
Hello im erika and newly in recovery. I was in a rehab and my husband who i thought was clean passed away from an overdose. I just would like sone recommendations for support and how to handle it all. I was in a wreck and just got Xrays yday and my C6 vertebrae in mh necknis broke and im seeing a surgen tomorrow morning so if you pray please say a prayer. My husband and I have a 5 ye old son that i became sole provider for as well so im really bombarded and the way i use to deal with that stuff is by using and 31 days clean im still on rocky groud so any suggestion or support would be greatly appreciated


I’m so incredibly sorry you’re going through such a hard time. :broken_heart:

I know there are recourses for support and help and I think lots of people on here can guide you on those directions.

It helps me to stay accountable by checking in on this app daily.

It’s a start at least. Maybe you can look into some AA meetings or alike. They also have online options as well.

Just know you’re not alone and you’re stronger than you might feel right now. hugs :mending_heart:


I am sorry about your tragic loss and your current struggles, please know that this community will welcome you with open arms and help where possible :people_hugging:

I just did a quick search on ‘single parent’ using the ‘search’ button circled in red below and found 50+ results in threads, maybe that would be a good place to start and find like-minded folks?


Welcome Erika! I’m so sorry for your loss.
You’re honoring your husband by staying clean during these difficult times.

There’s another young lady here that lost her husband to an overdose too and now she’s raising her 2 children on her own. I’m sure you’ll have a lot in common. Her story is very inspirational. Here’s a link to one of her posts.


I’m so sorry for your loss Erica. I’ll pray for strength and guidance for l you and your children sending love to you :heart::pray:t2:


Hi Erika and welcome,
I’m sorry you are in a situation like this, that’s a lot to deal with :sweat: It’s hard and I cannot imagine how hard to loose your partner. My condoleances.

You are in good hands now and I hope the physical damage can heal with the help of the care takers. Did the rehab provides you with some kind of aftercare?
I will share you a link where you will find recourses for recovery. Maybe you find something to add into your recovery.

I really hope you will see this place as a safe spot to share and ask for help when needed.
It helped me a lot to be here daily to keep myself acountable. I checked in every day on the daily check in thread. Maybe it’s useful for you too? Here you find it:Checking in daily to maintain focus #70 - #240 by Shel75
For now I wanna give you a big hug :people_hugging:
Be strong! You are stronger then you think you are! Do it for you and your little kid :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Thank you for caring enough to do that for me! Its greatly appreciated

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Search for @Sarahyab, her posts about losing her husband to an OD may help you.

Erika, I am so very sorry. The death of a spouse is a lot to go through, I know (my first husband died many years ago) and grief is complicated. Holding strong in your recovery will serve you really well. I hope you have some friends or family to lean on as well, especially with your surgery and recovery.

For financial assistance, if you are located in the US, you can get in contact with Social Security and apply for Survivor’s Benefits on behalf of your son and your self. If you are still in rehab, perhaps someone there can help you with it or call your local Social Security office. You may also want to be in contact with your County Health and Human Services, they can help with SNAP (food assistance) and Medicaid (medical coverage), as well as any other financial assistance programs for you or your son, assuming you qualify financially. I know it is a lot to process and do, but the sooner you can tackle it, the faster you may receive some assistance. Perhaps family or a friend can help you with this.

That is a lot to be going through all at once. I hope you will stick around here and lean in on this community of strong survivors and friends. You are not alone. :heart:


Thank you!!

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Hi @02Erika, welcome to Talking Sober. I am so sorry for your loss. It is heartbreaking in a way only someone who has been through a similar loss can understand. (Lisa linked Sarah’s thread, above :arrow_up:; Sarah has walked this path too.)

You are not alone. Here on Talking Sober you will find people all over the world who can understand. Welcome home :slightly_smiling_face:


You are in the fight of your life literally right now and also wading through the wake of the most devastating loss you have suffered thus far in your life. I know it feels like you’re drowning, I promise you’re not. I promise this darkness will eventually give way to daylight. And I promise you can stay clean. I have been on this road called grief and recovery since august 30th, 2022. I will not lie and tell you time heals and it’ll become easier because, no it doesn’t and no it won’t. I will however tell you that you become more able to carry the weight of it all the longer you travel this road.

The waves will continue to come but they do get further apart eventually allowing for you to breathe between them instead of continually gasping for air. Allow yourself to feel every gut wrenching second of his absence as feeling it fully is the only way through. And honestly just like Dan I imagine your love is worth all the pain as well. Your grief is your love. Feel it. Keep your eyes dead locked skyward and live and live well not just for you, but for him also. So much love and understanding to you girl. You are in the darkness right now but you are not alone


Aww so much stress in such a short time for you, I feel for you and glad you have reached out. I would definitely find some meetings and get some local support on top of this thread. My thoughts are with you during a difficult time in your journey.

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