and how I get to move my body
  • That I have 5 days under my belt of healthy eating
  • Warm clothes as I head out into the cold to work

How wonderful to be grateful for your mom!


Good morning sober family. I’m so grateful for you and TS!
I’m grateful I am closing in on six months, be there in a couple days.
I’m grateful it is snowing today. We need it so bad here.
I’m grateful I’ll get outside for a walk and hear crunching sounds on the trail.
I’m grateful I’m getting better at exercising every day. Yes! It’s been like 5 whole days now? Woot!
I’m grateful there are no more cookies or cake in the house.
I’m grateful to be working on letting go and detachment via Al Anon. Compassionate detachment is as tricky as it sounds. grateful there’s another thread here to share more on that bit …
I’m grateful for a decent nights sleep.


Grateful for a life that is beginning to unfold again,
what I need, finds me,
every lesson this journey brings me,
meal planning is nourishing in good ways again,
a day he is off so we can go out into the world together and share our love,
another day to say outloud, I didn’t drink again today! :eight_spoked_asterisk:


Saturday morning gratitude’s
I need to get back into this daily - been a bit of a funk and i am hoping to get over it.
I am grateful to be sitting here watching light white flurries. Grateful it is not a stormy day (which i think we are due for a major storm - they are saying next week). I am so grateful my neighbors offered to do my front sidewalk at the house if it snows so i won’t get dinged by the association.
I am so grateful for my morning veggie cocktail (ginger, cucumber, carrot, beet, red cabbage, celery) love that i can have carrots again (missed them so much LOL).
I am so grateful that i will be able to enjoy a hot cup of coffee soon.
I am so grateful for my HP - grateful to be praying and meditating - grateful that it is keeping me sane at the moment.
I am so grateful for seeing people as they are and not letting toxicity into my life. Grateful for healthy boundaries and sticking to them (even when they are painful emotionally).
I am so grateful to be working on scrubbing the stove today - been a minute since it’s had a proper cleaning - great to take out the aggression :laughing:
I am so grateful that i have managed a light 20 min walk around the living room each day this year. SO grateful for the movement.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful I get to hike today with my wife after I get to write my gratitude list.
I’m grateful I get to hear the bird song in the morning while I get to walk Benson.

I’m grateful I got to walk up and get a 4 year chip in front of 150 plus strangers at the speaker meeting last night.
I’m grateful I got to have my wife with me for support. I’m grateful I got to speak briefly for 2 minutes. I’m grateful I got to feel a loving pat of approval on my leg from my wife after.

I’m grateful I got to face my fear.

I’m grateful I got to listen to my affirmation meditation while walking with Benson this morning. I’m grateful I got to listen to my serenity prayer meditation while walking this morning. I’m grateful I get to pick up Bensons :poop: while walking him.

I’m grateful I get to love @Chiron ‘s humorous moist jabs first thing in the morning :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I’m grateful I get to play coffee memes with my buddy.
I’m grateful I get to get support from so many people on here. I’m grateful I get to look forward to this thread each morning.
I’m grateful I get to let go of being right.

I’m grateful I finally get to do this too :point_up:
I’m grateful I get to sit in my chair without back pain.
I’m grateful I get to have an iPad to do my gratitude. I’m grateful I get to do it with y’all :heart:

I’m grateful I get to listen to Tina Turner :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: whenever and wherever I like.

I think it’s all so right
We don’t need to fight
We stand face to face
You present your case
I know you keep telling me that you love me
And I really do wanna believe
Did you think I’d just accept you in blind faith?
Sure babe, , anything to please you!

But you better be good to me
That’s how it’s gotta be now
Oh, I don’t have the time
For your overloaded lines
You better be good to me
Better be good, oh, good to me

I’m grateful I get to change the lyrics in my mind to I better be good to myself :heart:
The whole song is about me being good and loving myself :heart:
And it’s about fucking time :pray:t2:


Grateful today that i’m not sick any more, not hungover on a saturday morning, and able to complete most of my chores and work out by noon!

Also to be able to make several plans for Sunday knowing that i’ll be able to do them and enjoy them.

Grateful to be living fully.


So grateful that you and wifey got to go get your 4 year chip. You did it my friend!! Faced that fear and are stronger today because of it


Love the lyrics of Tina’s song and I too was changing them to that exact line …so grateful that you are taking care of you and being better to yourself :people_hugging::heart: 2024 look out :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am grateful I woke up rested this morning. Before perimenopause started I never understood how one could sleep badly, or not be rested after a night‘s sleep. One more thing learned in life then. Now I am grateful for every night I can sleep through.

I am grateful my shoulder is better and I was able to do my morning movement practice. This always gives me a good start into the day.
I am grateful for my morning meditation. It was emotionally challenging, but really good.

I am grateful I could help out a sick friend.


Grateful for the sunshine
Grateful for the 5 hour break from the foster children as they visit family
Grateful to be where I am today
I am grateful that there are so many things to be grateful for.


I am grateful for sobriety today,to be able to have a clear mind,for so long I was incoherent,to point of losing myself spiritually,I am grateful to my higher power for helping to stop the confusion,and madness that I couldn’t get away from, I am m grateful for AA,to help keep me motivated on this journey.But most of all I am grateful for this day .


Grateful for others sharing their stories and being on the whole welcoming and encouraging

Grateful for the 2 online meetings i did last night( best sleep ever that night)

Grateful for my kids and grandson.
Grateful for good coffee


Today I am grateful to have made it 10 days AF.
I am grateful for some time to relax this evening.
I am grateful for this comfy sofa I’m relaxing on!


I’m grateful day one was calm. Lots of rest and keeping busy. I even exercised! Here is to more days like this!!!


Way To Go Spidey!
Great Job on you first 10 ODAAT’s



Thanks Jazzy.
Ever since seeing Tina live in London I can’t get her story, music, and strength out of my head. She over came so much. Im so grateful for the way her music is moving me these days.:pray::heart:


I’m grateful for another sober day.
I’m grateful for a starlight walk with the doggo.


Good evening friends,
I’m grateful for a slow but productive day. I’m grateful my teenagers acted like kids at a small child’s Chuck E. Cheese birthday party today. We played silly games and had fun. I’m grateful there’s money for bills and groceries. I’m grateful we are safe and have what we need. I’m grateful for a 30 day yoga challenge and for how it has helped my back so far. I’m grateful love and forgiveness. :heart:


Feeling good & grateful.

  1. Memories of my sister & good tunes.
  2. Snow falling.
  3. My beautiful family & dinner at the in-laws.
  4. Being tired and knowing how much I love our bed.
  5. Another sober day without cravings xo.

Thanks for being here everyone xo


Good morning new and old gratifriends. It makes me happy to read what you are all grateful for. I am grateful for:

  • a great talk with a friend over some richt and flavourful ramen
  • frosty winter outside; cozy warm inside
  • my farewell to the christmas tree. It means more space in the living room again
  • people that make me feel safe
  • brussels sprouts :yum: