Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Today I am grateful that it is Friday and I have the weekend off of work. I am grateful for chocolate and hot coffee on those days like today that I need a little extra self-hug.


I’m grateful we made it to Cali.
I’m grateful we got the pets dumped off very smoothly. Unlike the last time when we couldn’t find Mavy :smirk_cat:
I’m grateful my DIL doesn’t have meningitis :scream: she was taken to the hospital because of complications of strep throat. I’m grateful she’s home for the night. I’m grateful I got a son that was so good holding it all together I didn’t have to worry about how he’s going to do it. I’m grateful I didn’t freak out I waited until we got the facts. I’m grateful I didn’t run to the airport bar to drown my misery. And I’m most grateful I don’t make it all about me. “My misery.” WTF :flushed: it’s my daughter in laws misery and my sons and Normas. It never was my misery! I’m grateful I didn’t make it my misery by knocking back a few doubles. I’m grateful when I’m not drinking I can be present and not make it all about me and kill my feelings.

I’m grateful for my Stumptown coffee at the hotel and the croissant. I’m grateful the croissant makes me think of Norma. I’m grateful I was the first to feed her bits of a croissant :croissant:

I’m grateful we get to catch the Gus Bus at 11:30 this morning. I’m grateful that gives me plenty of time to catch up on here. Coffee. Walk, no Burner :cry: and even lunch.

I’m grateful I got a therapist. I’m grateful we hit some nerves the other day :sob: I’m grateful I can ask her why am I afraid of my daughter. I’ll be grateful if I can remember that in 2 weeks. I’m grateful I just thought I can text her. The therapist. Maybe because my little girl was/is a recovering anorexic heroin addict. That could fuck up a strong dad like me. I’m grateful I went to Al-anon back then. I’m grateful for Al-Anon now.

I’m grateful it’s fucking crazy where my gratitude lists lead me. I’m grateful for Gratitherapy. @M-be-free49 :wink:

I’m grateful for my ride up the PCH yesterday with the sun trying to set through the marine layer. I love a good marine layer on the coast.

I’m grateful I get to enjoy my traveling, sober now. What a waste before. I’m grateful I can’t do anything about the past but I get to enjoy and be grateful for my sober present. And I’ll probably be sober tomorrow too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“The struggle ends when gratitude begins.”
Neale Donald Walsch


I’m so happy to read you are back in your home. That’s got to be huge Twizz. I’m so grateful to read this today. Give them all pets from the Ol DC :heart_eyes_cat:


I woke up today with all kinds of pain and am very grateful for pain killers. I don‘t want to imagine what people had to suffer through before any of this medication was available.

I managed to do my morning movement practice, my meditation and my whole morning self care routine. I am very grateful I have this time every morning. I am grateful I have found this routine. I am grateful for all the wonderful people in the world, who provide all kinds of resources on how to do self care.

I had a good run with designing my current software, and I am grateful for the time I had and the energy and ability to concentrate, even on a difficult day like today.

I went grocery shopping today pushing our bike trailer through the snow. I am grateful I can do this. I am grateful for the body, the energy, the infrastructure, the resources.

Now I‘m looking forward to a relaxing evening with my husband.


Today I am grateful for my body ability to fight this cold and my health. I am grateful that I did not have to leave the house in this cold snowy weather. I am grateful I got paid today. I am grateful for the day off to let my body rest. I am grateful for my little ones and my husband who’s running errands on my behalf. I am grateful for my sobriety!

Thank you God :black_heart: I am blessed!


I’m grateful I had a restful night. I’m grateful a guided meditation helped me in the morning to shoo a nightmare :pray:
I’m grateful I was stoic as a rock in court. For details and headshaking laughs see the friday thread Friday Thread #3 - #1001 by erntedank

I’m grateful for friends, cats, central heating, my reliable car, all my houses, my grim & black sense of humor and my cosy bed. Amen and out for today :pray: ODAAT


Grateful for another day sober.
Grateful for the sober living I’m at and the people I have connected with.
Grateful to make it through wanting to use or drink
And knowing it helps to talk about it. Maybe there is always going to be a part of me that wants my old life style but I don’t have to use or drink.
Grateful I walked up to the water front tonight and did some praying and felt at peace looking at the city lights in the background.
Grateful I bought some grape soda earlier and the sugar helps the cravings. Though eventually I plan to cut back on the sugar.
Grateful I only had one cup of coffee today.
Grateful my mom is going to go running with me next week. She does all these 5k races and thinks starting to go running will help my recovery.
Grateful for my magnesium and melatonin to help me sleep tonight.
Grateful for this wonderful chance at recovery.
Grateful to know i don’t have to start over ever again.
Grateful for this community. I find so much hope and love on here it’s amazing.


