Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Today I’m grateful that I’m still sober and I don’t have any cravings. I’m grateful that despite the hard times, emotions going up and down, I’m still able to see some light in the end of the tunnel. I’m grateful that I have three wonderful kids although I don’t see them as often as I’d like to. I’m grateful I have food, a little flat and a meaning for my life (to stay sober and feel joy, happiness and peace again.) I’m grateful I have my mental health team who look after me. I’m grateful that I have couple of good and trusted friends left. I’m grateful I’m alive and to be able to pursuit my dreams. I’m grateful for the fact that it’s never too late to change the course. I’m grateful I’m alive. I’m grateful I have a firm and loving relationship with God, Mother Earth, The Force. I’m grateful for this community.

  • Grateful for officially 7 months today**
  • Today, I shared a 15-20 minute in my TLC group, for the first time. I have no idea what I said, except I weighed in on not beating yourself up. I have worked to get this far for 30 years.
  • So far, no direction that we need to leave - I would kind of like to know. I told the landlord we’d happily accept a monthly agreement, if that’s what they want. I am grateful that I will find a way to make money again.
  • Grateful my kiddo loved my fried rice. I have no idea what it tasted like, but she went for seconds.
  • Grateful that heat warnings can’t last forever.
  • Grateful for you

Wonderful post. I do repeat myself at times… as I have heard and read

Where there is love fear cannot reside

Where gratitude is expressed anxieties lessen.


Wonderful! Thanks for sharing!


Grateful for my sobriety and it’s freedom.
Grateful for meeting with my sponsor today and a good AA meeting at a new club I haven’t been to. I’m happy northeast Florida has so much recovery and meeting options. Got some more phone numbers from people I don’t know. Been trying to pick the phone up more. To be honest and admit fear at times. Worry about can I really do this… can I change my life but then I’m reminded all I have to do is get through today.
Grateful for my mom and dad. Also been calling them more often and getting advice.
Grateful for the sober living I stay at. Always people to talk to.
Grateful for my new skateboard. Gonna try to get back into this again and get some tricks back. Skateboarding has been a part of my life since I was 7.
Grateful for my bike.
Grateful for my safe shelter and food and the simple things I need are met.
Grateful for this community!
Grateful to read around on here.


YEAH 7 months! Way to go friend – keep this streak going strong :muscle:


Congratulations :sparkler::star::sparkler::star::sparkler::star:


Congratulations on 7 months @EarnIt! :partying_face: :tada:
Grateful you made it back here when you did.


Congratulations on 7 months :clap:


I’m grateful I lost my way a bit this morning (got a little set off by a coworker) and got on this thread and read D-cat’s post about being in the now. I’m so grateful for all of your words and posts, @Dazercat.

I’m grateful my day went a bit better after that. Realized it’s my choice to get set off by anyone. I’m grateful I went for a walk and got the yuck out of my head and heart instead of, basically, telling a colleague to f*ck all the way off.

I’m grateful I was scheduled to facilitate tonight’s Recovery Dharma online mtg even when I didn’t feel like it going into it. It was good for me. There is no requirement to be perfect! (…and not have thoughts about colleagues). It’s how we respond to that stuff that matters… I learn. Slowly, but I learn. I’m grateful tonight’s reading was Wise Speech and didn’t that fit with my day. I’m grateful for my Sangha.

I’m grateful for this home thread too. Congrats on 7 months @EarnIt ! I think I missed why you have lost taste and smell? I’m so glad you’re here. Beautiful new skateboard @Bluekoolaid! I’m grateful for Duplo rockets and Tea Party reading practice - heartwarming.

And yes, @Lighter. I cry about uncertainty sometimes. It sure beats trying to drink it away. Hugs, fine friend. There is always blue sky beyond the clouds. Of that we can be certain. :people_hugging:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Congratulations on your 7 months Jené


I had an accident, possibly falling down stairs in this house, which I lived in for a week. I had a brain injury, that took those away. For all but that, I am doing pretty well. XXOO


So grateful today. Up at 6am. Had to print some photos out for daughter and printer decided it wanted to be on vacation. The old me would have been pissed off and really uptight. I calmly looked at what the problem was and dealt with it. Great AA Meeting this morning. Grateful I was able to freeze many tomatoes today. Energy to do book work. Nice dinner with friend. Timing perfect with my food prep.


Oh, friend! I’m so sorry to hear about this, and so glad to hear it wasn’t worse! I am beyond grateful now that you are here, and doing pretty well no less. :pray:
Taste and smell I hope return! Your food always looks like it tastes and smells pretty darn fine to me.
Extra congrats on your 7 months! :people_hugging: :boom: :tada: :orange_heart:


I’m grateful that Monday is over.

I’m grateful for these Olympics. Fun!

I’m grateful for 3 pop girlies;Chappell Roan, Sabrina Carpenter, and Charlie XCS. They have been the music of my summer, and I was never a huge pop fan before. Very fun stuff. Grateful to expand my horizons.

Grateful for your post @Dazercat ! Made me both genuinely lol, and jealous of the possibility of a beach meeting!! :beach_umbrella:

Have a fantastic Tuesday, sober fam 🫶🏻


Grateful for,

  • the sunshine outside of that window
  • my friends planing fun activities for the next weekend I can just take part in, if I feel like it
  • the spanish test i just had today went pretty well, with a bit of look I get a proof for the level B2, than I would be one big step closer to my semester im columbia, that I am planing for the next year.
  • for the sobriety that allows me to make longterm plans again, something that did not happen at all when cosuming actively
    buenos dias a todos :smile:


A stronger body
Clean (ISH :joy:) water
That I can do things now that I didn’t thing I could before
Trust in myself
The offer, out of the blue, for a free recovery coaching session (one to one with a certified life and recovery coach) I said yes, though I’m nervous.


I’m grateful for another day hangover free and sober.

I’m grateful there’s more than one way for me to make my coffee.

I’m grateful I was able to get an appointment to get the car looked at this morning.

I’m grateful for my love of gardening that my mother instilled on me. I’m grateful it brings back memories of us planting flowers and veggies in our yard when I was a little boy. I’m grateful my mother would love the garden I have over here and it makes me think about her daily. I’m grateful she did the best she could always wanting more for her and her children :smiling_face_with_tear:

I’m grateful I never know where my gratitude is going to take me :smiling_face_with_tear: I’m grateful for the beautiful memories I’m having of me and my mother. I’m grateful I did get her out to Santa Monica once but it was too late. I’m grateful when she thought she was in Canada instead of California we just went with it and were able to enjoy our time. I’m grateful I have no regrets with my mom and dad.

Wow. I’m grateful for this beautiful unexpected moment. I’m grateful maybe I’ll get another one.

Grateful to stop by with y’all.

“It’s a funny
thing about life: Once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”

Germany Kent


I am grateful for my full life.

I am grateful that when I sit quietly with myself I get to experience some pretty spectacular things.

I am grateful for taming my hyperactive ADHD, completely out of control obsessive addict mind with Meditation.

I am grateful that practice makes progress.

I am grateful that once we are able to harness the idea that we need to change everything our lives become completely better. Our music, our books, our company, our resturants, our exercise schedule, our time spent with self, with others, with our HP.

I am grateful to know the difference between being self absorbed, and being spiritually selfish. I know from experience if I do not keep my spiritual fire roaring it dies quickly with the amount of myself that I give away.

I am grateful for selfless service and that I have balance in my life, just for today.

I am grateful that today I let ‘God’ lead the way and miracles happen everyday. The most obvious one is that I go to bed clean, the more subtle ones are my prayers keep being answered.

I am grateful that with a boatload of faith I can live my life without fear and inspire others to do the same. I often have this vision when I am speaking to someone who is stuck in fear. I see us dressed in all white holding hands running down the beach, free. No fear, just freedom.

I am grateful that I drink a lot of water or I would surely be dehydrated with the amount of tears I shed in gratitude.

I am grateful for my life today. Free from the chains of active addiction. Free from the chains of an eating disorder. Free to live my souls purpose.

I am so grateful.



I also believe with God miracles happen everyday. I am grateful for you @Its_me_Stella