I’ve been a fan of landscape photography for many years…dating back to 35mm cameras (I realize @Yoda-Stevie and I are probably the only ones who even know what a 35mm is)
. I find photography to be inspiring, relaxing and it gives me focus when I’m running or hiking outdoors. I figured I’d start a thread for anyone who would like to post some scenic images from their adventures in this beautiful world we call home.
@HaHaHarley…I couldn’t help but think of those vibrant green locks of hair when I was running up this hill today…sorry @Rosey, I looked far and wide for some lavender, but no luck
I love photography, too. I have my dad’s old Canon from the 70s. It’s so relaxing. I can take pics and edit for hours. Hey! I think you just helped me find an old hobby to get back into!!!
Awesome!!! That makes my day.
Aw sweet … What a beautiful day there… It’s been raining non stop here today!
Aw I love this thread so much! I love taking photos… I only have my phone for now but hoping for a camera for my birthday! Great Idea… Thanks for starting this!
Wow! Killer lavender sky… the tree silhouette.
The air was so crisp that day… The street was empty… It was beautiful!
Attended an AA meeting on this beach. Kalalau, The Big Island, Hawaii, USA. BTW - Hawaiians are really good huggers.
I had a 35 mm too!!! The torture of waiting to see if the pictures were good at all!! I am a fan of barns. Old dilapidated barns. It’s been a long time since I’ve been out taking shots. I should dust off the camera and get back at it!