Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I love this, I am writing it down.
Thanks for sharing



I even said this right here yesterday :scream::rofl::scream::rofl:
Maybe I should go back and read my own quotes.

It’s amazing how @Chevy55 gave me the exactly the reenforcement I needed. Thanks Nick. You have no idea how this helped me. I’m grateful you’re here.


I’m grateful that, while I’m not nearly as mobile and physically strong as I was a few years ago, I can still walk and go about my every day life as needed, even if I still have constant pain. I’m grateful that the time and effort I’ve put in to this situation has allowed me to slowly separate from the medical system. Maybe I’m just stubborn, but no I don’t want anymore surgeries and no I don’t want anymore medication, I want to figure out how to help myself without those kinds of things. I’m grateful that past me had a study focus on “movement as medicine”. I wanted to help other people, but I never thought I would be my own patient at such a young age.

@Davina_Davis Congrats on your 30 days!
@Dazercat I’m happy to hear your wife went with you on that walk. All change, even good change, can take time to adjust to.
@erntedank You really have come so far. Hang in there. You can do this.
@Spidey Great work on your one month!


I’m happy to have helped when it was your words that spoke to me :heart:.
I guess this group really does raise us up by just listening, sharing, understanding and being there.

Have a wonderful day Eric


I read your quote here after responding on the other thread and thought “wow, what a coincidence!”… great minds think alike. And it was the topic at my ladies AA meeting last night. This alcoholic blamed everyone and everything for my drinking. It was never my fault! Glad that way of thinking is in the past. Perfect timing for that quote.


I’m grateful I posted on here last night.

I’m grateful it helped.
I’m grateful for all the support and raccoon hugs.
I’m grateful for my recoveries. I’m grateful for your recovery :mending_heart:
I’m grateful god is up there tap dancing a mile a minute giving me exactly what I need if I let him.
I’m grateful I got a warm Mavy on my lap.
I’m grateful the wife is up and I can be civil.
I’m grateful I can still be angry.
I’m grateful I feel angry and I don’t think I feel resentful.
I’m grateful I have no idea what’s in store today. Except I have a meeting I get to go to. And the Bills won’t be loosing today :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful I can walk.
I’m grateful I get to walk Benson in a few.
I’m grateful I can hear.
I’m grateful I can see.
I’m grateful I could see the almost full moon last night from this chair right here as it was shining in my kitchen window through the trees. I’m grateful I get to see sunrises in the morning. I’m grateful today’s sunrise was just right. It wasn’t spectacular or picture worthy. But I was still beautiful and I’m grateful I got to stop and look at it with Benson this morning.
I’m grateful I can ask my god or HP for help in guidance today. I’m grateful I see myself doing that more.
I’m grateful Scottsdale has a boat load of all kinds of in person recovery that I can choose from.

I’m grateful I heard at the AA speaker meeting Friday

It was a good topic and grateful I heard that message.
That God could and would if He were sought.
Big Book pg 60

Also grateful to read that it’s impossible for me to adhere to spiritual perfection. I just need to practice progress.
I’m grateful I see me doing the best I can.


Today I’m grateful that I’m able to cook a Sunday roast for my whole family. Grateful my daughter and her partner came round too. Grateful for cold water after burning my hand :woman_facepalming:t2: after just over 6 years sober must still learn to slow down, grateful that I recognise this. Grateful for my daughter walking Rocky. Grateful my senior cat, Suki, is sleeping today even though she woke me every 2 hours last night!! :see_no_evil:
Super grateful for another day sober and the blessings I have in my life. :rose::v:


@erntedank sorry about the devastating dream. So grateful for your strength and the work you have been putting in towards finding yourself and all the selfcare you are investing in. Want you to know that you are a BADASS! You sure as hell are FREE :heart: :hugs:
@pandita Grateful your cousin is ok and that you were available to be there for her daughter. SO grateful that you realized that shortcuts do not exist and trauma can cause the addict mind to awaken. Grateful that you did seek support and are working on broadening your support circle. WE are all here for you too my friend. You are not alone. :people_hugging:
@spidey WOOT WOOT 1 month + of sobriety is awesome enough but to also have completed your first sober birthday in that time frame is flipping amazing – keep this momentum going strong :muscle:

So much love in my heart on this beautiful Sunday morning – a lot to be grateful for
I am so grateful that i did get some sound sleep even if it wasn’t a lot of hours to sleep.
I am so grateful that i was able to get up and get to the store for my brother’s smoothie ingredients before he woke up (was not able to make it yesterday)
I am so grateful that the store is close and i was able to drive super slow as the freezing rain had made the roads a bit slick. Grateful that i did not get all discombobulated when cut off by trucks and large vehicles (people really have no sense or care).
I am so grateful that i got to my parents place early enough spent some lovely time with my mom. Had a lovely conversation and yummy coffee!
I am so grateful for cold pizza for breakfast - went really well with hot coffee :yum:
I am so grateful that i was able to do a manicure yesterday. Didn’t have much energy for much else so it was nice to tend to my nails.
I am so grateful for a warm bed and a dry safe space to live.
I am so grateful for a full active day tomorrow. Grateful that i am mentally prepared for it and making sure to take my notepad so that i remember any prep and care instructions for before / after surgery care.
I am so grateful for my family and friends. Grateful for the unconditional support and love!
I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful for my practices of meditation and prayer. Grateful for my connections to my HP and to myself. Grateful for growing and learning to live a addiction free lifestyle. Grateful that i am happily learning to live on life’s terms (knowing that all days are not rainbows and sunshine but hell that would take away from us realizing how great the Good days really are).
I am so grateful for comedy and laughter. Grateful that this is my go to medication - really helps me out of my mental funk.
I am so grateful for this community! Grateful that we can have this safe place to gain support from - a place to vent and be heart - a place where we are not alone and are among others who understand our journey.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful for the surprise I woke up to this morning. It brightened my day so much.



That’s just gods way of remaining anonymous.
That’s what Einstein said. Hard to argue with that guy.
Specially since he’s dead :dizzy_face:


Evening gratitude.
Thank you all for your encouragement and kind words :pray::people_hugging:

I’m grateful the day is over and I had some good hours knitting and listening to an audiobook (still not really keen on audiobooks but will continue to try various books).

I’m grateful I stopped the full blown pity-party I found myself in, sobbing in codependent agony. I’m grateful for my temper, sometimes it needs a kick up the ass as the proper form of kindness and caring for me.
I’m grateful I forced myself to make something of the fruit mush I put out of the freezer yesterday. It’s cooling down now. And it tasted good on a banana.
I’m grateful I can see space, empty blanks where I’ve been decluttering in babysteps for the last weeks, one item here, two items there. I’m grateful that doing little babysteps add up over time :pray:

I’m grateful I forced heavy grooming on the old boy today. His fur is knotty and twisted in some spots because he hasn’t been cooperative for weeks. I don’t give a fuck on his scolding. It’s my resposibility that his fur is in a healthy shape.

I’m grateful I had a good time fumbling with the seedlings today. It triggered my anxiety and helplessnes, I’m bad in waiting for an unpredictable outcome that will turn my life in one direction or another. Maybe I’m only stuck in my head from too much sorting my thoughts this week and make mountains out of molehills. I’m good in making moutains out of molehills. I miss my emotional support poster.

I’m grateful I took a high dose of my sleeping meds, I need 8 h of sleep tonight. I’m grateful I’m off to bed. ODAAT :pray:


It’s been quite a day and I’m very tired, so just five quick things.
I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for the sun.
I’m grateful for the walk we took today.
I’m grateful for the nice evening spent with my kid.
I’m grateful for feeling tired and going to bed in a few.
Good night everyone :sleeping:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for …
2days 21hours until takeoff
Morning cuddles with Boscoe. Yeah i sniffed him like ppl sniff newborns lol love the lil guy
A wonderful time with the family last night
My folks, my family
My sobriety and the 12 step promises coming true
Hubbys sobriety
Our agreement of no booze or weed on our vacation
Chiefs are in it baby! Im not concerned about watching the superbowl…may watch it from coasta rica
The beautiful sunrise
Clean water
Good food
Hubbys cooking me a steak dinner tonight as a prize for meeting my weightloss goal, a year in the making
Being in a great mood and not letting my fear of the other foot dropping spoil my happy.
Just for today.
One day at a time
Let go and let god.

Much love soberinos


Good Monday, fellow wanderers! Today I am grateful that we are having a warm spell and it was 70 degrees F here yesterday, and should be another warm one today. We need a few more weeks of winter but a couple days of spring like weather gives my a glimpse of what to look forward to. I’m not much of a football girl, but I’m grateful that the team that all of the men in my family love won yesterday and are headed to the superbowl. It tickles me to see them so tickled. I am grateful for Lindt chocolates. I know that these sugar craving are part of being AF, and I need to curb them soon, but man these Lindts have been simply delightful. ODAAT everyone, hope we all have a great week. Xo


I’m grateful it’s been a month and a half since I gave up caffeine. I don’t usually pay attention to my counters (partially because a while back my phone died and took my counters with it, and also at a certain point it just stopped mattering to me because as long as I am clean waking up and clean going to bed, as long as in this moment that is where I am, then that is what matters), but it is still quite relevant to me as I feel very low on energy right now and I know that a quick burst of energy would be easy to get.

@Davina_Davis Lindts are truly god’s gift to the chocolate world. :joy:


I am grateful to have a change of perspective and that it has brought smiles to my face for the last two days.


Oh… I’m also really grateful that one of my foster children woke up with crazy funny bed head after having gone to sleep fresh after having a bath last night. The laughter has made today seem easier.


Good morning G-Dudes
I’m grateful I slept in.
I’m grateful I led a kick ass meeting on anger last night.
I’m grateful I have no morning recovery routine now :blush: still :grimacing:
I’m grateful it’s kind of hard getting use to that. I’m grateful that’s cool.
I’m grateful I know getting out of my comfort zone is good for my recoveries.
I’m grateful I got a shit ton of recovery the rest of the day.
I’m grateful I screwed around on Twitter to stock up on memes this morning.
I’m grateful for my coffee meme buddy.
I’m grateful for step 4
I’m grateful for my Ember coffee cup and my coffee is still hot 20 minutes later.
I’m grateful for sunny weather.
I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful for Mother Nature
I’m grateful for my pets.
I’m grateful for my wife
I’m grateful I can still hate the addict.
I’m grateful I can talk about that at therapy today.

I’m grateful I get to want to be so welcoming to new people at my Al-Anon meetings when people show up in tears with their shattered lives. I’m grateful after they hear all this polite gracious serious shit about how recovery works I think they need someone to say THIS SHIT SUCKS! I’m grateful I always get a smile and a welcoming look of agreement.
I’m grateful I think I’m better when I just be myself.
I’m grateful for all you fucking gratidudes.
I’m grateful this gratitude shit doesn’t suck :upside_down_face:
I’m grateful it works if you let it.

I’m grateful for Tom Petty :pray:t2: :notes::musical_score::notes::musical_note::heart:
Hey baby
There ain’t no easy way out (I won’t back down)
Hey I will stand my ground
And I won’t back down

Well, I know what’s right
I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin’ me around
But I’ll stand my ground
And I won’t back down


I am grateful to know what is important to myself to be the best ME I can be.

Implementing the acts needed to achieve results is the challenge of the day.

Have a great day .


Grateful to see you posting again @tailee17