Day 10 of being sober from alcohol and weed

Hello all, I’m new here and my name is Matt. I have made it to 97 days clean before but never more than that. On the 31st of last month I had a relapse which ended up with me blacking out, throwing up blood all over my jeans and shirt, and having to be helped back to my apartment. My drug of choice is alcohol but I’ve been known to be a daily weed smoker and the occasional user of LSD. I have been trying to make at least one Alcoholics Anonymous meeting a week, found a sponsor, and have been reading the Big Book. I have had a couple of urges but I pray the rosary, call someone, attend a meeting, go for a run, or read the Big Book. I am determined to remain permanently abstinent this time and I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I can’t go back to living the way I have been. Blackouts were a frequent occurrence for me as well as throwing up blood due to a bleeding ulcer. I’m glad to be here!


Welcome Matt.
Congratulations on your ten days. Maybe 11 now. Yes?
Sorry. I missed you earlier.
Sounds like a great day to be clean and sober.
This place has been a big help in my sobriety. I couldn’t do it on my own. It sounds like you had a pretty bad relapse there. The reality is the next drink could kill any one of us.
Have a read around. Join in when you feel like it. My 2 favorite threads.

Lots of great folks around for support.

I hope to see you around.

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Here are 2 more helpful threads to check out.

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Welcome @MD1994 and congrats on Day 10! :boom: Spend alot of time reading the forum. The wealth of information, tips, advice is worth it!

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Thanks, I’m almost through with How It Works.

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