Day fucking 3/4

Ya big softie


Ah yes, but you see, I knew exactly what I wanted. My traditional approach to courtship ensured what I was feeling, was real, gave me time to check for those red flags, that she wasn’t a sociopath, didn’t have a closet full of skeletons fighting for space amongst giant emotional suitcases.

There was no rush to get physical. I kept the burn in check, and played it very cool. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.

I think where we get into trouble is we let our desires cloud our judgment, and blind us to some things that will turn out to be dealbrakers, or worse, bear-traps.

My wife, to this day says she kept waiting for me to go all Ted Bundy, because I was “too good”. I tell her I kept waiting for her to turn into my ex-wife. Loving me one minute and the next blaming me for starving kids in Africa.

I told my son not to settle. He just turned 30, and just married his keeper.


I think it was more a case of not wanting anymore psychos.


Universe crack. I like that. I met my wife and we had that universe crack thing. It was instant. She got me and I got her.
There were many things keeping us apart tho. I had a girlfriend and she had a boyfriend. I was 30, she was 20. Annnnnnnd my little brother was engaged to her sister. Lol

Both our relationships fell apart soon after we met. It can’t be the same after you meet your “one”. We couldn’t stay apart. And we kind of kept it a secret till after my bothers wedding. Then we threw caution to the wind

That was 10 years and 2 kids ago. And she still cracks my universe😉

My brother and her sister lasted 2 years. Lol


Funny thing, today i was keeping my distance from this guy and he ended up coming over to me and said he was just joking about the send pics thing. I was like, oh ok, and I walked away. And then an hour later he texted me from his personal number. Hah! Too late, dirtbag. I’m over it, you suck!


This is too funny! :rofl::rofl:

Or pix. Hard pass on “pix”.


Loved this!

The guy asks me put for drinks today. I said I am in alcohol recovery. He said “I’ll stop bugging you”. Thank god. He also asked for pics AGAIN! WTF, buddy, how stupid are you?


Yep. I still have to have his work number because, ya know, work. But today I totally ignored his dumbass. And yesterday as well. Like, hey, you don’t get to respond to a woman asking if we could hang out sometime with “no pics”, then say you were joking, then give the personal number you wouldn’t before, then ask for pics again, then ask me to hang out. Backpeddling will get you nowhere, dumbass.

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Give me his number. I’ll send him some pics


He seems pretty turned off by me not drinking, so I think it has solved itself. I want to send him so many memes about disrespect but I don’t want to engage at all, lol. I am trying to remain professional, while he acts like an idiot.


I bet he would be even more turned off by various parts of my anatomy


I was thinking my feet @Yoda-Stevie will attest to that


His feet are traumatizing and should have a warning label on them.

Oh god, this guy is seriously disgusting. He probably needs women to be drunk to get to the point of sleeping with him because clearly his personality can’t get him laid.


I hate him.


You guys are making me cackle in the vet’s office reading your comments, so funny! I love laughing at this douchebag instead of feeling like I am being mean and should give him another chance, which is exactly what I would be doing if I hadn’t talked to you all about it and gotten feedback that is strengthening. Thank you all.


Don’t feel sorry for that fool. He sounds like he belongs on Creepy Text Theatre. That is if you met him on a dating site. Not to mention that as a coworker it’s not even close to OK.


I know! I have had so many lame men do things like this on like a dating website message, it’s why I don’t go on them anymore! I can’t believe this is going on at work! Lol!