Good to see you’re here and even better that you’re dropping the smokes!
I know its tough, threw them out in 08. You will find support here, for sure. Only thing that I can say is you, I or anyone doesn’t have to or need to smoke ever again. Simple.
Hugs friend and congratulations on treating your body better!
This is the one that has had me by my short and curlies for the longest time. I surrendered my alcohol & narcotics addictions back in 2011 but this sucker - sheesh it’s a different level for me.
I can say back that I believe you and will hold that in my mind as a little mantra “I don’t have to or need to smoke ever again”.
when i stopped in the eighties i was on 60 a day but sober a year going to the gym and the cigs were getting in my way to get fitter so cigs or gym and gym won 37 years cig free this October
Use your tools that helped you get sober from alcohol and narcs before. Its definitely tough but well worth it. Good luck @Aquaritek you can keep posting here for support or theres another quit smoking thread here