Kratom withdrawal

Smack in the middle of a cold turkey withdrawal from kratom. I was naive and thought this was a harmless solution to depression and chronic psoriatic pain. 63 hours sober: all the textbook opiate w\d symptoms. Besides all the acute physical withdrawal symptoms; I’m most afraid of life after substance abuse… I homeschool my daughters, my youngest autistic. I felt like kratom gave me the energy motivation and patience i so needed, how will I function without my “super mom" crutch?


u have no idea how much i understand u. I literally lost my mind n ended up in the mental hospital. My children are my triggers. I drank to be a “better mom” I was just a functioning alcoholic. Im only 16 days sober so im not much help. I will tell u though, I dont think u need that K thing to be a good mom. Ik it bugs for people to tell u what u “dont need” it makes me angry when people tell me “you’ll be okay” Truth is im not okay. Im fucked up. I also know its a process and something better than my life now is waiting. Dont give up hun.


Thank you so much for replying, it’s nice to know I’m not the only mom feeling this way. Every time I would dose of feel like I’m letting my kids down even though they’re too young to notice. Im so grateful you reached out.

Being a mother Is one of the hardest things Ive ever done. More than quitting my vises. I think we are good moms. We care enough to feel like shit for doing what we “have” to do just to be there for them. If I didnt drink Id lock myself up in my room n sleep allday. my husband would look after the kids. If i drank Id be up, cooking playing with my kids being an active parent. I dont think we are bad. I think we are Humans! We are people too not just parents. Hang in there sweetness. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. :black_heart:


Hi I’m following this. I need to get off Kratom too. I’ve been off pain pills for 6 months. Used K to get thru withdrawal

Hey, I did the same routine a few years back getting off Roxy. Little did I know I was jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire . Sadly very little studies done on kratom wd and my experience is anecdotal
I recommend Reddit r/quittingkratom

Yea I want off. I have 3 kids under 5 so I feel you

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You going to do cold turkey? I might try a taper. Let’s do this

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To each their
If own but tapering only prolonged the pain for me. I’m 65 hrs in and with the right supplements it has been reasonably bearable compared to my taper attempt last year

This is an old post, but I’m detoxing from kratom right now. Started as a way to get off heroin, which worked, but I ultimately swapped one addiction to another. Thought it was harmless and non addictive… found out the truth the hard way. I’ve tried to quit more than 20 times in the last 3 1/2 years. Every way imaginable. Formal detoxes, home detoxes, inpatient treatment, outpatient, aa meetings… all of it. I’ve kicked everything from alcohol to heroin to cigarettes and this devil WILL NOT get off my back. I’ve convinced myself that I’m a better employee and mother using kratom. That is a lie. I just want my life back. If I don’t make it this time, I will lose the love of my life and don’t know how I would handle that. I hope that you’re doing well, the original poster and anyone else struggling with this.

I have been a kratom addict for the past two years. It has been horrible. 2 seizures in the past six months due to kratom. Dislocated both shoulders during both of the seizures. First seizure was super intense and buzzed my brain really hard. Second seizure I was in the bath tub. Wife saved my life for the second time and got me out of the bath. When I came too I couldn’t breath because I had inhaled chewing tobacco deep into my respiratory system. Thought I was going to die. Many many at home detoxes with horrible withdrawl episodes. In the past six months 3 detox centers and 2 rehab centers. Currently in a 5 day a week full day IOP with 10 days clean. With kratom you are not only withdrawing from the 2 partial opiate antagonists you are also withdrawing from the roughly 12 other alkaloids present in kratom that mess with your brain and currently have little research behind them. Also you never know what these guys are using for fertilizer or what is in the water they use to grow. Toxic heavy metals have been found in some kratom.

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Man you hate some Kratom!


Thank you for sharing that


I’m sorry that anyone has to go through this but I am so glad that someone was willing to share the negative sides is Kratom.
So many assume it’s a wonderful cure-all when in reality it’s doing more damage to those taking it in the long run.

Even if this is an older post it needs to be brought back up because the truth needs to be out there that the withdrawal of this stuff is just as bad or worse then what your Original drug of choice could have been.

Please do the research. :purple_heart:


I’m just bumping this back up to show how horrible this crap really is :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Hi I’m Andy , I too had horrible withdrawals …after one year of sobriety I started with a small bag of Kratom …it grew to over 30 ounces a week . I was trapped dose to dose . I had to detox and I understand the whole process . It’s very uncomfortable but you can get through it …you said you were 80 hrs I believe free of it; your over 3/4 of the way there …Dont give in …you got this !!!


Oh it’s an old post …but yes the masses need to know that kratom can be dangerous and addicting !!!


I am currently going through the same thing. Let’s get through this together.

How are you getting on, I see that youmhavnt posted since this day. Did you get off this horrible substance? I hope so! :slight_smile:

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Kratom W/D are terrible. My whole body hurts, tired all the time but can’t sleep because of restless leg syndrome. Oh, it’s so bad :frowning: . I’ve quit cigarettes and currently over 1 month sober from alcohol, and now 1 day into quitting kratom. I started kratom about 2 years ago after reading that it helps with anxiety. Yes it did help with anxiety, but in all honesty doesn’t most addictive harmful drugs all help with anxiety in the beginning… I’m not sure how much kratom I got up to using but it was easily a small bag a day. I want to be free of all addictions. I’ve had small sprints of sobriety in the past 3 years and each time once the withdrawal was over I remember a feeling of great achievement and self respect that these drugs rob for us. I want my life back. If you haven’t started please don’t. Whatever problems we have please know this crap will just make it worse in the long run.

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