Friday Thread #3

This is awesome my friend. :hugs: It does get easier! Glad you found a safe way to work out your urges :people_hugging:


Thanks Jasmine. I got to 14 months + sober so I do know that it all starts falling into place! I don’t know why this time Its harder. :confounded:


My thinking is that your addict mind knows that you are capable of being sober and is fighting harder this time around.
Each time I would quit smoking the next time was so much worse in getting back and staying in quit mode.


Mmmm good thought. The strange thing is how tight alcohol has me. I decide to vape on and off these days… Mostly off 95% of the time. But I can pick it up and drop it easily.

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Good morning, sober folks.

Have a nice Friday and a great weekend ahead!


I’m late to the friday thread, it’s almost over here.
What a day!!! I’m not sure if there’s a similar term in English: We have a term called Heiteres Bezirksgericht refering to funny/idiotic/ surreal/ nonsense trials at the local court level.
I had my episode today. Back to square one with the expertise on the market value. The expert annoyed the judge, this idiot couldn’t even explain correctly on what he based his report in the 1st - FIRST - question that my ex’ lawyer presented :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming: Well, the judge was not amused about the comment " I always do it this way!". Not the best argument in court when your report must contain valid values.
So this expert was fired, the judge mumbled that the choice to appoint this expert was a grasp into the loo (phrase literally translated :grin:) and he will appoint another one to make a new expertise on the market value of the farm.
YEAH, another year down with no settlement and no end in sight :woman_facepalming:
More costs.
I really hope for my idiotic ex he finds some dumbass to pay the lunatic amount of money he thinks the farm is worth. My lawyer told them, in this case I would sell the next day with a kiss on the hand :face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl:
So I was surrounded by idiots in the morning, had a rest at the farmhouse to heat and go through the post and a lovely afternoon with hours of eating and chatting with a friend. I even stopped by at a party from other friends for an hour before I drove home and fell into my beloved cozy bed where I sort out the day with purring cats on and around me.

If I could draw, my grim sense of humor would make a comic of this whole idiotic way to separate finances in divorce. If someone is familiar with the Clever & Smart comics … I see parallels :see_no_evil:

Have a good sober friday folks whatever you are doing or have done :sunflower::four_leaf_clover:


My favorite drink day of the week, and I made it through number 2 of them sober… woohoo
Wife and I looked at some larger 5th wheel travel trailers at an RV show today then began planning our next phase of retirement and moving back to BC a year this summer.
I thought she may wish me to build her a house on our cabin property, but she says she loved the idea of a good sized travel trailer, hanging at property in BC for spring and summer and hitting the road travelling in fall and perhaps head south in winter.

Such a great day as that is what I really wish to do. Stay mobile, explore, hike, enjoy life and the outdoors!!

Hope you all had a great day as well


Happy Friday folks. I’m halfway through my work shift and the next two days are mine.
Tomorrow one of my friends is coming over for a mending party (nope for real). She is my craftiest friend and will bring her basket of mending so we can chat and patch up some holes in jeans, fix seams and maybe, just maybe I’ll learn how to use my sewing machine. I’m going to cook butter chicken and spanikopita.

Sunday is the Lions day in our house. Quick confession, before I met my husband I was a sportsball girl. That’s right, I low key mocked people who got enjoyment out of watching sports. I think I was just young and sure I was the coolest. Now I get it AND I realize that it is pretty much the lowest form of loathsome to mock something someone really enjoys. My husband has been a Lions fan since he was a kiddo so Sunday is exciting for him. I’ll wear a jersey and eat chicken wings (my favorite part). Happy weekends to all, drinking is for dopes.


Happy Friday. I’m done with work for the day and about to settle down for several hours of gaming. My partner messaged me today to let me know that the next Final Fantasy 7 remake game won’t be released on the PS4. I told him that clearly it is time to invest in a PS5. I got no push back on that (didn’t expect any). :laughing:


Happy Friday gang!

I actually got a lot of work done today!

I am pretty sure the polar vortex has left town, while we still have snow on the ground, the ice had melted from the trees. It was fun while it lasted.

Not much going on in my world tonight, just about to throw some lasagna in the oven, eat dinner, and then repair to my chambers where I will enjoy some unadulterated television streaming services!


HOW Awesome is that – hope you girls have a great time! I absolutely love Spanikopita - enjoy the day Emilie!
Have a great day Sunday - Go Lions!


Happy Friday my sober peeps

I didn’t get my ultra sound done today as i had hoped — no worries - have an appointment for tomorrow. Did get my blood drawn and got the snow shoveled at the house. Took a big chunk of my day and then i did get a good 3 hour lie down. Grateful it is the weekend and no urges to speak of. Looking forward to some warmer days ahead with no snow.

Hoping you all are having a fantastic start to this weekend!



You tell your Husband that most of Seattle is rooting for his Lions. As they say here in the Emerald City, “If not the Seahawks, why not the Lions?”. I’m pretty sure they say that.


Well my Friday started out pretty nicely with a planned convo about a job possibility that led to a job offer! After several years out of the workforce I got a part time gig doing office type stuff for my realtor. Starts February 13th! I’m really excited to start working again and have a set weekly schedule, Monday-Friday 9 am - 1 pm.

I haven’t been sleeping well, so after that high, I crashed and relaxed/napped the rest of the day until my husband took me out to a fancy meal. Lovely. A good day. Now we are watching Alien Covenant for the millionth time before calling it a relatively early night.


Congrats on your new job Rosa! What a lovely way to start off the weekend.



Thanks! It was 6 or so months in the making and finally happened, so it feels real now!


I’ll tell him someone says that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I hope its their time.

I always liked Pete Carroll, maybe that’s a sore spot these days. :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

Edited to say my husband just re-assured me that liking Pete Carroll is always in season. Phew.

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Hey!! That is super exciting. New opportunities await. Congratulations!


Hey hey! Job offer! Fantastic! Congrats!


That’s great news!!! Congratulations on your new job Rosa :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: