Daily fitness check in đŸ’Ș

My July challenge is hiking in Costa Rica - I will be posting pics! Also I’m waiting for a book from runnerswworld,com, a 6 week program including diet and specific workouts, “Run For Abs”. I may post that for August.


ooooooo Costa Rica!! I found a running vacation there and I am seriously considering it for my 40th birthday next year. They take care of accommodations, food and travel. I just gotta pay for my flight there and the cost of their price of course


My goodness that is an awesome July Challenge – looking forward to seeing the pics!

Also looking forward to a potential August workout challenge from ya.

@Runningfree That sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate your 40th!:tada:


First of all - congratulations for you guys who stayed active at June! :1st_place_medal:big up!

About July - what do you think about opening a thread where we would make daily check-ins but specifically about our workouts? What did we do, how we feel etc. Maybe it’s silly but for me it is huge motivation, being accountable. So whatever you do - running, yoga, YouTube workouts, gym, class, swim - let us know :slight_smile:
Anyone would join?
Just idea.


I was just going to ask, is there a July challenge? I am just seeing the June one so if not I can do June in July! :heart:


I do like this idea and would be interested to join if a thread was created. You want to start it off?

As for July 
we are repeating a previous challenge



I like that idea very much! Like a checkin thread but for fitness stuff


I love this idea yes. I’m struggling to do all my classes then commit to an extra challenge as well. Often I’m too achy and want to give my all to my one hour classes instead and then feel guilty despite doing even more than the challenge asks. I would love to check in daily here with my activity as it’s also nice to monitor myself. Great idea :bulb::+1:t2:



do you want to start a separate thread or i can change the name of this one and we can call it Daily fitness check in :thinking:


Great, please do it Jasmine! My boys are having friend over today so i have not 3 but 4 little boys to look after. I was trying to start this thread several times but distraction here is huuuuge :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


You’ve got kindergarten at home! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Totally understand that
I’ve changed the name of the thread and added a note in first post. We can now use this thread to do our daily check ins.

You seem like you have your hands full 
always so busy with the toddlers. Sending you serenity and peace :hugs:


Today I took the doggos for their walk (it’s always a mile or right under) then did a strength class that was back and chest. Now to rest and enjoy my day off work :tada::tada:


Thank you!!! I like this one better than the June one! Lol

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 totally get it.
Glad you are here with us

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Thank you Jasmine :muscle:t2:

I got 15k steps in every day Fri-Sunday and also mowed lawns and did manual work for several hours. My back hurt :joy:

I’m about resting today, off to the cinema, good sleep, good food.

Tomorrow I have a one hour weight lifting and strength training class then a body balance class immediately afterwards. Will check in then. Plus at least 8k-10k steps tomorrow is my goal.


I love it! I have done my 5.25 mile brisk walk but been running around since and haven’t gotten to any other activity. Got the house cleaned tho.
Hope to do something more this afternoon
we shall see


Very nice idea with this thread!

:white_check_mark: day 12 of the ‘run your butt off’ running program
:white_check_mark: day 15 of the ‘ignite’ yoga program


My ankle is still swollen so I have to take it easy.

I move a bit with 6kg kettlebell (upper body exercises), did some stretching, few knee pushups. All together maybe 20min.


I like this idea, body was a bit broken at the start of june to jump on the challenge. But daily movement is what I’m after for July. My july started yesterday and I got 100 burpees in, just going slow and steady. 100/3100