@bluekoolaid so grateful that you are surrounded by understanding family support. Keep holding onto those feelings of hope my friend – so very important in our recovery! :pray: How cool that you and your mom will be running buddies – something exciting to look forward to.
@Twizzlers Grateful that you are seeing your progress my friend – you really have come so far and are still kicking ass each day. Building your own furniture? Whoa – this is so cool – hope you can share some of your pieces with us when you get a chance :heart:
@dazercat I am grateful that your DIL does not have meningitis – hope she recovers quickly from that nasty step throat. Grateful you are texting your therapist with your questions as they arise. Your baby girl is doing so well now my friend – grateful with the help of Al Anon that you are able to be there for her and for yourself :hugs:
@acromouse I am so very sorry for the awful way of how you woke up – waking up in pain is no fun at all. I am grateful that you were able to manage the pain with pain killers and get some self care and work done :hugs:
@erntedank OMG girl – that is so crazy – I am sorry that this is being dragged out even further. I am grateful that you were able to end the day on a high note.


Grateful for another babysitting job last night, thankfully they were a joy to spend the evening with.
Grateful for a lazy morning before I need to get up and get stuff done.
Grateful for talking to my family about the huge imbalance of jobs around the house, we’ll see what happens.


I’m grateful for my sobriety.
I’m grateful I get to read all of your wonderful gratitudes.
I’m grateful for my house.
I’m grateful for having what we need at home.


I’m grateful today for five hours sleep
I’m grateful for two kittens that have literally the energy of pure life and joy in every toe bean and Whisker; they are so happy.
I’m grateful I’m going to the gym this morning for my run.
I’m grateful I’m going to walk there instead of driving
I’m grateful it’s not raining. Yet.
I’m so grateful it’s Saturday
I’m grateful that my partner is making a delicious kedgeree for later!
I’m so grateful for cosy and safe and loving Saturday with my little fam.



I am grateful for talking to my sister this morning. Her husband got admitted in the hospital yesterday, I am grateful he finally took his health serious and is in good care now.
Grateful for my cute little nephew who wants to marry me.
Grateful for feeling a bit better after good quality sleep.
I am grateful to be able to help my elderly parents.
I am grateful for my new bedding, beautiful luxurious new sheets at a huge discount. When I’m back at my normal energy level I will paint the walls too, looking forward to chosing a new color.
I am grateful I didn’t go to Thailand this winter as it would have been difficult to stay sober in that environment. I am grateful I am sober and I don’t have any cravings.


Grateful to be awake in front of my fire and with the dogs.
Grateful that my card and book have led me to “perfection” steps in my life.
Grateful to sense the cold, and get the energy to go find it!
Grateful that today I will choose to work on PFLAG. I haven’t now in three months. It’s time to pull back my life, even if difficult.
Grateful for my daughter’s “yelling” cat. I have rarely allowed an indoor cat…I will choose for that one to be in a better space. She is suffering. ***The dogs are not OK with her. I have to be careful and believe I am there now.
Grateful to eat a cabbage roll at breakfast. I mean why not? Add sardines and hope for positive protein.
Grateful to put coconut oil on my hair today. This will be the 1st time to go after my hair since the hospital. It’s stuck to my scalp. Not the best deal and looking to get a cut if I choose not to become better.
Grateful for -14 standing temp, with 30 below…Not really but what can I do about it. Soooooo cold…


I’m grateful the first half of my trip went well. That was the work part. I’m grateful I get to spend the 2nd half with family. Seeing my sister and niece when I arrived brought me so much joy. Grateful my daughter is having a good time even though I was buried in a work project.

I’m grateful for the accommodations at both places. Fancy hotel for work and now in a 2 bedroom waterfront suite. I’m grateful I get to do these things sober, making new memories with family. I’m grateful for my family.

I’m grateful for the way I handled being accused of drinking or being high. Grateful the only high I get these days is from life.

I’m grateful for the beautiful sunrise I get to experience this morning over the water. I’m like an anxious child on xmas, up too early just waiting.

I’m grateful for sunshine and warm weather. I’m grateful the fresh snow at home will not impact our travel tomorrow morning.

I’m grateful for all of you helping to keep me sober today.


It’s a cold morning in … January! And I’m grateful to be sober.

I’m grateful for this thread and the inspiration I read here.

I’m grateful to have come through another spin around the sun and the chance to celebrate my 59th birthday this week. I told my students I wrote a poem, “I’m 59 and I feel fine!”

I’m grateful that my husband is working thru the grief of losing his mother the week before in reasonable ways. He’s not drinking and last night he expressed that he’s really glad he’s not drinking or this would be much more difficult.

I’m grateful I made it to swim in the pool a few days this week. Exercise is such a good routine for my mental health.

I’m grateful for a job I mostly love. I get to start teaching two brand new and different reading classes in second semester and I’m excited to get them off the ground. This first semester has had some frustrations that will be alleviated with this change in my schedule.

I’m grateful for my loving and supportive and sober siblings. They are really stepping up to be kind when our mother is showing signs of aging in her unfiltered and rude comments. Hmmmm, something to see and prepare for in each interaction.

I’m grateful for a safe and loving home. I’m so grateful we figured out we needed to stop drinking and keep learning and recovering from all that came before. It’s an amazing gift and I am grateful for it every day.

I’m grateful for this weekend at home. I have some good tasks/projects to do this weekend and I get to do them sober!

I wish you all peace!


Im grateful for my beating heart
Im grateful for my emotions, even though I do not like these particular feelings
Im so grateful to be home & so grateful my husband did that for me.
Im so grateful for thr time with my nephew, my love for him is so big & i know thats why it hurts so much also.

Xo everyone. Keep plugging away my friends. Xo.


Good morning my sober gratidudes.

Im so very greatful for…

A weekend to rest and get shit done
My sobriety, without it i wouldnt be where im at today thriving, not just surviving
Bocoe cuddles
Hubby cuddles
Met my weightloss goal, a year in the making, but they can have me reweigh anytime for the next 7 days…so the steak dinner will have to wait
Signed up for a 5k…havent done one in many years…im intimidated but it will give me another goal to focus on
Hubby and i are doing the 5k together
Luxury of therapy
Comedy show date night tmrw
Sober friends
This amazing forum and community. I know for a fact i wouldnt be where i am today without all you lovely people
Progress rather than perfection


Good morning everyone!
Thought id post some gratitude on this thread!
Today i am grateful for:

  • Being able to walk. Yes, I have a slight limp due to my knee pain but Im grateful its not worse
  • Having a job to go to today
  • My determination for a better life
  • My husband and son
  • My familys health
  • My recovery (thats an obvious one)
  • All of you here on TS. I never ever feel alone when I participate on this forum

Hope everyones Saturday is beyond fantastic!!!


Early evening gratitude. I’m not able to catch up on the thread and I’m grateful that’s ok :pray:
Today I’m grateful for sleeping in and sleeping on after a short trip to feed the cats. Cat on me = falling asleep instantly :orange_heart:
I’m grateful I nonetheless got fresh veggies, I was the last customer before the local farmer closed for the weekend :pray: Lucky me!

I’m grateful I stocked up on canned food like beans, lentils and corn, I used up most of it. I’m grateful my favourite juice brand was on sale today. I don’t drink a lot of juice and this multipack will last for long. I’m grateful I proceed in emptying the freezer. Yummi fish is waiting for dinner.

I’m grateful I got to get the car washed today. Boy was that needed.

I’m grateful for understanding friends who don’t mind that I needed some quiet time today. We will talk another day :pray:

I’m grateful I did the bare minimum today, not even vacuumed. I’m grateful I take time to rest and recover from yesterday’s absurdity. I’m grateful it’s out of my control and I don’t try to change the situation. Instead I work on acceptance and allow my grim sense of humor to be a bit bitchy and sarcastic. I’m grateful there’s power in surrendering as I can do shit about nothing. Time to focus on other things :blush: I’m grateful this perspective lightens my heart and I feel good energy coming again to make plans for this year. I’m grateful I heartfeltly don’t give a fuck anymore.
I’m grateful it will be an early night today. I love winter mornings and tomorrow a nice one is forecasted. ODAAT


I am grateful that I don’t have plans today, I needed a good sleep in. I am grateful for warm blankets on cold mornings. Truly grateful for you lovely fellow grateful people.