Gardening In Recovery

Calling fellow gardeners to share :blush:

The jalapenos and physalis grew quite big since repotting them 2 weeks ago.

The old seed batches I sowed sprout in a variety from nope - we are dead to yes, still quite ok. I’ll get a great mix of veggies this year with some surprises as I’m pretty sure some seeds are not the plants written on the bag :grin:

Of course the big red furball is always around :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


omgomgomgomgomg! You leased a piece of land, @Pandita! Exciting! :orange_heart:

If you’re up for it, please post pics here.

I will start my seedlings soon for my wee planter box garden. Spring comes late in Canada, short and sweet growing season! @erntedank, I usually have to rehome some tomato seedlings… will you have any room? :sweat_smile:


Plenty of room here, tomatoes always welcome :grin:
My seedlings have their first night out on the balcony today. Maybe I need full replacement tomorrow :joy:


Yessss, I am super exited as well! It’s actually a really tiny piece of land in pizza slice shape. So I guess it’s more like urban farming, but none the less, I already love it. Gonna send pictures once the peas and cucumbers and everything goes into the ground. Tomatoes are always welcome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. :tomato::pizza::seedling:


Yes, you gardening folks. Share pictures. I’m not the gardening type - had enough of farm work for my whole life - but I love to see things sprout and grow :blush:


I’m a bit late on the thread here. But We’re usually planting pumpkins every year, and have done for years. Making an even bigger land this year with the goal of making a Halloween pumpkin patch.

My best tips,don’t plant them to close to anything, give them space to climb and make sure that the pumpkins doesn’t lay right on the ground because if it’s to wet they will be rotten.

Pumpkins can handle some frostbite but to many frosty nights will make them bad. If there’s risk for frost or snow you can harvest and take green pumpkins inside and put them on newspapers, in a window sill to ripe.

Good luck :blush:


Oh, pics of a pumpkin patch would be amazing too! I’m guessing that you, like me here in :canada:, have some snow that needs melting before planting can begin? :joy: :jack_o_lantern:


About 50 cm of snow.
And there’s more to come.
April here started with a blizzard :smiling_face:


Finished shoveling rock and some dirt this last weekend! This is my first year in my new house and I am so excited to finally have my garden. I look forward to sharing progress as the season progresses. I have a bunch of plants started and will be doing 6 types of wild hot peppers.


Lovely fellow garden folks, here the season is fully on :woman_farmer:

Meet the herbs I ordered in february:

Approximately two weeks until I’ll plant them, I need them to grow a bit more before.

Today is Sunday. Cats & me are chillaxing on the sofa and on the balcony among the veggy seedlings :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sunglasses:


What herbs have you planted?


cats have the best seats :laughing: Are they inspecting the progress?


@JazzyS They are inspecting everything, from the breadcrumbs left on the floor from yesterday’s guests to the empty pots :joy: I’m glad they leave the veggies alone.

@acromouse I have a bunch of lavender, 50 monardas, some salvia, alant, thyme, comfrey, gentian, milfoil. Sure I forgot two or three herbs. They go either into the dry stone wall my ex still fumbles around to create a green gratitude wall (have to look up who had this marvellous idea here on TS!) or on a hill under my balcony. I will post pictures galore about how these projects will be going :blush::blush::blush::blush:


I’m very much looking forward to seeing the progress on your projects. What is a gratitude wall?


A bit to early, but I’m optimistic and hope there’ll be no more frozen grounds and snow.

Re-planted our strawberry plants from the garden bed to garden pots today. The weather before lunch was amazing. And then it started to rain :smiling_face:

I also cleared the garden bed from weeds, and poured in extra soil which was needed. Then I decided that I’m not going to keep the garden bed where it is, but move it and make a gravel pat where it currently is instead :laughing:


Not sure if this goes in the gardening thread, it is for the garden so il stick it here :wink:

Panel 1 for the catio, ready to be painted on a day when there is no rain. ( Built indoors so the wood stays dry ready to paint ) And add mesh.

Debating wether to start panel 2 yet… or wait until tomorrow as it will be easier now iv made one.

So yes this is for the cats it’s going to be so big and I’m excited.

@Dazercat thought I’d tag you :sunflower::sunflower:


Did you buy the frame and stuff from a company? We are doing our balcony ourselves, but just with some wood and Trixie cat nets. Looking good :+1:t3:


I brought the wood and mesh.
I couldn’t bring myself to pay the amount they charge.
I have to say I built this all from scratch and surprisingly it seems to turn out okay :star:

Yes I have seen alot of balcony ones too, it’s nice that you are making it a space for the cats too :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow :star_struck:
You’re very handy.
When you see my catio it’s nothing like that. The new house just has a :100: enclosed courtyard with plants and we’ll get furniture and it has a fireplace. Kind of what I got here but bigger and a fireplace.

I can’t wait to see the finished product.


I looked into having those fences where they can’t get over, but my garden has steps up to a top part and they would just get over it and building any higher would invade the neighbours above. Or she would wake up with all the cats in her house :joy:
Couldnt bring myself to pay the high prices of ready built catio! They are around £1,000 so far I have spent £187.
I’m surprised how well panel 1 turnt out - 3 more to go and then the roof.
It’s 3:30pm here so I decided il stop for today or I’m setting myself up for a melt down at some point :joy:
I started at 11:30am and finished it around 2:30pm which isn’t bad I wasnt rushing.
So yh I will end up all moany if I push myself more.
Can’t wait to see your set up. I did see a pic of your cats outside the other day ? All in one pic together :slightly_smiling_face:

Yours sounds really nice, I’m not caught up with your moving home. It’s sounds really nice :+1: