Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for a productive day off from work. I went for a long bike ride into the city. Been biking so much on my days off to keep busy and it helps with my anxiety.
Grateful for the AA meeting tonight. The speaker talked about step 2. I always learn or take away something from all meetings.
Grateful for my family and the improving relationship. Complete trust will take time and I’m ok with that. I did a lot of damage. I know my mom will sleep tonight knowing I’m safe and sober.
Grateful I finally got the nerve to schedule a dentist appointment. I need to go and whatever is wrong I will get fixed little by little and will most definitely refuse any prescription pain killers I know they will try to prescribe. It will only restart the obsession to get more and also drink. So I will say no!!
Grateful for praying and meditation.
Grateful for music and Hulu.
Grateful the months are rolling by and before I know it will be winter again… my favorite time of year in Florida.
Grateful to be alive and healthy.
Grateful for this community!


Hey friend – how are you doing? Hoping all is well now that you are back in Australia :heart:


Hey My Friend, very fortuitous and thoughtful that you’ve asked about me.

Today, everything has finally kind of hit me. I have a court date coming up on Thursday. Not sure exactly how that’s going to go. Spent some good time with my kids yesterday but that whole situation is still very unclear, apart from realizing I should move closer to them but also knowing I can’t afford to buy anything. May be able to rent. They are my main reason for being here but their mom and my now ex-partner are certainly not my champions. My kids still love me though. Which is such a blessing. I do have a place I’m renting for the time being, so I’m grateful to have a roof over my head.
I also started my ongoing 16 week drug and alcohol outpatient last week and found a Sunday evening AA group to attend. I joined a new gym and have been pretty much everyday.
I guess it hits me how much I miss my kids and how it will take a period of months for things to be clear about where I’ll be living and hosting them 50% of the time like it was. Feeling a bit lonely at times and worried about future…but I pray everyday and give all that over to God. I’m still sober (75 days).

How are you?


I’m grateful for the beautiful, quiet day I’ve had.
For time this morning to go back to bed, with my coffee and books and wordle, and have a second sleep along with the dog girl snoring at my bedside.
For waking up refreshed.
For making good headway on a personal creative project.
For the bounty of fresh fruits and veg from the market and trucks yesterday - and the big bowl of delish i’ve had for dinner both nights. (Oh yeah, fresh smokies too. Not all veg. :rabbit:)
For letting myself feel my feelings.
For feeling satisfaction at being able to take good care of my life, myself - at least most of the time.
But I gotta try to go to bed earlier…

G’night Gratidudes. I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

Always so good to see you, @Bluekoolaid! :people_hugging: And you too, hi @Callie99! :wave:
Huge congrats on 5 months @tailee17! :relieved: :tada:


day 78, grateful for a good nights sleep, grateful for the feeling of beeing in track right now and having a good plan for the next year, in regard to my studies, my job, my living situation and of course the sobriety.


Early Monday morning.

I am grateful for 342 days without alcohol and 27 days without cigarettes.
I am grateful that I have today to be a better person than I was yesterday.
I have noticed that I am taking more actions to actively take care of myself. Learning…something that has been really difficult to do…to say no.
Mourning some of the people, places and things in my own little way.
Most of all, I am grateful for the community I have found in sobriety.

One day at a time.


I am grateful I have found this community. I was just looking for a tracker so imagine my surprise when I found this gem!


So lovely to read your post this morning :heart:

You seem to be adjusting well back home. It will take time but I’m glad you have your meetings, program and gym as support tools.

So lovely to hear that you connected with your kids. I know it takes time but you are recovering in a healthy way and in time you will get to see your kids like you did in the past. Enjoy the moments now that you get with them. Obviously they love you :heart:. Actions speak louder than words…keep putting in the work and others will see your efforts.

I’m doing well friend. Still keeping my sober streak and trying to work on my health. ODAAT :muscle:t4: :people_hugging:


So lovely to have you here with us… welcome to the community and the gratitude thread :people_hugging:

You will find some great support, amazing motivational and inspirational threads here as well as some for distraction.

You are among friends who understand the struggle. The gratitude thread helps us keep a positive outlook on life and has really helped me in my journey.

Hope to see you around :hugs:


Day 150!

Woke up in a weird, anxious funk but saw the days. Nice, clean number.

I am nowhere right now. So hard to explain but I would bet some of you get it. It’s not that I’m standing still, it’s that the future is very obscured. This is scary but not necessarily bad. I just don’t know yet. We really don’t know. We make plans and goals, working hard for these things we expect to happen and it’s still unknown as to how it will go. Many of us cry about uncertainty. I know I do. It scares me. Is there no solid ground? Why does life feel so threatening now?

What is certain is sober is the way to go. And I’ve adapted to thousands of strange situations before. And there were people there who helped. Always. Enough of the scary future. Today is where I am. I have intense anxiety this morning. Let me come back to now. :heart:


I hear ya. I feel exactly the same. The future is scary as hell and even trying to live in this moment is really scary. Unkown indeed.

I hope you will feel better soon!


Thank you :heart:


Congrats on 150 @Lighter

Im so very greatful for my recovery
One last sunny day before we head back home
Being in nature
Seeing wildwife
Sunshine and rain
Bird song
decent sleep
Made it to me tent before it downpoured last night
Not too many bugbites
Being active


I’m grateful for a good 1st meeting with the counselor. I’m grateful for a good hike this morning with the dogs. I’m grateful for the eagles we saw and for being able to pick some wild herbs on the way down. I’m grateful for a productive afternoon getting a lot of work done. I’m grateful that I felt good today- my anxiety was low and my mood was good. I’m grateful for my neighbors kid who came to have a ‘tea party’ with me. She needs help with practicing her reading so will now come once a week to practice with me so am grateful for this time. I’m grateful for a tasty and healthy dinner. I’m grateful for all the wonderful fruits out right now and for arugula from my garden. I’m grateful for my dogs who always make me smile. They are the cutest.


I’m grateful I had such a great weekend.
I’m grateful I got to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.
I’m grateful I kept a list of gratitude in my head to post the last couple of days and I never had time to post it here. Except when @chrisslawek115 Christopher came on. How you doing Chris?

I’m grateful I don’t drink and didn’t tie one on Saturday night. Even more grateful I was not hungover walking Benson yesterday when he decided to roll in some dog shit :poop: A nice fresh pile rub it all over his neck and of course harness and collar while I was gratefully saying hi to one of our lovely landscape workers. I’m grateful I was able to happily walk him home and hose his shitty area and get him into my tub with a warm hand held shower. I’m happy I just laughed about the situation with my wife instead of being miserably hungover and angry. I’m grateful I happily disinfected the tub after instead of blowing it off for later. I’m so grateful I did not play the victim card poor me.

I’m grateful I didn’t drink massive amounts of bloody Mary’s at brunch because of said incident because some asshole didn’t put the top of the Tabasco sauce on tight and I shook it all over myself and laughed :joy: I’m grateful I knew eventually I’d get some in my eyes even after washing up and walking to the car after I rub my eye and thought. There it is!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful all day I just lived in the moment.
I’m grateful I worked at that.
I’m grateful when I really try to live in the moment it does take work. I always have to get done what I’m doing to get to the next thing. ALWAYS! Even right now. I’m going to write my gratitude list. And I’ll walk Benson when I walk Benson.

I’m grateful all the puttering around I did. Gardening, filling up my trash bins, grateful I’m all caught up there. Cleaning out the freezer, and thinking just do what you’re doing and don’t think about where you got to be next. Like lunch or meeting.

I’m grateful I wanted to go to a meeting yesterday because I wanted to not because I needed to. I’m grateful when I got in the car and bent over I forgot my can of sparkling water was open and spilled it down my shirt :laughing:

I’m grateful when I got to the meeting someone asked me to lead :scream: I only been to the meeting 2 or 3 times and I’m pretty much a stranger in this group of 20 ish people. And the leader has to speak for 10 minutes. I grateful I laughed again :joy: and said “If you can read you can lead.” I’m grateful I was totally unprepared, didn’t even know what the topic was and eventually got to go with my heart. I’m grateful I pulled it off. I’m grateful I either did a good job or no one actually cared how I did. I’m grateful in the end it felt great!

I’m grateful for the 2 little lemon trees I bought on impulse.
I’m grateful I asked wifey to help pick out a couple of nice ceramic pots so I can plant them.
I’m grateful for the white petunias I planted in my other containers.
I’m grateful for the firestick and the decorative grass I planted too.
I’m grateful I get to take my time and water my plants when they need watering

I’m grateful I’m sober and a grateful member of Al-Anon. And I’ve found some meetings here.

I’m grateful I’m going to share my fear of being in a new place, town, state, and afraid to find an AA meeting @Twizzlers I’m afraid I won’t like it or they won’t like me. I’m afraid I won’t fit in. I don’t really have any more excuses, to not find just one, of several AA meetings around here, even though I don’t think I need one. I’m grateful I might start at one on the beach. I’m grateful if I don’t like it or they don’t like me I never have to see those fuckers again. But what if I go? :thinking: what if I go with an open mind and a beach chair and just go and sit and listen. What if I actually enjoy it? What if I like it? I’m grateful I know I’ll get there in my and my HP’s perfect timing.

I’m grateful for you all. Sorry for the book of gratitude. Read it don’t read it. I’m grateful you all are here and I can post my gratitude for anyone and everyone.


Let Others Be “Right” Most of the Time
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff, And It’s All Small Stuff


An AA meeting on the beach sounds like the perfect start to finding your new tribe. There’s no better place to be, if this isn’t the meeting for you. It beats being stuck in a church basement for that hour. :joy:

I’m grateful for the chuckle over your mishaps. My dog rolls in shit any chance he gets. Wtf is wrong with them? During the summer, I keep the hose and shampoo out at all times. My lil fucker manages to find geese shit at least once a week. :face_vomiting:


I’m grateful for @Dazercat for sharing his experience with new meetings :slightly_smiling_face: also grateful @Lisa07 has shared that I’m probably missing out on alot of stuff that I know is good for me!

I’m grateful today I started with a rollercoaster of fears of silly stuff (felt real at the time). I’m grateful I turnt today around and have spent it in the garden with no fears just alot of positive reflections.

I grateful to admit with humility I found the reason I haven’t been to meetings yet is because iv always ‘done’ it without them - if that’s what you call it. Also hesitant that I feel I don’t belong there. Well I know I clearly do belong there so I am going to the Wednesday meeting that is 2 hours long. I have been to this one before and found it welcoming. That’s my goal for this week. To get to the meeting on Wednesday and to do something I have never done when I have attended a few meetings in the past - I will share and speak instead of sitting in the back quite.
I’m grateful for the nudge and reminder that AA is a place where I belong.

I’m grateful to read @Dazercat experience with dog poop lol :laughing: Polly usually rolls on the foxes. And when the fox comes into my garden it usually pees and poops where ever Polly has sat or on her toys :laughing:
Animals are funny aren’t they!

I’m grateful to be reminded that I haven’t tried everything and I’m probably not working on my sobriety.
I’m grateful to be shown this before it is too late. :pray:

Thank you .


I am so very grateful for this reminder!


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • knowing that these extremely uncomfortable and distressing waves going through my body are due to hormonal changes and they will pass
  • an early morning run
  • the ups and downs of my relationship with my ex
  • getting all kinds of stuff prepared for my upcoming trip on Friday
  • a nice afternoon at the pool
  • good books
  • a good yoga session
  • this life
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Today I’m grateful for:

Great friends. We go into heavy talk from hello… No need to hide myself.
My best friends beautiful children :heart::heart: they are the cutest and sweetest little men.
That building a Duplo rocket gives me joy
Spending the day with my partner as well on the visit.
Returning to excited furbies :black_cat::black_cat: