Finding a way out of this loop

Day one for me, yet again. This is the first time I’ve written on a forum for years… I’m spiritually a mess and finding it hard to accept myself. Anyway, trying this to get sober again. I had a two week spell about 6 months ago. I know I can do this if I really try. I hope you’re all having a better day :yellow_heart:


Hi Nick welcome :raising_hand_woman:
Hope you will find this place as helpful as I do.
Sober for years now with the help of this app.
It helped me to be here every day the first year of my recovery. Reading here, venting and learning about my addiction helped me with dealing with it. If you have any questions feel free to ask!
This forum is huge and can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning :blush:
See you around!


This is what needs addressing friend…for me sobriety started once i started to accept who i was and became kinder to myself again…none of us find getting sober easy and we all have done and said things during the influence that we wish we hadnt…you have an illness but that doesnt make you a monster…start your sobriety with some kindness and compassion for yourself…this fight is hard enough without coming from a place of self depreciation from the outset.


Being active helps. What other things are you doing to enhance your sobriety?


Resources for our recovery

Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

To the relapser: vol. 9

Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)

Stay, read, educate yourself, engage, fill your life w recovery.


Hi @NixU you can rescue your spiritual condition by going to a twelve step meeting of recovery. it offers a spiritual program :+1:sending you positive thought’s of being brave and losing fear and discontentment today :heart:


Thanks mate :+1:

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Thanks a lot.

Running a lot. Thanks for your help.

Wise words. Thank you :smiley:

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Thank you :smiley:

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