Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I am grateful it’s Spring. Even though there was a huge frost this morning and it’s COLD. Warmer days are ahead.
I am grateful for a warm house and car this morning.
I am grateful my husband didn’t drink last night, that’s a big one.
I am grateful for my health.
I am grateful for another day to be a better version of myself than yesterday. Spring, rebirth, new and exciting things ahead.


Today I am so grateful for 176 af. I have two of my grandsons here until Thursday. Today is the younger ones (7th) birthday. :partying_face: So today is all about him! I wish you all a good day!!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


I’m grateful that I somehow accidently turned on my old 6am Zelda feeding alarm as it woke me from a rather unpleasant dream. But now I am awake. I forsee a small morning nap in my future.

@Naomi happy birthday!


Im greatful for this reminder this morning
Progress rather than perfection
The Pause
Prayer, even though it feels akward
A mind that works well
A job that pays
My mom watching Boscoe last night
Hubbys pep talk


I am grateful I could write my (not so grateful) thoughts down yesterday in the check-in thread. I am grateful for the comforting replies and also for the sweet birthday wishes.

I am grateful I can talk about the past with a close friend who’s an ex-JW activist. He also keeps me posted on what happens in that cult. Sometimes I don’t want to know, but I can’t help it. My family is trapped and I want to know what the church is teaching them.
I know about 20 ex-JW’s and only three of them are, as far as I know, pretty ‘normal’. The rest is fucked up. I am grateful I didn’t go to a point of no return.
I am grateful my parents and sister still want to see me, that’s not something to take for granted. My brothers, also ex-JW, totally cut off my JW family and me included because I still talk to my family. I am grateful I finally made peace with their decision.
I am grateful I’m sober, as I would get emotional and argumentative about this shit if I’d drink. I am grateful my son grew up without religious dogma. I am grateful I got out of the spell.

I am grateful I’m feeling physically slightly better. I am grateful for sunshine during our morning walk and during the false fire alarm this afternoon. I am grateful I worked yesterday, so today only half a day of work.


I’m grateful we made it to Cali yesterday and we both :heart: love :heart: the house. I’m grateful we got a shit ton of work to do in the next few hundred ODAATs to make this our forever home. Forever is not going to be long this time :scream: I’m grateful we can treat it like our last home and fix it up the way we want without ever having to worry about resale. I’m grateful I’m done! I’m grateful this is my fucking opus!

I’m grateful maybe, just maybe, finally, I’ve come to acceptance. I’m grateful I can let go of hope in other people and get back to myself. Hope in myself. I’m grateful all my worrying about who I would be traveling with yesterday, sober wife or drinking too much wife was for not. Of course she drank too much. I’m grateful that’s what alcoholics do. I’m grateful maybe I can finally accept that fact. I’m grateful I can try and not let Lucy pull that football out from underneath me anymore if I just accept the fact she has a disease, and just know. She’s gonna drink :man_shrugging: It’s what alcoholics do. I’m grateful I’m safe. I’m grateful I love my wife with this disease. I’m grateful I get to work on loving her more :face_holding_back_tears: I’m grateful in my mind this is the only option.
I’m grateful for this beautiful life. I’m grateful for this next new adventure in my life.

I’m grateful I get another day to turn my will and my life and my wife’s life over to the care of god. I’m grateful for my courage to keep moving forward. I’m grateful for both my recoveries without them I’d be a drunken bum.

Grateful for y’all.
Grateful for all the rain in Cali as it looks beautiful and so green out here now. Grateful my house is dry on the inside. I’m grateful all that weather, rain, gave it a great test before the inspections.

“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Seriously :flushed: I quoting Harry Potter :man_facepalming:


Can’t wait to see the pics of your new garden. You’ve got cacti (or is it cactuses?) at the new casa?

@Steve14 how cool is it to still function after short nights right? Those mornings are a walk in the park in comparison to the hungover days of the past.


Great Steve ! , Keep it up good work


Thank you…so crazy. Now it seems to be an electrical fire and we are on hold till investigation is complete. Saying 3-4 days min :woman_facepalming:t4:
These are the times it sucks to work for yourself. Still super grateful that no one was hurt and we will get through this too.


I’m grateful for my “picture this,” app. It’s going to get a lot of use in my new Cali garden. It’s HUGE! :rose:🪻 :cherry_blossom: :hibiscus: :tulip::sunflower: :blossom: I’m going to be in heaven with it. Grateful to meet my new gardener tomorrow who works it if he’s willing to stay on. I’m grateful to be going from :cactus: to :lemon:


I’ve had a near brush with losing all I own to a fire, so I can sympathize greatly. Hang in there. While difficult now, this will pass and become a memory soon enough. :heart:


That’s exactly what I was thinking about earlier. Passing out sleeping 8 hours and feeling like a big pile of :poop: I will take this over that any day!


Thank you!

  • I am grateful for waking up sober, not waking up needing a drink to function and face the day.

  • I am grateful for my friends on this app, who face the same struggles I do, and aren’t judgmental.

  • I am grateful for my health

  • I am grateful for the nice weather today

  • I am grateful that I’m seeing a positive change in my son’s behavior and he’s focusing more at school.

  • I am grateful for being alive and just experiencing life in general—some of us didn’t wake up this morning.

  • Im grateful for my Big Book, my home group and my sponsor.

#ODAAT :heart:


@erntedank I am so grateful for the lovely sprouts and haul you’ve gotten so far – looking great friend. I have always wanted to start sprouting in doors and be ahead when spring hits but alas not this year. What a surprise to be producing something different than the seeds you think you planted :laughing:
@chiron thank you friend. I am sorry that you have had to deal with a fire in the past – definitely very scary stuff. I do hope you were able to get in a restful nap today.

Tuesday afternoon gratefulness
I am so grateful for another day breathing and being alive.
I am so grateful that my brother is coming around and it almost feels like old times.
I am so grateful that my brother is available now (since we can’t open the restaurant till DTE does its investigation) so that he can take my mom to her follow up appointment tomorrow. I really wanted someone to go with her to take notes and gather all the information from her surgeon. Hoping to weigh out the options for radiation.
I am so grateful that we live so close to a grocery store / pharmacy.
I am so grateful for comfy seat cushions that allow some relief to my spine.
I am so grateful for leftovers. Grateful that my dad can heat them up easily.
I am so grateful for sourdough bread - grateful that i am not having any issues with digesting this bread.
I am so grateful for red light therapy belt.
I am so grateful for my long arm back scratcher.
I am so grateful for being able to take a long warm shower and drink some dark hot chocolate
I am so grateful for comfy indoor shoes.
I am so grateful for prayer and meditation to help my mindset and keep me from being sucked in the negative hole.
I am so grateful for family and friends - love my TS friends. Grateful for such amazing connections. Not sure where i would be without you all.
I am so grateful for seeing beauty and life in everything… practice of gratitude stays with me and is very uplifting.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I woke up pretty ok this morning, no headache, no heartache. That I am grateful for.
I am grateful my morning was productive, but I also managed to take my breaks, connect, be in my body, listen to it, surrender to the present moment. I am very proud of myself here :smiling_face:
I am grateful I kept my food journal, I am grateful my relationship with it has changed: from a hassle and something that would take the fun out of eating, to a very useful tool that makes me comfortable around food. I am grateful I was mindful through my meals and thus enjoyed them far more than otherwise.
I am grateful for class, and also for easter break coming next week. I am grateful for the nice weather and me enjoying the sun today. I am grateful for a good yoga class, and also for feeling my limits and cutting it short when I felt tired.
I am grateful for moving forward emotionally and letting go of a marriage that can not survive like that.
I am grateful for being tired and bedtime approaching soon :night_with_stars:


Absolutely! :star2::star2::star2::star2:


Very grateful for 90 days af, 6 months no nicotine and one hour disordered eating free. I am grateful for this space and all the support here. I am grateful for my family.


Grateful for Day 18 being nearly done.
Grateful for a rough recovery day, but not wanting to drink over it.
Grateful I have a lot of healing to do, as that helps me see how harmful alcohol is to me, and helps me stay more focused in these early days.
Grateful for this community, as community has always been the key to my recovery.
Grateful for all of you.


I am grateful to be sober and tucked into bed with Will :cat: and netflix.

I am grateful that my knee jerk reaction to a difficult situation or bad mood doesnt have to be to drink alcohol. I choose to respond differently.

I am grateful for good food and hot showers.

I am grateful for my sig otha and proud of him as he is almost 7 months sober.

I am grateful to be here with you all. :heart: