Gratitude List. 5 things daily

  • I am grateful for my body and possibility to recover
  • I am grateful to be able to love
  • I am grateful to receive love
  • I am grateful for food and water
  • I am grateful to rest now


  1. I am grateful for each of my kids.
  2. I am grateful that I remembered my daughter needs a packed lunch tomorrow and that I have suitable food at home for that.
  3. I am grateful for the fading summer light tonight.
  4. I am grateful for good food in our bellies today.
  5. I am grateful that I’m able to make a sourdough loaf overnight, and that I have the knowledge to do so.

Im grateful for:

-being able to see the world
-being able to hear the world
-being able to smell the world
-being able to touch the world
-being able to taste the world

The basics today bc im so miserable😂

  1. My sons love of tractors and the endless supply of them competing in the tractor pull today.
  2. My daughters pure excitement over things. She BUSTS and I never want her to lose that!
  3. Setting to spend a few hours at the fair and letting rhe day keep us there all day.
  4. Getting started on letters I need to write to advocate for my nephew.
  5. My husband. God bless this fucking man who doesnt even believe in God :rofl:. I love him so much :sob: :sparkling_heart:

Monday Morning Gratitudes…

Grateful…I GOT A JOB!!! Got the official word this morning. :pray:
Grateful I don’t have to endure more stressful job interviews anymore.
Grateful I’ll be bringing home an income again.
Grateful to feel useful again.
Grateful things are finally changing for the better.


I am grateful to be home soon. I see rain in the forecast: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am grateful my colleague is there.
I am grateful I got myself motivated to clean my bike today.
I am grateful to be sober.

Congratulations @WilliamBloke. That’s great. :sunflower:


Hell YEAH !!! Congrats William! I am over the moon happy for you


Congratulations! :muscle:t2:
I am very happy for you :smiley:


Today I am grateful for:

  • one of the last office in presence days is done
  • changing contact info with colleagues I had a very good, professional (that’s what I always need) time with
  • finding a announcement for a new apartment that absolutly fits to my preferences! (yesterday I did a search and thought… Ok camping might be a good idea too, as everything was so bad). The price is good, it has a very nice kitchen (special thing in germany, sometimes you need to bring your own kitchen), open living room, fitted wardrobes, underfloor heating, internet included, bathtube, clean and clear design, a terrace, nature and its still close to my 2 swimming options. Will have a view on Friday.
  • my bed
  • mum

I think I see a celebratory donut in my future…


That apartment sounds like a dream come true. I hope you get it.


Oh I love the description of the apartment - i do hope it lives up to your expectations on Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Have to bring your own kitchen? Now i’ve heard everything… :rofl: Glad that this place is equipped for you and close to your swimming pool options.


Today’s gratitude list.

  1. I’m grateful for meditation tracks on insight timer to help me meditate.
  2. Grateful I got to spend time people watching today.
  3. Grateful for a mid afternoon power nap :zzz:
  4. Grateful I feel that I’m in good physical health.
  5. Grateful for the support I’m getting for my mental health at the moment.

Today Im grateful for:

  1. Not being in great physical pain
  2. Having the energy to work a 10 hour shift
  3. Having an air conditioner for my room!!!
  4. Having my family that loves me a lot
  5. Having our own rooms where me and my momma can sleep safely and comfortably

And another one bc Im not doing so great rn:

Im grateful for:

  1. Being able to take a hot shower every night in private
  2. that there are so many shows that we can watch
  3. That I live in a free country
  4. That I have a brain that can do things
  5. That I have made it through another day like this

Love you all


Congratulations @WilliamBloke i know you’ve been looking! :smiling_face:


Thank you! It’s a big relief for sure. :pray:


Today I’m grateful for:

  1. My sobriety
  2. The relief I feel of knowing I made the right decision in cutting toxic people out of my life
  3. My new linens
  4. A comfy bed and a good night sleep
  5. For this community for keeping me grounded and focused. :heart:

I am grateful I slept some hours. It’s the first time I think in my life I went to bed with a wet t-shirt. Wtf.
I am grateful I have all possible cable connections to connect my phone to the car I’ll get tomorrow. Not this time mf.
I am grateful I downloaded many different audiobooks for my drive from the library.
I am grateful I for internet, electricity, water and food.
I am grateful I can delete messages from my mother that are triggering me before I react impulsively and will forget I got them.


Whoa - you must have been so damn tired.

I am so grateful for …
*spring cleaning
*being able to donate my extra stuff
*my prescription eyeglasses are finally fixed and ready to pick up
*nutritious fruits and vegetables
*light exercise


-My sense of smell
-My sponsor
-Mother nature
-My family
-My dog
-My friends
-My workplace insurance