Gardening In Recovery

Every year I grow different flowers in my window box this year Iā€™m growing 5 different Sunflowers :sunflower:


Spring is here ā€¦


oh how beautiful!! so pretty :heart:



The seedlings are growing and the big red furball ā€œhelpsā€ sorting the seed batches.

Please note that this chilli seedling has been nibbled by Schimanski. The seedling is pretty unimpressed :joy:


Calling fellow gardeners to share :blush:

The jalapenos and physalis grew quite big since repotting them 2 weeks ago.

The old seed batches I sowed sprout in a variety from nope - we are dead to yes, still quite ok. Iā€™ll get a great mix of veggies this year with some surprises as Iā€™m pretty sure some seeds are not the plants written on the bag :grin:

Of course the big red furball is always around :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


omgomgomgomgomg! You leased a piece of land, @Pandita! Exciting! :orange_heart:

If youā€™re up for it, please post pics here.

I will start my seedlings soon for my wee planter box garden. Spring comes late in Canada, short and sweet growing season! @erntedank, I usually have to rehome some tomato seedlingsā€¦ will you have any room? :sweat_smile:


Plenty of room here, tomatoes always welcome :grin:
My seedlings have their first night out on the balcony today. Maybe I need full replacement tomorrow :joy:


Yessss, I am super exited as well! Itā€™s actually a really tiny piece of land in pizza slice shape. So I guess itā€™s more like urban farming, but none the less, I already love it. Gonna send pictures once the peas and cucumbers and everything goes into the ground. Tomatoes are always welcome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. :tomato::pizza::seedling:


Yes, you gardening folks. Share pictures. Iā€™m not the gardening type - had enough of farm work for my whole life - but I love to see things sprout and grow :blush:


Iā€™m a bit late on the thread here. But Weā€™re usually planting pumpkins every year, and have done for years. Making an even bigger land this year with the goal of making a Halloween pumpkin patch.

My best tips,donā€™t plant them to close to anything, give them space to climb and make sure that the pumpkins doesnā€™t lay right on the ground because if itā€™s to wet they will be rotten.

Pumpkins can handle some frostbite but to many frosty nights will make them bad. If thereā€™s risk for frost or snow you can harvest and take green pumpkins inside and put them on newspapers, in a window sill to ripe.

Good luck :blush:


Oh, pics of a pumpkin patch would be amazing too! Iā€™m guessing that you, like me here in :canada:, have some snow that needs melting before planting can begin? :joy: :jack_o_lantern:


About 50 cm of snow.
And thereā€™s more to come.
April here started with a blizzard :smiling_face:


Finished shoveling rock and some dirt this last weekend! This is my first year in my new house and I am so excited to finally have my garden. I look forward to sharing progress as the season progresses. I have a bunch of plants started and will be doing 6 types of wild hot peppers.


Lovely fellow garden folks, here the season is fully on :woman_farmer:

Meet the herbs I ordered in february:

Approximately two weeks until Iā€™ll plant them, I need them to grow a bit more before.

Today is Sunday. Cats & me are chillaxing on the sofa and on the balcony among the veggy seedlings :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sunglasses:


What herbs have you planted?


cats have the best seats :laughing: Are they inspecting the progress?


@JazzyS They are inspecting everything, from the breadcrumbs left on the floor from yesterdayā€™s guests to the empty pots :joy: Iā€™m glad they leave the veggies alone.

@acromouse I have a bunch of lavender, 50 monardas, some salvia, alant, thyme, comfrey, gentian, milfoil. Sure I forgot two or three herbs. They go either into the dry stone wall my ex still fumbles around to create a green gratitude wall (have to look up who had this marvellous idea here on TS!) or on a hill under my balcony. I will post pictures galore about how these projects will be going :blush::blush::blush::blush:


Iā€™m very much looking forward to seeing the progress on your projects. What is a gratitude wall?


A bit to early, but Iā€™m optimistic and hope thereā€™ll be no more frozen grounds and snow.

Re-planted our strawberry plants from the garden bed to garden pots today. The weather before lunch was amazing. And then it started to rain :smiling_face:

I also cleared the garden bed from weeds, and poured in extra soil which was needed. Then I decided that Iā€™m not going to keep the garden bed where it is, but move it and make a gravel pat where it currently is instead :laughing:


Not sure if this goes in the gardening thread, it is for the garden so il stick it here :wink:

Panel 1 for the catio, ready to be painted on a day when there is no rain. ( Built indoors so the wood stays dry ready to paint ) And add mesh.

Debating wether to start panel 2 yetā€¦ or wait until tomorrow as it will be easier now iv made one.

So yes this is for the cats itā€™s going to be so big and Iā€™m excited.

@Dazercat thought Iā€™d tag you :sunflower::sunflower: