Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Grateful Monday…

Grateful the workdayday is over now, and my day went smoothly.
Grateful I have a few minutes to myself to wind down, kick back in my car with some tunes and a Starbucks coffee before going home.
Grateful I got brand new tires on my truck at work today. Puts my mind at ease.
Grateful I’ll have an entire weekend off this week!
Grateful for good health.


Today I am grateful

  • that my work day is over
  • that I’m off the rest of the week.
  • that I’m in a sober house with sober family members
  • for my sobriety
  • for the abundance in my life.

Love it new to the forum

Thanks for sharing

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I am grateful for 128 days sober
My cleaning gal does a fabulous job
I have a wonderful caring AA HOME GROUP
My husband’s effort to be patient with all my changes
I have enough


Today I’m grateful
-for the sunny beautiful day at the beach

  • for time with my brother and his partner
  • for the abundance in my life
  • for my sobriety
  • that I straightened out my RX and I can pick it up today.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

  1. A hot shower
  2. Coffee
  3. Sunshine
  4. Another chance
  5. Family and friends

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I can see.
I am grateful I can smell.
I am grateful I can taste.
I am grateful I can feel.


I am grateful for your back to being grateful for things that are often taken for granted.

Grateful for sunshine again.

Grateful my sister made it home safe.

Grateful to have seen so many family members this last visit regardless of the circumstances.

Grateful to be in a state where the weight on my shoulders that shame, guilt, deceit, etc are now so much lighter when living in an honest, whole, trustworthy life filled with integrity.


I am Grateful to be sober ( had a day that tested me but I stuck it through)
I am Grateful for my healthy family ( 3 cats, 2 dogs and a husband)
I am Grateful for my Volunteer work at the Food Bank. Feels good to help others
I am Grateful for the few friends who have stood by me.
I am Grateful that I have enough to live this life :purple_heart:


1 grateful to be sober
2 for abundance of food
3 for my inner circle
4 constant evolution
5 the great unknown


Hey greatful peeps

Today im greatful for in no particular order

  1. My health
  2. Support of friends and family
  3. My cats health check went ok
  4. The beautiful yorkshire dales
  5. I have a roof over my head and food in the fridge

Today I am particularly grateful for:
Silly movies
Homemade cake
My husband
A safe and warm bed
Continued life improvements, none of which would be attempted if I weren’t working on sobriety.


For shelter that’s super homely
For literature that lifts my heart
For people who truly love me
For humbleness
For the ability to repivot mentality


Its Thanksgiving in America and it used to be my favorite holiday. I love an excuse to be grateful with a side of delicious food.
This year I am not feeling it, lots of anxieties are getting in the way. So this year I am thankful for all ya’ll.



Gonna hit you up with 5 thankfuls this morning and here we go…

1, im thankful for my health
2, im thankful for nature
3, im thankful for 60 days sober today
4, im thankful for i get to face todays challenges with a positive mind set
5, im thankful for sport as it really helps my recovery

ADAAT :muscle:

  1. An understanding partner
  2. A positive work day
  3. Free healthcare
  4. The internet- being able to acess a diverse range of sober material/ support.
  5. Air-conditioning
  • That the airplane with my youngest son in it landed safely
  • Having the day off from work
  • Survived a sugar free day
  • My electric blanket
  • My Monstera plant having a new big leaf :herb:

And that’s besides all the big things I’m absolutely thankful for like my kids, hubby, home, work, sobertime, etc :hugs:


Welcome to the TS community!

  1. Grateful for another day with my brother
  2. Grateful that our payment came in and will provide enough for December.
  3. Grateful that I have the flexibility to work as much as needed.
  4. Grateful for music.
  5. Grateful to know what love of self means, finally. Additionally grateful that because of this I can truly love others in a healthy way.

Swimming pools
Central heating
Hot tea
Comfy bed