Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
64 days free from all unhealthy addictions
Giving myself grace
Time with hubby and Boscoe
My folks
A new day
Improving mental health
Progress rather than perfection
Fall weather
Looking forward to friday payday
Hot coffee
Our home
Our safety

Much love my sober warrior buddies


I’m grateful action speaks louder than thoughts :pray:

I did it. I tackled the task. I’m grateful it went well. I uncoupled the 600 kg rototiller from the tractor. On my own, alone. I’m so grateful I watched and listened carefully in spring when the mechanic showed me how to couple it without help :pray:
I’m grateful for my late friends who always encouraged me to try and don’t give up. I know they were with me and they are proud of me on the other side of the rainbow :orange_heart:

I’m grateful I’m crying of relief and gratitude. Another brick in the wall to rebuild confidence in myself. How come that I lost so much of it in our relationship? Because there was always someone to take care and help so I didn’t have to face things alone? Because I thought others can do things much better than I do? Because I avoided to do things I was not comfortable with or had anxiety?

Whatever the reasons are, it’s possible to get competence again! There must be a rest of trust in my own abilities, otherwise I would not try and get help where I need it. Words can hardly share how I feel now, my heart is sparkling with gratitude, relief, joy and so many other feelings.
And I’m grateful for my reliable tractor which started without problems after standing around for months. And that I managed to park it in front of the garage before it started to rain. Love my big boy. I’m grateful I gifted myself with it on my 40th birthday 10 years ago. Now the time has come that I use it myself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:


Go you, that must feel so amazing to achieve yourself :heartpulse:


Good morning.

I am grateful that I woke up today.

I am grateful that I am clean and that I have another chance to live another beautiful day making the right choices to keep myself that way. I am grateful that it always comes down to a choice.

I am grateful for equanimity and how well that spiritual principle serves me daily. I am grateful for detaching with love, sometimes detaching with hope and sometimes just detaching because Im too tired of the games to feel love or hope that day.

I am grateful that when I got this text at 9 last night I felt numb…

I am grateful for all the ways my body and brain help me survive this crazy life. I am grateful that this morning when I reread that text I felt some sadness, deep sadness and a whole lot of powerlessness.

I am grateful for the program of Narcotics Anonymous and that I KNOW that ANY addict who wants recovery need not die from this disease. I know that friend of mine, knows my phone number, I know she knows where all the meetings are and that I would pick her up. I am grateful that I know its all about her choices.

I am grateful for my life today. I am grateful I am not faced every minute with chasing a fucking high that I can never attain and that chaos that comes with active addiction. I am grateful for the addicts who go back out and are stark reminders of that for me.



I love this.
I’m grateful maybe I don’t always have to detach with love.
Thank you. :pray:t2:


I’m grateful, I guess I’m trying to learn it’s ok to give myself time to heal. Not beat myself up because I’m was so fucking angry and resentful towards her for the past couple of days. Yes it was an Al-Anon relapse. I’m grateful I did have some good moments the past few days.

I’m grateful I shared over here this morning and worked things out in my head Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict? - #1146 by Dazercat

I’m grateful sometimes it just comes down to forgiveness. And maybe it just has to fester a day or 2 before I can let go. And can forgive. I’m grateful for my feelings. The negative uncomfortable ones and the comfortable good ones.

I’m grateful I stubbed the shit out of my 4th toe yesterday. I actually think I broke it. It looks like a knockwurst. It hurt like hell. It still hurts today. But hurts less. Tomorrow it will hurt even less. I’m grateful to learn I got to give emotional pain just like physical pain time to heal. I still feel the hurt on that toe the day after. Hurts like hell today. But it is a little better. Maybe tomorrow I’ll forgive that stupid little toe and it won’t hurt anymore. Should it be any different with emotional pain?

I’m grateful for my last :croissant: with coffee.
Grateful I don’t do that at home.
Grateful for the nice meals out while here.
Grateful I get to go home and see my cats and dog :cry: I’m grateful it still hurts to write dog and not dogs :cry: I cannot remember last time we were a single dog family. I’m grateful for my Home Screen pic of Minnie. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it’s love. But all the time it’s beauty.


“Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.”
Roberto Assagioli


I’m grateful to God for guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for kittens and that Peace talks when he eats. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation. I’m grateful that when I meditate now its harder to stay awake with this little angel purring on my leg, chest , shoulder, of foot. I’m grateful that my sponsee and I had a good chat yesterday and he threw out his paraphernalia. I’m grateful for the Thanksgiving lunch I just enjoyed with my fellow tenants and that a few of my friends from the rooms came in and prepared the meal. I’m grateful I will see my sister and parents for early dinner. I’m grateful I can share photos on this home thread and not have to search for a pet thread, I know they are there. I’m grateful for now this thread in conjunction with the rest of the things I do for my recovery is enough, sometimes maybe too much.

I’m grateful for music, humor, laughter and creativity. I’m grateful for the fun, creativity, joy and tears the communication between the dog girl and Peace brought me thanks M

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a miracle. Ya you!!


I’m grateful for the way I am.
I don’t mean that in a selfish way, more in this way that I accepted who I am. And I like who and how I am. With all the good and the bad.
I’m grateful for my curiosity, the way I feel when I look at the stars, my humor, my optimism, my creativity.
I may not have the healthiest body but it’s still a fantastic vessel that lets me do what I have to do :heart:
Years ago I did hate myself. I thought that I earn everything bad that happens to me, that I’m a failure and that my family… everybody would be better without me.


I am grateful you awoke today too.

Pretty happy I woke up too. Actually hubby woke me up as he slept late too.

Grateful day al good


Morning gratitude.
I’m grateful @Dazercat 's post reminded me to work on forgiveness. I have heavy resentments on my ex and this fucking dry stone wall. This dammed wall got way more attention and time than we and me during at least the last 3 years of our relationship. Well, I have a lot to detach and forgive but atm I just want to cover the whole thing with concrete and thus finish it so there’s finally a driveway. Serenity and patience … Everything will work out as it is meant to be :pray:
I’m grateful I slept quite well and the cats were purring and cuddling on me. I’m grateful I calm myself from destructive thoughts, at least for now. Chewing on issues out of my control only hurts me and doesn’t change a iota. Besides that I get angry on myself. I’m grateful a hot cup of tea and a hot shower will help :pray: ODAAT


I’m so grateful to read this! Especially given your earlier post. What a win! Enough for the rest of us to coast a little on your victory!

If you lived closer I’d suggest we help each other out :joy: but alas, an ocean prevents us from scheduling a “work party” and tea! Ill settle for pics and your posts :wink:.

The stone wall is quite the metaphor… when my ex and I went to marriage counselling, the counsellor told us about “stone walling” behaviour - when one of the partners basically digs in their heels, shuts down communication, is not open to the other, etc. I can see why the wall bothers you! Hopefully it can transform, can become something intentional for you…

As for your friends on the other side helping you, just beautiful. :pray::rainbow: I find myself talking to my dear late dad a lot, recently about how to work a chainsaw :relieved::rofl:

Onward, friend. Grateful for you :orange_heart:


This is a very interesting post. Lots to Google! Thanks


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety,
522 days free from weed and alcohol
65 days free from vaping
Got my ass up and to the gym
Kickass workout that burned 550cal
A workday
Payday tmrw
My homegroup ladies aa meeting tonight
Hubby said he’d cook us some steak for dinner tonight
Feeling better
My folks
My family
Get to celebrate hubbys birthday this weekend
Autumn weather
This amazing community that reminds me to be diligent

Much love my sober peeps


I’m grateful today for another day sober and as always, this wonderful community. Also grateful for…
:pray:being able to help a couple of friends in need, he has heart failure and needed emergency bypass, she is now the full time caregiver. It feels good to be able to bring them supper and lend emotional support. Aging is a fact of life, so is the fact that it is now our time… We used to deal with our aging parents and their various issues as they neared end of life, and now it our time.
:pray: another day on this planet full of possibilities.
:pray: a good convo with husband about self care, I hope he will actually do it.
:pray: being mobile enough to ride my bike and go for walks and do yoga.
:pray: my kitties


Today I am grateful that it’s almost the weekend. I’ve been feeling sluggish all week and I can’t wait to sleep in and decorate for Halloween :jack_o_lantern:


My ex never instructed me how to use one, so I will attend a chainsaw workshop for women next year :rofl:
Too sad that we can’t schedule a work party! I would be in :+1::blush:

Evening gratitude.
I’m grateful the drive to the garage and home was easy, little traffic. I’m grateful for google maps, my orientation is crap :see_no_evil: I’m grateful the annual inspection of the tractor was ok. I’m grateful the mechanic said they will come over to my place if I can’t make the other tractor work (or drive it, never did, bought it years ago for my ex who hardly used it). I’m grateful my insurance agent gave me this garage’s adress. Well, they all go there so I was convinced they’re doing a good job.

I’m grateful this task is ticked off for this year :pray:

I’m grateful for yummi breakfast, lunch and dinner. I spoiled myself with toast.
I’m grateful I started to work through the magazines that have piled up in the last weeks.
I’m grateful I put laundry away.

I’m grateful I started a new book and sat with my thoughts on the second chapter for quite some time. Not comfortable but exactly what I need at the moment. I’m grateful things come when I need them, not when I wish for. Let go and let God.
Right afterwards I came over here and read your post @m-be-free49 Emm! I was chewing on my attitude about the dry stone wall and your post hit home :pray: kind of magic :dizzy:

I’m grateful I did sort out some crappy feelings today, I feel more stable again :pray:
I’m grateful for freedom, peace, having enough, loving cats, dear friends, reliable vehicles, autumn sunshine, being kind to myself and others, my cozy bed waiting for me ans so much more :pray: ODAAT6


@erntedank SO grateful that you are doing better in 1 day. I say your post about struggling on a hamsterwheel and wanted to reply but didn’t realize a whole day had gone by. So grateful that you got your tractor working -that you uncoupled the rototiller. That you are one bad ass powerful woman that can do anything she sets her mind to.

I felt this today. Yes – feel like sometimes just detaching from it ALL is the only way to begin to feel connections. Grateful to be reminded that we all have our own choices to make and can’t be responsible for others. :heart:
@dazercat How is your toe doing today? Did you get it checked out to make sure it wasn’t broken?

Grateful that you have come a long ways from your way of thinking. We are richer because we know you and have you with us. Grateful that you are giving your body the love and nourishment it needs to better serve you :heart: :hugs:
@bootz that is a beautiful well crafted web -thank you for sharing. OOH a perfect recording of crickets chanting would be awesome if it could be done. :heart:


This makes me tear up a tiny bit :pleading_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


awe babe - much love to you!
do know that you are loved and cared for
:heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thursday afternoon gratitude’s … realized this morning that i never did get around to writing out my gratitude’s that were in my head yesterday. Grateful that i didn’t miss another day … here goes

Today i’m grateful for my friends daughter having a head scan this morning. Them finding a large mass at the back of her head and immediately admitted her for a surgery. She is now out of the surgery and hopefully will be waking up shortly. Grateful that I was able to be there for my friend via phone today. Grateful that he was able to be humorous for his daughter and send her into surgery laughing. Grateful his ex was able to pick up their youngest from school. So crazy how a day can turn. Grateful everyone is ok.
EDIT - everything went well - mostly was old blood (hematoma) and no tumor!!! :pray:
I am so grateful that at this moment i am really craving hard but know that i will not give in to the beast. I have showered, eaten salty snacks and now doing gratitude’s. I will continue to keep myself busy till the feeling passes (i know i’ve over extended myself this week and am just tired so my defenses are down). This too shall pass.
I am so grateful that my results from the nodule and polyps found in last weeks procedures came back normal and benign. Unfortunately no answers to what is actually causing the inflammation.
I am so grateful that i was able to make an appointment for an MRI for my cyst in early November and get an appointment with a new OB at the end of Nov. Grateful that i do not have to deal with this current OB again. Grateful that my doctor convinced me to have the MRI as the cyst is growing and now has a mass in it. Fingers crossed that this is all normal ish shit.
I am so grateful that i ordered a carpet cleaner that arrived today as our old one died. Grateful for Amazon to be able to get this so quickly as the store was out of stock.
I am so grateful that my aunt’s landscaping guy said he can clean up the landscaping at the house tomorrow. will charge $17/hr (DAMN that’s cheap) and expects to take about 5.5 hours. I am in shock and so grateful for this. I know i would have really caused major inflammation if i attempted to do all of this.
I am so grateful that I got to enjoy a lovely cup of coffee with my mom this morning. I do love our Thursday - Sunday times as the mornings are not so chaotic and i can pop over for some one on one time.
I am so grateful that its been a rainy kinda day and I’m cozy indoors.
I am so grateful for memes and the power they have to help us escape crappy moods.
I am so grateful for sleep. Grateful that i realize that i am still exhausted even after a decent nights rest. Grateful to know that this is ok and i will regain my energy soon enough.
I am grateful for the TS group and all the love / support i receive here daily.
Hope you are all having a bomb ass addiction free day! Sending you all much love :heart: :heart: