First day learning how to get back to myself

My first day sober and I have hope. Just learning how to navigate this app first of all. Any help finding sponsors would be appreciated.
Thank you for reading


Hi welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

You have joined an amazing supportive family here :slightly_smiling_face:
It’s great to have you with us :sunflower:


Alot of us check in here daily, come say hi when you feel ready :sunflower:


Welcome to the community— As @Twizzlers mentioned; this is a very supportive family. I try to go to AA daily but I really love this app even more. Wish you the best on this sobriety journey. :muscle:t4::metal:t4:


You got this homie!!! The first few weeks are the hardest, but it gets easier from there :slight_smile:

What was your drug of choice if you don’t mind me asking? Mine was cocaine, now 6 days sober starting to feel better already :smiley:

Keep checking in here each day you’re sober and don’t be afraid to reach out for help when you feel that craving. I realize not reaching out for help was a huge mistake for my sobriety. You got this!!! We are on that sober train yessir :saluting_face::smile:

Also yeah definitely get a sponsor! It helps a lot by keeping you accountable to staying sober! If you’re drug of choice is cocaine as well, I can help you look for a sponsor, hit me up :slight_smile:


Welcome to the community friend. Take your time reading around and feel free to ask questions as i know the site can be overwhelming when you are new and trying to navigate. The more you are here the more threads will open up for your viewing pleasure.

My favorite thread is Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I do believe that going to recovery group meetings or AA meetings is where you are able to scope out potential sponsors who would fit your needs. Best of luck.


Welcome to the community! It’s a great place to start your journey…


About sponsers you can find some information about it here:

Congratulations for your day one! :confetti_ball:
Hope to see you around often, it helps to be here much :raising_hand_woman:


Hey! Thank you for your kind words!
So I’ve stopped drinking completely because it just goes from 0-100 too easily. One minute it’s a catch up and a drink, next thing it’s bag of cocaine and bender. I lose control therefore it’s easier for me to just stop that enabling substance at the source.


Welcome to TS and I love the title of this thread. That’s exactly what we are all working on, getting back to ourselves!:heart::heart:


Day 3!! I’m working in a bar tomorrow night (i help out sometimes) and Saturday. That will be the test but I’m feeling strong. I’ll update, have a great evening.


Good luck homie! I hope it goes well :slight_smile:

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Went well! no drinks. Harder to deal with drunk customers however, had to take a breather outside a couple times haha. So happy because there’s people continuing their drinking begging for more drinks after we’ve closed. I feel so happy that’s not me and I’m about to get in bed.


Good morning all. I’ve been reading posts on the page before i get up for work. I’m just going to use this post as my personal daily updates because the app is still a bit confusing for me.

I read one about this lady wanting to stop drinking 5+ coffees all day. @Mischa84 her name was but maybe I’m wrong.
Anyway I would recommend having your morning coffee and then switching over to matcha. Matcha is strong in caffeine but has a slow release so you stay caffeinated throughout the day. Whereas coffee you peak and then crash and need more coffee.
Hope this helps anyone with lessening coffee intake. I only drink matcha no coffee. I like a little bit of vanilla syrup added because it does have an earthy taste.

Anyway I’m a few hours from day 5. And I am starting to look at the world in a different way. It’s hard to describe this clarity but for once I feel quite proud and I’ve said proud a lot because I’m not very often proud of myself. This journey im on I think of like a quest with different battles and characters whom I will encounter. My imagination goes a little wild and I like to visualise and see the fun side to any situation.
This is my quest and I may meet some dragons and I may gain some sick armour and a cool sword but for now I just gotta get out of the forest!

If you read my rambling thanks! Have a great day


Congrats on staying sober by the bar! Stay strong :blue_heart:

Thanks for advice! I tried with matcha before, actually not to replace coffee but for health benefits. Honestly I didn’t like it. First of all the taste :sweat_smile: Like you said, its a bit earthy. I don’t like green tea in general so yeah, not really my thing. And it was taking forever to mix this powder with water properly! Actually that was the most annoying thing, the taste I could stand with some honey. It was long time ago, maybe I should give it a second chance. Thanks for reminding me about matcha! Yes, I will try again :grin: Maybe you can recommend some brand?

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Yes of course! I work in a coffee shop so we use a blend when I get there I will let you know. Mix the matcha with hot water and use a small whisk or we use a stiff bristle brush (like what men use to put cream on when shaving) and then just pour the hot milk in.
The vanilla does balance it out but agave and honey is healthier. Unless you get sugar free vanilla syrup.
I hated it when I first tried it and now I’m obsessed haha I have iced matchas too! I will reply with the brand later it’s not as intense as pure matcha but still has caffeine and health benefits.
A beginners matcha one could say :wink:

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I didn’t find exactly this one, I ordered some regular one and also this special whisk so in few days I will start drinking matcha with you :wink:

Okay amazing! No one loves coffee the first time they have it but you grow to love it! Same with matcha :green_heart:
You made my day!


Little update from me - whisk still not here but I started with matcha anyway. I added some maple syrup and oh man, it’s yummy! I red a bit about matcha and I think in the past I was using too hot water, that’s why it was so yucky (I red something that temp above 80°C makes matcha bitter). So one more time - thanks for advice.

How are you? Still with us I hope :slight_smile:

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