I have slipped after 3 years and I'm so scared and angry

Hi, yes I’m better in that I’ve stopped the anger over slipping. It will achieve nothing and just create a bad atmosphere. I don’t have time for self pity these days with two young sons to raise.

The initial fear and anxiety from the withdrawals are gone. I’m now at that phase where my heads not quite clear from the fog, my throat is shot so I’m trying to work on treating that. I have a full diary at work today and have that dread you feel for normal life after a binge but again I know it will pass and no lasting damage has been made, which could have easily happened when in the run of a drunken episode.

I’ve not done this for so long I forgot how tired and fuzzy headed you are for days sometimes. Thought I’d sleep loads last night but it was all very broken and light.

Just need to focus on getting today tackled, letting the poison work its way from my body and the after effects to lift.

I knew looking back it was coming. Not just with me having the odd mixed shandy, but as my wife pointed out why didn’t I drive to meet my friends I usually drive :man_shrugging:t3:.
But not only that I think my attitude has been off lately. I’ve hardly attended church, have not practiced any mindfulness and meditation for months. Become a bit materialistic. I’ve noticed myself getting pissed off at work situations and personal life. I’ve not been very balanced at all. Not been very sympathetic to people.

It’s all connected isn’t it!


Thanks and yes talking with this community helped me get over the feeling of wasting that length of time.

It’s still a horrible feeling and I never want to be here again. I need to learn from this and move on.

Hope you are ok?

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Ho @Quinny251 Welcome back to the group. Huge congrats on 3yrs. That’s loads in your sobriety bank. Please don’t beat yourself up too much, try and hold your amazing achievement close. Hopefully look at the slip/blip/whatever as an unfortunate but hugely useful reminder of the crap you don’t want or need. Jump up, dust down, puff out your chest and get ur bionic on it again! Stay strong dude. Alcohol Explained by William Porter audio book on audible if you need an extra tool in your box. It was basically an addiction sledgehammer for me!
Use the force…stay away from the dark side!


You see we’re you went wrong which is positive I did it myself stopped working on my soberity and I slipped up it’s a lesson for us moving forward mate we need to put work in daily have a good day mate all the best moving forward


Thanks for the recommended! I’ve got a few audible tokens so will get it today with one.

Yes completely agree, I’m a bit too long in the tooth to be hating myself for weeks. Just need to crack on with life and let the poison fully work out the body.

Don’t miss this shit! :man_facepalming:t3:

Only thing I’m a bit worried about is I’ve got a full day diary with work and my voice is shot to hell. But it’s what and I’ve had a cold so I’m sure people won’t be overly thinking wtf. Probably overthinking it. Either way life continues


That’s it mate. Biggest lesson for me is it’s never time to stop working on the stuff that’s given you sobriety.

End of the day some poor buffers have slipped after 20 years!

But all the usual shit was coming in my head “you’ve never drank every day like fully alcoholics do, you just never knew when you’d had enough during a binge, your not the same guy” :crazy_face::man_shrugging:t3:. Same bollocks same lies


I was never a daily drinker weekends but I could swear off for weeks at a time I’m a binge alcoholic when I start I don’t know when I will stop that’s my problem sounds like your the same mate time to put one foot infront of the other and build those days back up
Beat but not Beaten the way I’m looking at it just now


It’s good to state that point actually. A ‘binge alcoholic’

I remember when I first started trying to sort myself out after I’d been to nick for a fight and knew booze was very very dangerous for me. It was another 10 years nearly from release to the longest dry I’ve had. I had loads of positives in those years getting married, children, university, career, home etc. But sometimes it was on a fucking knife edge and could have all come crumbling down.

But when I first started my biggest thing was fighting the idea that I’m not an alcoholic because I can do sober October like clicking my fingers and I have more days sober then not because I’m a binge drinker not an alcoholic. It took me a long time to accept that I am an alcoholic and all our experiences are different. For us it’s binges and often in social settings that can lead to trouble with the law. For others it’s daily but in solitude.

They lose the job because they don’t attend work. A bing drinker could lose there Jon because they get locked up or performamce clearly drops die to the binge drinking. Everyone’s story is at least slightly different.

Would make a good thread for conversation actually mate. ’ experiences of a binge alcoholic’


So far so good with Gods help I will overcome. I’ve got 2 days clean now and I prayed as soon as I woke up and read my daily. I’ll be at a meeting later today. Hope you and your wife have a good and sober day together. :grinning:

You don’t have to start again.

There will be bumps in the road in recovery.

Don’t feel sick and embarrassed.

Pick yourself up, tell yourself that you will be ok. Move forward.

What’s done is done.

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I was a binge drinker myself. Friday would come, I’d get off of work and from Friday night to Sunday morning, I would get fucked up. I’m not going to sit here and lie to you saying that I haven’t thought about drinking, because I have. I would try to justify it some how.
I’d think about it some more and then the floodgate of memories would just start pouring into my mind of all the stupid shit that I did. I’d then ask myself, why the fuck would I start drinking now. A lot of people depend on me l, now, more than ever. This Rage would build up inside of me but I always calm myself.
You can’t lock away your past because every time I tried doing that, I would piss it all away. I’ve learned (over time) to integrate the Past into my life. I don’t necessarily ignore the Future neither but I don’t dwell on tomorrow and instead focus on the Here and Now. I wake up every morning and thank whoever is up there looking over me and I go about my day, aware of the action’s I take, with everyone I interact with.
It’s still a work in progress you see and I know it’s going to be like that until the day I die but this is what I have to do to Live my Life. It’s not about me any more man. It’s about everyone else around me now and I accept that.
Thank you for having the courage to share your story, amigo. That says a lot about yourself. Don’t forget what happened and remember, even though your wife is mad at you, she’s mad at you for a legitimate reason. You know more than anyone else, what you have to do. Do right by you so you can do right by your wife and family, bro.


Amen. Thanks mate.

Basically described my last few years sober. I used CBT stuff I learned from SMART RECOVERY to remind myself why I quit what I have to give up for what I gain.

Mindfulness and being in the moment is imo key to all of this and actually most of life. We are damaged by our past so we damage our future. Fucking crazy when you think about it.

I’m full of cold right now and rather worn down but I will build myself up again. I’m looking forward to starting up my journey again to understand myself and using the tools I’ve gained to stay sober.

I’m just sorry that I needed this reminder and never spotted the signs (Living in the past again :grimacing::relaxed:) but that’s done and it’s about tomorrow.

God bless :pray:


I happened to catch this on my yt feed this morning, your post made me think of it.

Good on you for posting on here. Love yourself! We’re all human.

Same here. My week long hangover and brain fog would just be lifting on Friday right about the time I commenced my next weekend of drunkenness. It was such a shitty way to live.


100% looking back at one point Thursday was my only fret free day. Until I did it all again. It’s a form of madness really

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I completely agree with you!

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It really is…Glad we’re all working on it together :+1:


Hey Quinn, I can feel you, how about coming to our meeting and talk a little about that? It’s on every night, East Bay AA Group meetings website, Nightly Speaker/Discussion, starts at 12:39am PST

Keep your head up, God will help you

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Quinny you for sure have the tools and road map. I’m sorry too that you had to get beat down to be reminded how sneaky addiction is. I have taken my lumps for sure. My last relapse was in December I sobered up in August. Im glad you saw what was happening and reached right out.
Stay strong brother and thank you for being here.