Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Aww! What an adorable pic! Gus is having a lot of fun with Grandpa. Days like this confirms this move was the right one. Thanks for sharing your cuteness. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sunday evening gratitude.
I hope Iā€™m less tired than yesterday :pray:

Today Iā€™m grateful I woke up past 3 a.m., opened all windows, enjoyed the cool breeze and when I had my next thought it was 7.30! Iā€™m grateful for this deep, relaxing sleep in cool morning air. Iā€™m grateful my brain produced a dream that was a follow up of the last thoughts and chewings on my codependency. Iā€™m grateful it was not a nightmare. Iā€™m grateful for a minute I was not sure if I dreamed this stuff or if it really happened. I have faith that this are signs that internal changes take place :pray:

Iā€™m grateful I puttered around the house and got suprisingly much done.
Iā€™m grateful for service on radio. Todayā€™s message of faith, joy and peace echoed deep in me. I needed to listen. Iā€™m grateful I feel at peace, safe, calm and able to let go and let flow.

Iā€™m grateful I found the ring Iā€™ve been searching for days and originally wanted to put on for the solstice rituals. I imagined wearing it.

Iā€™m grateful I changed the blankets and covers on the couch. Since I woke up the old boy to join us in the living room the couch is full:

Iā€™m worried about my old boy to the extent that I fed him by hand today and forced him to drink a bit water as he slept all day. He slept on me for an hour and is his lovely self, but sleeping really much. Itā€™s cruel that all living decays. Being perfectly healthy and then bam - finish would be a lot less hurting. I hate hurting, crying and sadness in advance. Itā€™s a tough price for loving and caring.

Iā€™m grateful I fixed the reading glasses, now I can read and type again without getting a headache :pray: Iā€™m grateful for all my equipment! Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m a hands-on person.

Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t give a fuck. The solstice and full moon rituals, meditations and work on mindset really helped.

Iā€™m grateful that weekends nowadays are only for me. That I appreciate that fact. That I deliberately enjoy and build new routines. Iā€™m grateful for decades, when weekends were filled with family stuff, grocery shopping, cooking and caring. As my parents are both dead and my husband ex-ed himself I now have all time to myself. Still catching up on ME time. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s ok that I still need time for myself to recover, heal, find my way, and to cope. Iā€™m grateful I accept that I can only change my stuff and even this takes time, work and patience.
ODAAT :pray:


I am grateful for @JazzyS . Congratulations for 18 months sobriety. So glad you are here

I am grateful 117 days sober.
AC and husband who fixed it from constantly peeing on the floor before our hottest days
I am grateful communication is improving in my household.
Seems the dog is getting better at it all the time. Hubby is a work in progress. Ha


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • waking up early and being greeted by the sun rising above the tree tops
  • a good solid weekly review, a good look back on the great last week, a good look of where I stand, and a solid plan on what to work next week
  • a long walk in the woods
  • sun and warmth
  • staying with an open mindful awareness through bouts of dissatisfaction without adding anything to it
  • Geburtstagskaffee with my family
  • not caring for all the cake, not feeling any need to bother with it or any cravings
  • being able to stay in a non-judgemental place towards all the self-criticism coming up today
  • a great invigorating yoga practice
  • my daughterā€˜s cold going away
  • nothing planned for the evening except reading and relaxing
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Thank you so very much dear friend. Grateful to be here with you and your friendship :pray:


Congratulations on your year and a half and an ODAAT.
Late to the party here.
Grateful for you :pray:t2::heart:


AWE thanks Dazerfriend - so grateful for you and our friendship. Thank you :pray: :heart:


This morning, I am simply grateful for life.
Grateful I awoke to come to work.
Some people are physically incapable of doing so. I am grateful I CAN.

  • Grateful my good mood got a little funky so I could come to TS and reset. So many things and people can possibly be such a drag on you, but itā€™s a choice! My mind is no one elseā€™s. Stand guard :guardsman: :blush:
  • Grateful I am seeing what matters and what doesnā€™t. Iā€™m in an area that is uptight, angry, competitive- itā€™s a boomtown and that boom is fading fast. Suddenly there are layoffs, budget cuts, no one can afford a homeā€¦the place isnā€™t nearly as cool as advertised. Itā€™s painful being sold a dream that isnā€™t real. Marketing hype. People who were suffering elsewhere made the leap. Traffic is horrific and there is no public option. And now we again wonder about blackouts. Reality is setting in. So when someone is hostile to me, I need to remember. Iā€™m not struggling, I am fortunate. Itā€™s not about me. Compassion.
  • Grateful I can make my home elsewhere. I no longer have any ties or obligations here. Iā€™m fortunate that I lived years in cheaper times where you could save more.
  • Grateful for the excitement I feel when I research my next home in the Southwest US. I wonā€™t rush, because Iā€™m focused on where Iā€™m going, not where Iā€™m coming from. When I was drinking I always wanted out, and never had a solid plan. It was just ā€˜run!!ā€™
  • Grateful for a kitchen full of easy eats for a hot summer
  • Grateful for air conditioning!! And no power alerts today
  • Grateful for your understanding and support. I canā€™t say it enough, youā€™ve saved my life! Iā€™m isolated but have your support. Means the world.
  • 114 days alcohol-free. :heart:

Iā€™m grateful for this picture @Dazercat . Made me smile so big.

Iā€™m grateful for a float in the pool on a hot, hot Sunday afternoon.

Iā€™m grateful for a wonderful SMART meeting today, and Iā€™m grateful that I finally got over my social anxiety enough to speak at it.

Grateful for you all sharing your stories, and for being here. šŸ«¶šŸ»


I am grateful for

-My kitty girls adorable sneezing fits (I think we have some of the same allergies :sneezing_face:)
-Feeling confident today
-The understanding customers, whose soups I completely forgot to bring before their sandwiches :upside_down_face:
-Being able to laugh at myself when I make mistakes
-Not stressing too much when I realized the money I transferred from my bank account to my credit card via app is missing
-My daughter playing at a friendā€™s so I was able to lie down and rest after work
-Tomorrow being the last full day of school (happy to have 1 last afternoon to myself, as well as begin the summer with my daughter)
-My cycle starting so my pms symptoms were relieved
-Being able to tell my cat was going to puke before he even started so I could get him off the carpet
-My 12yo car that has never let me down (grateful everyday for that :pray:)
-Being able to turn the AC off and open the windows for the night
-Having this time to catch up around here
-All you wonderful people I can share my journey with
-A day off tomorrow :sparkles:


I am grateful to be back in the city. I was lonely in the countryside, as beautiful as it was and as much as I also enjoyed the time out. I am grateful I am aware of the underlying cause and am ready to do something about it. I am grateful I am no longer covering it with alcohol. I am grateful I stopped by at my little patch of garden and brought home tons and tons of salad and red beet. Itā€™s healing to see things grow. I am grateful for change.


Today i am greatful forā€¦

No hangover monday
Laughs with hubby
Sharing my experience, strength, and hope
Boscoe cuddles
Pool time yesterday
Casual dress at work
A new week full of opportunity
The 12 step promises
Hot coffee
Comfortable in my highwaisted bikini


An eight hour sleep
My health
Fresh water
Bear being the funniest little cat in the world, heā€™s a goof!
Love :heartbeat:


Mooooondayyyyy :dizzy_face:
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m sober :pray:
The night was crappy, old boy miowing and irritating, bigfoot puking and me cleaning up twice, me having weird dreams.
Iā€™m grateful I opened the windows at 2 a.m. and closed them at 8 to keep it cool. Iā€™m grateful I caught 3 hours of uninterrupted restful sleep in the cool morning air.

Iā€™m grateful I take it easy during this dammed heat. I stayed indoor all day, blinds closed. The only way to avoid summer depression for me. Iā€™m grateful I did chores and cooked a wonderful meal, green beans and lamb chop in tomato sauce with rice, both heavily flavoured with herbs, chilli and garlic. Heaven in a pot :yum:

Iā€™m grateful for my old boy cuddling up to me. He seems to feel better than yesterday.

Iā€™m grateful one of the people I asked for help will come over on friday. Mounting lamps! Iā€™m happy. Making the farmhouse even more nice & comfy. No, the finances with the ex are still not settled and I donā€™t give a shit. Focussing on me and my life and living ODAAT.

Iā€™m grateful after I felt angry and stuck for days or weeks (?), the house and me are becoming clean, tidy and organized again.

Iā€™m grateful I appreciate all the work I do, babysteps, routines, working hard, taking it easy, thingking, doing, reflecting, starting again, going back to basics, picking up where I lost track, every day is a little step towards the best life Iā€™ve ever had. Iā€™m grateful it is already a good life :pray:

Iā€™m so tired I might fall asleep way before bedtime and thatā€™s purrfectly ok as the old boy still cuddles between my legs like a relaxed fluffball. Iā€™m grateful for cats, friends, reading and the reclusive life I live. Iā€™m grateful I give myself the ME time I need and donā€™t force me to do things I donā€™t feel comfortable with. Iā€™m grateful I treat myself kindly. Problems can wait. ODAAT


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • summer
  • starting with ideas for digital prototypes for my current game
  • my work
  • looking for this work my whole life, being so desperate to find it, and so depressed for not knowing what it is, and finally finding it late in my life
  • good food
  • the long and extensive talk I had with my ex, first steps towards healing, however this might look
  • my daughter having a really good work day
  • a short bike ride just for the fun of it
  • getting stuff done
  • having this space of kind and mindful awareness available in moments of difficult mood swings and uncomfortable situations
  • being ok with my eating and the crazy cravings my hormonal changes sometimes bring with them
  • relaxing Yin Yoga
  • the day coming to an end on a really good note
  • Recovery Dharma meeting I am looking forward to
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Iā€™m grateful for good sleep. These past 4 days have been lazy, maybe I needed that.
Iā€™m grateful for a great staycation. Iā€™m also grateful that I know I should have gone on the trip. Next time.
Iā€™m grateful I no longer drink.
Iā€™m grateful for one last day off before Iā€™m back to the grind.


I am grateful I was an hour and 20 mins early for my chiro appointment, ooops. I am grateful that I get to watch highschool grads have fun at the beach on one of their last days of school. I am grateful for the time to write out my gratitude.

I am grateful for Temple Grandin and the books she has written. I am grateful for her knowledge and perspective of Autism and the guidance she can offer to parents like me.

I never wanted kids, I knew how much children taught a parent and I was convinced I knew all I needed to know. I had requested in my late 20ā€™ s to have my tubes tied, the Dr refused, he said i was too young. Fast forward about 4 years and I wanted to get clean from meth, the only way I could even consider not putting dope in my body was if i was doing it for someone else, so I got pregnant. (Addicts often have the worst ideas in active addiction) I am grateful that by the grace of god I was able to stay off drugs and have a clean baby. It was truly a miracle. Anyways where I am going with this is thatā€¦ I am grateful that my kiddo chose me. This child that I have has taught me so, so much. I am grateful that I found a boatload of humility as soon as I looked into her eyes. I fell into them, she is so wise. I am grateful for everything we teach each other and I am looking forward to everything I will get to learn from her in the years to come.

Congrats on everyoneā€™s cleantime. :partying_face:


I can understand and appreciate this @diamonster. Grateful you popped in, grateful you didnā€™t disappear in silence. You know we will be here if/ when you want to visit :heart:


Grateful to plant out my pumpkin seedlings into my new raised bed. Iā€™m looking forward to growing rhubarb and gooseberries and potatoes and who knows what else.
Grateful for an afternoon pottering around the garden, thereā€™s so much to do, I donā€™t know where to start.
Iā€™m grateful for online meditations and morning stretch routines, a nicer way to start my day than mindlessly reading on my phone.