I'm trying to change to be a better partner (TW: Cannabis)

Hi everyone, this is weird for me because I feel like I’m talking to noone, but writing this out makes this decision feel more real to me so here I go I guess. I’ve been using cannabis off and on for over 10 years (since 14, which I think caused me some cognitive issues over time), and could always stop for whatever reason, usually financial issues or whatever. My partner was against it when we got together so I stopped for a couple years, but after he opened up to the idea, I started again in 2020. Once I had the go ahead I felt like I lost control, and although my friends don’t consider cannabis addictive, I was buying so much of it even though I couldnt afford it, and it caused issues in my relationship. I was hiding that I was using it so much and hiding when I was buying it. He found out once and I almost lost him because I lied to his face.
Just the last 2 years it has make studying impossible, it’s all I think about, and if I let myself I would use it all day every day (and since Ive had a pen, I have been. I think I havent been sober more than 2 days in over a year). I have continued to use despite continuous consequences. I am sick of feeling guilt, I want to be social without being sedated, I want to stop making bad decisions, and I want to be a better partner.
About 2 months ago I started ADHD meds and a couple of the days I didnt have cannabis and I felt better than ever. I think if I don’t do it now, I never will. I’m throwing out all of my stuff and committing to myself to stop indefinitely. Ill have to figure out a timeline with my therapist, maybe permanently. I am a person that is not capable of moderation. At least I know that about myself.
I really do love my life. I dont want to be sedated anymore. I’m really going to try this time. I want to be a better person than where I came from. I’ll probably write again as I navigate this. If anyone has been in my place I’d love to hear how this journey has been for you so I know what to expect. If anyone’s out there, thanks for listening


I can relate in ways
Today is day 3 after over 100 days without
My wife has issues cannabis helps. And she definitely doesn’t over do it. The last time i saw her smoke was over 100 days ago. She might have less time because she doesnt like using it infrunt of me.

Ive used weed heavily sence 13 years old. At 16 years old i got diagnosed schizophrenic. I truly believe it was because of the abuse i put myself through to get high and the abuse i put myself while high.

I wasnt allowed to do it butbeveryone else around me was and that really fked with my head and nade for some pretty devistating arguments… all over pot

Pot is very addictive. Its a dependency. Its also mind addictive. Withdrawal happeneds too.

For me , anything can be an excuse to pick it up. Now adays its super strong. The thc vape pen is my drug of choice

Putting down weed isnt the worst that could happen to someone. I like being sober more then under the influence.

Read around and post often. I look forward to hearing more from you


Welcome Haley! And thanks for sharing your story. You’re actually talking to lots of folks here. Including weed addicts, me being one of 'm. It’s been my drug of choice since my 13th year, and it took me till my 49th to finally stop (I’m 58 now). Screwed up my life, my studies, my relationships. But never realized I was an addict until decades had passed. And after I quit, alcohol became my main substance to use, coming up to 5 years clean from that too now. I’m a substance abuser.

Be sure cannabis is addictive and be sure you’re doing the right thing by quitting now. Also know that we can’t do it alone. So I’m very glad to have you aboard here. Together we can do this. Do expect some withdrawal symptoms to occur, but know that they will pass just as long as you hang in there. One day, one hour, one minute and one craving at a time. Welcome again and wishing you all success. Hoping to see more of you soon.


Thank you so much for your kind words. Having a community on here that understands is incredibly validating and is a good change from the friends and family that don’t recognize the challenges I’m facing or minimize it. I’ll do my best and will be prepared for what’s to come. Thank you for sharing your experience with me and I admire your diligence. We’re all in this together, know your support on my day 1 means a lot:-)


Thanks for sharing and for your encouragement, I plan to post updates as I figure this out. We’re in this together, keep it up :facepunch:


People who aren’t addicts don’t know. It’s just impossible to know what it is and how it feels without first hand knowledge. That’s why we are together here. And yes, weed also brings its own particular stigmas, like it’s not as harmful, or not as addictive as other drugs. I know better and most people here do too. Anyway, let me give you some links to useful threads here, and finish with one where you can find many of us on a daily basis. Hugs.


Thank you so much, this is so kind of you! Take care my friend


Welcome Haley! You’ve definitely come to the right place, one that has been my most valuable resource and community on my own path. Though I haven’t experienced weed addiction, I have seen it in action in the lives of people I care about it and it can be insidious, so I commend you on your decision and commitment to quit. You’ve gotten lots of great feedback and resources already, but I just wanted to extend a hello and welcome. :hugs:


Thank you for your kindness and encouragement, I’m glad to be a part of this community. Best of luck on your own journey my friend

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