Gratitude List. 5 things daily

This evening I’m grateful for:

  1. Two awesome The Luckiest Club meetings, might even go to a third at 7:00.
  2. Turning on the TV, I immediately registered anxiety in my body, turned that fucker off & will read instead.
  3. An absolutely perfect weather day and lots of outdoor time with my doggos.
  4. Connection with other humans who understand AUD and the answering of a lot of questions I’ve had about why the fuck it’s been so hard for me to stop as I’ve gotten older (thanks to the 50+ meeting I attended today).
  5. Connection (support), commitment and courage to stop (day 2.62) and stay stopped.

Wednesday Gratitudes 8/23

Grateful to hear the words: “Welcome Aboard!”
Grateful to be a working man again.
Grateful to have my pride back again.
Grateful my Brother-in-law’s surgery went successfully today.
Grateful my Mom finally got a surgery date for her knee.


Today I’m grateful for:

  1. My ability to set appropriate boundaries
  2. My sobriety
  3. My friends and family that love and support me.
  4. A good night sleep.
  5. My ability to respond vs react to situations.
  1. Hubby is taking daughter to see Steve Earle Friday. She is 7, and I dont know how hes her favourite artist but this is not a drill. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

  2. Girls weekend with my bestie. Last time was last year and Im so excited.

  3. Get to see my mom and nephew this weekend too.

  4. Great day with hubby, going for lunch and talking about business plans.

  5. Havent felt like a drink, or tempted. That you to everyone here for being here, I believe this community has helped me realize something I have wanted for a while now.

  6. My little boy. Hes talking so much ans tonight I said, “I love you” and without skipping a beat he said “I love Pappa too”.

  7. Picking veggies in our garden.

  8. Beautiful neighbours who are moving soon.

  9. My comfy bed.

  10. My life. Xo.


Wednesday gratitude’s
*Red light therapy has promise to help with pain and inflammation
*Increasing protein intake and vitamin D dosage promise help with fatigue
*Cooler days in the horizon will allow for more outdoor walks
*Deep breathing helps calm my symptoms and helps with sleep
*Dry brushing helps with detoxifying the skin and stimulates the nervous system


Today I’m grateful for

  1. My creativity. I love making things.
  2. My ability to DIY and fix things around the house.
  3. Living in a great area of town with plenty of shops and cafes within walking distance.
  4. My comfy bed.
  5. My breath work and meditation practice.

Today I am grateful for:

  • a clear mind and clear thoughts
  • consulting a colleague
  • solving a job topic in a very streight and hard way
  • my skin, that feels and looks good
  • baked oats

I’m grateful for:

  1. Heading towards sober day 4, I will again put my head on my pillow sober tonight.

  2. Getting back into reading books. The Luckiest Club does a book club and we’re discussing Braiding Sweetgrass, which looks fascinating (starting it after this post).

  3. An excellent morning trail run in the woods. I met 3 beautiful dogs and had lovely chats with their people before carrying on with my run. Not buggy either :partying_face:

  4. Having a very different perspective on life. Recently as some minor hassles have arisen, a fresh perspective has arisen concurrently with them, which allowed me to stay in presence and not get bogged down by them. Staying in flow I guess.

  5. My silly dogs chasing each other around the yard, playing with sticks and digging holes :joy:


Hello guys

Today Im grateful forrrrrrr

  1. Cold milk

  2. Communicating better

  3. Setting healthy boundaries

  4. Asking others for help

  5. All the tasty foods everywhere

  6. The moment when a symptom receeds a little

  7. Appi my plush animal

  8. Eggs and avocado waiting for my breakfast

  9. Coffee everywhere

  10. My headphones and my phone with data so I can watch stuff wherever and whenever I want

  11. This community :yin_yang::heart:


One of my all time favorites after reading it this spring/summer. Enjoy!


I’m grateful for:

  • Really effective air conditioning on this 100 deg day (feels like 112, and unusual for Northern Iowa/Illinois where I live)
  • The ability to stay inside during excessive heat warnings and take care of my migraine-y head yesterday and today
  • Getting a few household chores done including fresh linens on the bed
  • The sweetest letter/drawing from my almost 4 year old niece sent to me by my dad and a plan to send one back. Pen pals!
  • The weekend approaching and plans to dig deep with my husband and knock out some major unpacking, sorting and putting away of things. And that we can do these things together.

I can’t put it down! It’s heartbreakingly beautiful.


I’m grateful for:

  • Kicking my own butt this morning and getting some work done
  • The few hours of light but steady rain that we enjoyed this morning, including some (short lived) cooler temps
  • Finally a break in the heat tomorrow!!! And possibly some light landscaping to beautify the front of our home
  • Planning for a long awaited camping trip next week for a couple nights followed by a long weekend. It will be a much needed vacation for us to enjoy together
  • Gathering boxes and bags of good items to donate (and declutter!)

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful to be back home in my own apartment. Found that my charges will be decreased by 85 Euro per months. How cool is this.
I am grateful for my neighbours and chatting with them.
I am grateful I made it through the past 5 months of adventure-like experience. Not really adventure but still.


-the new döner in my village… its turkish street food but this one took it up to another level with the ingredients quality and freshness… hats off

-stopping myself from ruminating, worrying, feeling guilty for several times today, at home and at work

-reading your replies to my posts and your understanding, connection and support through them

  • laughing. with others, about others and about me

-all the things, skills, knowledge we can obtain through the Internet. Languages, cooking, crafting… the worlds limitless curiosity is at our disposal 24/7

:heart:Love to everybody, one day at a time.


Today I’m grateful for:

  1. Sleeping in a little this morning, doggos only slightly late for daycare lol;

  2. Changing my reactivity to rude/bad drivers, now instead of being annoyed/pissed off I just say (don’t laugh :joy:), peace be with you. It really works!

  3. 4.46 days sober as of right now :muscle:

  4. Getting some photos from the builder of our new house in New Mexico, it’s really coming along nicely :partying_face:

  5. The sweet old cat at doggy daycare, she lets me hold her and she purrs like crazy, it’s so comforting :cat2: :heart:


Today I’m grateful for

  1. My sewing machine and sewing supplies at home.
  2. That i inspired my daughter to start a new embroidery just by getting on with a simple sewing project of my own.
  3. The new notebook I bought today so that I could make some notes as I sat in the cafe this afternoon.
  4. The warm welcome I received in the cafe.
  5. A pot of rooibos tea as I listen to a podcast before bed.

Thanky for:

-having been to a restaurant with my family even though they are all obsessed with discussing politics while the only thing I care about is fiction

-having a strong breakfast everyday so I don’t fall over at work

-having somehow gained a lot of weight in just a few days but being chill with it (used to hate myself when I gained, now i take it super easy… still have to lose it though :^)

-stopping rumination… its constantly attacking but im almost constantly deflecting. who’s the fool now

-making progress accepting my imperfections, insecurities, embarrassing moments, failures, all the uncomfortable stuff… im no longer on my ass about everything. I take it easy and let everything go. Go with the windddd


Greatful for:
Walks with the hubby and our dogson
Time with family
Extra time on the weekend
Starting to unwind from a stressful week


Grateful for:
My job
Being alive
2nd and 3rd and 4th n 5th chances
My husband and son