Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Space to find myself again.
Fresh cold water
Food in the fridge
Breathing regime through yoga moves
Reading reading reading reading. Forever a reader.
Fresh vegetables and the ability to get them
Safety and security
Knowing that no-ones opinion or story is always the truth, but it doesn’t matter.
My brother had his second child today, a daughter. I wish them well and the best.


Congratulations on a brand new niece. :hugs:


Thanks. I don’t know when or if we will ever meet, but I’m sending goodness her way spiritually. The women have a hard life in my former matriarchal family :roll_eyes:


Grateful for the outdoor pool that I went to this morning. It’s a brine pool and is very old. I’m thankful it’s part of my gym membership.
Grateful for our libraries, you can order practically any book and a few days later it’s ready for you.
Grateful to be on countdown to our holiday to the South Coast of England in our caravan, so looking forward to time away.


Today I am grateful for time off work and that I enjoy going back to work.
I’m grateful arcades still exist. I’m grateful I think I am freakishly good at carnival games when in reality I’m not good, I just have fun playing them.
I’m grateful I won a disco ball planter just by having fun.
I’m grateful for wins in our days and the people we share them with.
I’m grateful I will always have work to do on myself.
I’n grateful for coffee and books in my morning.
I’m grateful I have learned how not to sweat through my scrubs on my walk to work.
I’m grateful I am becoming more comfortable in my body.
Sober love to all out there. 🩷


I’m grateful I posted over here this morning instead.

Been missing you guys.
I’m grateful y’all are still here.
Love you guys.


I’m glad to see you back Daze, you were missed. Hopefully you’ve settled in to the new place a bit. We’ve kept the lights on for you. 🩷


Wow, tuesday is gone in a blink.
I’m grateful I trust myself that I have done a lot today albeit I feel like I woke up 1 hour ago and did nothing. Freaky summer depression thinking creeping around.

I’m grateful I was up at 2 a.m., opened all windows, had a much better sleep than yesterday and woke up well rested at 7 :pray:

I’m grateful for catfun when changing the linen. Grateful that most of the warm stuff is washed and dry, it’s a relief to put away the warm blankets for a few months. I’m grateful it dries quickly in this heat.

I’m grateful I puttered around the house doing lotsa small tasks like changing batteries of clocks, sorting out papers …

I’m grateful my insurance agent came over to settle the last contract, now everything insurance on houses and vehicles is contracted with the new assurance company and up to date. What a difference in costs and service in comparison to the old insurer. I’m still grateful a friend recommended her agent last year.

I’m grateful I chewed on a lot of thoughts today and took time to plan the next gardening steps. Maybe my mojo is willing to step up. One day at a time at my pace :pray:

I’m grateful for a call from a former colleage I haven’t heard in years. Nice chat and I’m proud that I still get called for gardening expertise.
I’m also grateful for two friends who called, lovely nice chats. I’m grateful I feel loved and cared. I’m grateful I love and care for people.
I’m grateful I lit a candle for a friend who died one year ago. The first year is always the hardest, whatever or whomever you loose. I’m grateful I can be there for his widow.

I’m grateful for HALT. Boy was I nervous and grumpy, had a look on the clock and happily warmed leftovers. Lifechange in 10 minutes :blush::pray:

I’m grateful I came here for a read around. Always grounds me. I’m grateful for you all :pray: ODAAT


I’m grateful for 10 days of sobriety!


Today I am especially grateful that:

  • The appointment I had for my daughter at the doctor‘s went quickly and we were done and about before her school day started.
  • All the errands I had to do else did not take away too much time from my day, so I had enough time for the stuff I value most.
  • I moved on with digital prototyping of my game and made some good progress. I managed to decide on the viewpoint for the game - one of the most bugging aspects of development for quite a time and one I could not work out with a paper prototype. This is a big step as it is a foundational aspect for future decisions.
  • Nice weather and a good bike ride to do groceries.
  • A good challenging yoga practice and my newly found capacity to deal with physical challenges without worrying.
  • I started making first plans for my summer vacations. There is nothing decided yet but I have some good ideas.
  • I can look on my eating habits and possible issues with far more calm and far less self-hate then I used to and find kind ways to address these.
  • The day coming to an end, the summer finally starting, still so much sunshine here.
  • This day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’ve not been keeping up with my regular threads because life has unexpectedly become rather full and busy, but in a good way :blush: I just wanted to stop by and say I’m grateful to be at 11 months today and for all the benefits it has brought to my life.
I’m grateful to everyone here who has supported me on my journey, I wouldn’t have made it past the early days if it wasn’t for the kindness and support I found here. Thank you :heart::v:

  • My heart and mind are open. This is new.

  • I’m becoming interested in art and dance. There are parts of me that remain shrouded when drinking. I had such a small life, drinking.

  • Air conditioning, again!

  • The knowing feelings that don’t tell you what they know! Identify yourselves! :laughing: I hate it because it means I gathered lots of little bits of information subconsciously, but I don’t know how it relates yet. We do this sober a lot. When I’m not sober, I’m far less intuitive. Now it’s driving me crazy but it will be a big surprise :open_mouth: haha.

  • I eat less in the summer! Maybe I’ll be at fighting weight by October? (Promise I don’t fight :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

  • I had a great haircut and color with highlights today. I haven’t gone all out like that since I got sober. I look much better. A bit of salon is just the thing for us newly sobers!

  • cereal :bowl_with_spoon:

  • 116 days sober!

  • YOU



Congratulations!!!:tada: 11 months is awesome


11 months! Right on and congratulations!:tada::confetti_ball::balloon:


Grateful today

119 days sober
Attended AA meeting (been awhile since surgery)
Dinner guest tonight lovely to catch up
Laundry task completed
Funds for fill up of gas for car
Seeing GOD answer prayers


Congratulations on your double digits :tada::tada: keep going strong :muscle:t4:


So awesome love!!! Way to go friend. Excited to be on this journey with you love!



Great job Keeks.
Congrats on the 11 months AFAF


Tonight I’m grateful that I’m finally sitting down after a really hectic, yet surprisingly good night at work, with enough time to catch up around here before getting a good nights sleep for work in the am.


I am grateful this morging for birdsong at 5 in the morning. They sure sound happy. I am grateful for summer harvest from my little garden patch, especially the garden flowers I got to pick and bring home. I am grateful my need for beauty is easily satisfied. I am grateful summer is here. I am grateful for laughter and kind and gentle jokes. I used to be a real cynic and thought it was such good and witty humour to put people and things down. I am grateful this is not me anymore. I am grateful for positive people in my life. I am grateful I can be there for my friends. I am grateful I let them be there for me as well.
I am grateful for this place - I come here. Dark days get lighter. Light days turn into radiant ones. Wishing you all a faboulous day, grati-people. :orange_heart: