I am new and struggling

I am sober 14 hours and I can’t stop thinking about alcohol! I am giving this round an honest effort. I need to be healthier for myself and my 4 small children. I can’t believe I am struggling already :woman_facepalming:t2:


Good morning. So, what do you do to keep sober? What has not been working?


I need to figure something out. My daily drinking started last November. I was going through a rough time and started drinking my feelings away. Then it turned into this daily problem. Not sure what helps and what doesn’t at this point. This is all new to me.

Start with being active here. A lot of advice here, success stories, cautionary tales to read.


Hey Momma.
First day huh :thinking:
Yes it is a struggle. Honestly that first week sucked big time for me.
I did lots of angry power walks 2 or 3 times a day with some angry Gangsta Rap. I got to know Eminem and his music quite well. I was always so pissed off I can’t drink like a normie. I had the time to change my routines up and do a lot of power walks and hot showers every day for the first few days. I cried a couple of times a day in that hot relaxing shower. I just kept changing up my routine and did a lot of gratitude practice. Just for today. One lousy stinking day at a time.
AA meetings can be so helpful too if your interested in that route. They can be life savers.
One day at a time Momma. Your making a great decision for a better life and those beautiful 4 children must be worth it.
Or maybe just one hour at a time today. DO NOT PICK UP!
Keep checking in if you can.


It’s going to take getting a few days behind you til your thoughts think of something else. Write down the benefit of drinking opposed to living life without it.
Your kids will notice a difference when you build up a little time.


Don’t get discouraged, its one day at a time. Today i have 8 days sober.


there is growth in the suffering.
Do not shy away!

This is an opportunity to learn about yourself as well as lead by example for your children.


Thank you. I am already on my 2nd cry session of the day. The same thoughts go through my head about not being able to drink like a normie. I just don’t know how I let it get to this point. I used to be a social weekend drinker and now I’m a mess. I feel like everyone knows I have a problem I feel like I’m this loner sitting under a big judgmental microscope. I’m just going through it right now. So far I am finding these posts to be helpful, encouraging and what I think I will need to help me get through.


This past year I started drinking to numb my feelings and it is taking everything I have in me to not give in. I feel so crappy about myself right now but I know I can do this and I am going to give it all I got!

Thank you for listening and for your advice :heart:


It’s all we can do! Congratulations on your milestones!

About 99% of us can relate.

I know you can to! Just remember feelings fade and regret is forever

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This was very profound to hear! I will be writing this down somewhere


I bet you none of us started off wanting to be an addict. I know I didn’t. But I did want to escape my feelings when I was younger. Then even when I was older. I been escaping all my feelings for the longest time. As a matter of fact I just read this last night and posted it on the gratitude thread.

Which happens to be my favorite and strongest tool. It’s a great thread.

I found this community to be very supportive and non judgmental and we all are just trying not to pick up that most important drink. (Or DOC) The first one. I’ve never been able to have just one. If I don’t have that first one. I’m good.
Keep thinking of your beautiful children. Today. Right now you can do it just for them, just for today. Maybe even tomorrow you can do it for them too. See what happens.
I hope to see you around when you can.


I was where you were 24 hours ago. This community and the responses I got from asking the same question got me through the first hours. The first 24. It’s hard and you’ll think about it BUT here’s what they told me that helped me my first day:

  1. Cry. It’s okay. You’ve been masking feelings for a long time and you finally have to face them. It’s okay. Just cry.

  2. Remember how life could be better without drinking. No embarrassing moments, texts, calls. No severed relationships because of drunk actions. Feeling better spiritually, emotionally and physically.

  3. Be around people if possible that support you. Tell someone to help keep you accountable.

  4. AA meetings. I did 2 online this morning because the craving was so bad. I stayed sober. Have one tonight I’m going to in person.

  5. Take it one day at a time.


The first time I quit it was so easy. Didn’t appreciate it. Kept drinking for years developed into a real problem. I had terrible withdrawals and hallucinations when I quit. But I thank God everyday it was soooooo bad I never want to go through that EVER again


Getting sober is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. And I didnt get it the first time. I would highly recommend getting into treatment, meetings or both. You could also consider medication like Vivitrol/Revia to help with cravings. It isn’t an easy journey, but most things worth it in life aren’t easy. Stay in today, don’t pick up today and start considering what ACTIONS you will take to stay sober. For most or us we require an active program of recovery, not just abstinence, to have a shot at this thing. Glad you’re here.


Here’s another good thread if you got some time to read. It might have some helpful ideas.



Oh Sweet friend WELCOME Home! You are not alone anymore. Start with the Serenity Prayer.
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference. Amen
YOU are stronger than you Know. There is an app called “Everthing AA”. Start going to meetings. There are a lot of zoom meetings you could attend, if I may offer one simple suggestion- When they ask if there are any newcomers raise you had (hold your head up high) state your name and how long you have been sober. That’s it. You well feel these struggles start to fade.


I just read every post responding to you asking for help and guidance. There’s so much love and support for you. How beautiful is that? I offer you the same. This community has been a huge part of my recovery from 54 years of altering myself with drugs and daily weed consumption. I feel I am not good at offering advice but some things I just read here seem obvious and potent. A support group definitely AA or whatever works for you. Therapy has greatly benefitted me too. Just getting assessed and getting to the heart of my problems was needed. In my case psych meds for clinical depression have kept my depression at bay and therapy rid me of ptsd. It really helps me to express my gratitude daily on that thread. Consistency for me,my daily routine,a benefit too. I gave myself up to God and that for me has greatly eased my burden. Please check in when able keep a dialog going with this community. You won’t ever be judged or criticized. Glad you’re here.:brown_heart: