Gratitude List. 5 things daily

I’m grateful Franzi slept in the wet shirt so she could get some sleep.
I’m grateful she’s gotten to do some pretty nice things in France.
Including the figs. To me, France is figs, tomatoes and Camembert. And mirabelles.
I’m grateful Franzi has her phone equipment for the car.
I’m grateful she’ll soon be home with her rain.
Franzi have a nice and safe trip back home.
Proud of you for making the summer work trip to France and getting into it all in a good way.
And all your hiking and biking… despite the heat! Yay. :hugs:


I’m thankful i got to be there for my son’s first day of pre-school and to pick him up from school.
I’m thankful i got to take that boy to target and get him a toy for being a good boy
I’m thankful i got to take my 2 year old for ice cream cause he felt left out
I’m thankful to have sons
i’m thankful to have my wife of 21 years
I’m thankful to be alive.

  1. I’m grateful I made a start yesterday and continued on today and put another big bin bag out into the trash today.
  2. I’m grateful I also have two bags of nice clothes that I can donate to charity.
  3. I’m grateful that I was at home while my son came home from school feeling emotionally unwell. We chatted a bit, I suggested he do a meditation and he’s just left for school again for the afternoon session.
  4. I’m grateful for my son’s teachers and support at school.
  5. I’m grateful for the counselling that has been offered to my daughter. I spoke to the counsellor today and she seems lovely.

Tuesday Gratitudes…

Grateful for the beautiful weather today. No more storms or earthquakes.
Grateful to have at least a couple of hours to leave the house and take care of errands.
Grateful to have a new job to go to.
Grateful to my HP for answering my prayers.
Grateful to have just what we need.


Today I am grateful for:

  • my perfect certificate of employment
  • that I agreed only one more day in presence in my job before quitting (will hand over hardware, keys and chips by 31.08. and finally say Bye!)
  • my new tooth crown construction
    (looks brilliant now :sweat_smile:) even if I am smiling like a little hippo :rhinoceros:
  • good food and a nap
  • love

I’m grateful for:

  1. Staying sober, yee haw :cowboy_hat_face:, put my head on my pillow sober last night & will do the same tonight.
  2. A really fun day riding the motorcycles in the White Mountains with my wife.
  3. Polite drivers who were aware of us on the highway, and chatty friendly toll booth attendants.
  4. A good coffee on the way up, then lunch at an old haunt.
  5. Being present for all of it, not hungover :+1:

:joy::joy::joy: Very funny. Lovely!

I keep reading your third line as: “thankful for my first day clean now at age 117”

Congrats :joy:


How beautiful, Im so happy to hear all of that! Sounds great.
Go team.

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Sober friends,
The gift of moving on,
Knowing my flaws and the ability to try and be a better person tomorrow.


Today Im thankful for:

  1. Air conditioners (I kept missing the word and my brain just came up with “climate change” I almost wrote it lmaoooo)
  2. Sandwiches of so many kinds
  3. My phone which connects me to an infinite space of knowledge and you guys, wherever I go
  4. Eggos in the morning to keep me strong
  5. Not getting chilli cheese burgers driving home at night after work, and that two nights in a row

How funny are our brains, for gods sake.

Me yesterday: We’re NOT getting burgers after work at night!!!
Me yesterday: ok
Me today after work at night: I want bURGERS

Also this is how addiction works? I mean we dont WANT to want to drink!!.. but we still wanna drink tho
Thats why its best, when faced with intrusive thoughts, to just yell at my brain part to shut uuuuuppppp and redirect attention coldly without a second thought… im not taking my self seriously anymore…


Rule 62😉



Today I’m grateful for:
The cooler weather in AZ
Being one day closer to Friday
The delicious smoothie I had this morning
My sobriety
For the abundance in my life


I. Dinner every night and somewhere to sleep

II. The library meeting rooms where I can sit and relax for a little while each day

III. Beautiful art and music

IV. My journal, where I am can streamline my chaotic thoughts

V. The atmosphere of a quiet church


Tuesday gratitudes…
*Egyptian cotton sheets
*getting my new prescription sunglasses (finally fixed with correct prescription)
*100% pure dark chocolate
*cooler days - able to enjoy sunshine without overheating
*comedy and laughter


Today I’m grateful for

  1. Learning about an opportunity for swimming lessons for my daughter after school
  2. Being put forward for family therapy by my psychiatric nurse. I’m a bit in the dark about what it will entail but trying to keep an open mind.
  3. I managed another hour of clearing junk today and got another huge bag of junk out of the house.
  4. That I am sitting in a nice cafe as a reward for my hard work sketching but my pen just ran out of ink!
  5. The tapping meditation for sleep that I’ve done the past two nights. I got off to sleep pretty fast both nights.

I am grateful I got myself an upgrade for the car and booked a room for tomorrow in advance.
I am grateful most of the things are in the car, most importantly my bike :grimacing: the rest will be in the car when I leave and it won’t take long.
I am grateful for the time here, in the end. What a ride.
I am grateful i can take it easy. It’ll take some concentration on the highway to Genova and then Milano.
I am grateful that drinking is out of the equation.


Today I am grateful for:

  • time for a nap
  • coke zero on ice
  • dinner
  • my body
  • decisions



Hello today
Today Im grateful for:

  1. Stop stop stoppppping certain thoughts
  2. Happy hippos (chocolate things)
  3. Whole wheat bread
  4. My good laptop with my writing software
  5. Giving my best to communicate well

And another one again bc i need it

Im grateful for:

  1. weirdo shows that are truly original and different
  2. That I have an entire kitchen to use and a fridge to keep things cool and fresh
  3. That I have an entire room for myself where I can sleep safe and sound
  4. My momma who has her problems but is my sun
  5. My dad who always raised me to be free

1.Realising friends accept me for who I am and sober me is ok
2.Mornings now headache and low energy free
3.No more losing days (on end) to nausea, lethargy, paranoia, upset stomach, depression
4.The deeper connection I’m developing with my children that wasn’t there before, feeling like I only want to do right by them and for them
5. Peace