Does anyone know any ideas or tips how to stay sober from alcohol, when you feel like you need to drink?

Hi, I need help. Anything will help me right now, because I’m not so much far away from to really relapse in it, but I still fight for being sober.
I’m an (ex) alcoholic, I’m now 7 months clean from alcohol. I want to stay it like that, but things right now aren’t going that good and I really want to drink something to feel that ‘peace’…
I need any advice, tips, ideas or motivation how to stay sober from alcohol. How I said before, anything will help me right now.


congrats on your 7 months clean… use the magnifying glass up top to see other threads for tips to stay sober…

one in particular that is super helpful is Cravings & how to beat them, Isolation vs. Connection, H.A.L.T
wishing you the best of luck.


Thank you a lot!


Will it be a long lasting “peace” you will feel from using? Or will it be a temporary fix to worldly problems? Dont let the lying addictive thoughts get you! Try meditation. Try a walk. Address if you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. (H.A.L.T.)


Remember: alcohol does not offer peace. It pushes your emotions and your stresses off another day. And they won’t go anywhere. They might get worse in that time.
Sign off from the illusion that alk has anything to offer you.

Pick a two or three resources and give them a go. I liked the Recovery Elevator and The Recovering a lot. Resources for our recovery

No need to drink. No need.


Congratulations on the 7 months clean and sober Nastya.

Ya that HALT is a good one.

There’s another great HALT thread as Brian showed us exactly how he put it into action.

Stay on here as long as you can.
We’re here for ya.


Sending you light and positive vibes. Whatever you do don’t drink. Do something just for you as self care. You deserve it. Congratulations on 7 months :muscle:

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