Mind Blowing Random Thoughts

Now I’ll forever be thinking “chips n fruit salad” … lawd help

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I was going to respond with this but you beat me to it!


Do I need to spin up a campaign for @DungeonMaster, @Shinhiryuu, @ifs and I?


Ohhhhhhhh so tempting… I’ve always liked D&D and roleplay… But I’ve never actually played D&D before, just forum-style narrative RP


(perking up) Wait… What?

I actually play Pathfinder. It’s more like D&D 3.5 than 5.0 in that it’s got a heavy structure to it. I like the rules. I feel like it opens up more options for character growth and building.

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Basically everyone in the thread RPs their own character, writes a scene (or portion thereof) per post, like a scene from a book. There are no preset D&D stats and rolls and spells and rules, only what facts and rules the “DM”/narrator has decided about the world. Since there’s no rolling for results, my character would have “swung his sword at the oncoming goblin” or spoken his mind towards his mentor. It’s written in a way that indicates the action taken but not the result. If the interaction is with a NPC, the narrator can respond with a scene or scene fragment about how the NPC reacted as well as make judgement calls about what the realistic outcome would be. If it’s a PC, whoever is playing that character responds in the same way.

The style is pretty dependent on players staying true to their character’s strengths and weaknesses and to the world rather than trying to twist everything to their advantage. But in the right group, especially if they have some writing expertise, you can get fantastic character development and plot and subplots going just as a result of everyone’s creativity in a free form environment.

I tried Storium which facilitates this quite well, but is typically used in a way that imposes further structure, though not to the point of D&D (there are pros and cons).

My ex ran a game that took place in one of her novels and that was really fun to be part of.


The way we did it:

  1. DM opens scene. Establishes setting, important goings-on or opening action.
  2. Players and DM take turns acting of their own accord and/or in response to other character actions towards them.
  3. DM or consensus decides scene is done and DM closes with additional narrative, clearing up what the end result was, if not clear already.
  4. Repeat

My favourite part of forum-style RP is that it can be anything you want. French Revolution, vampires, space age, high school drama, whatever. And if you think it’s more interesting if your character slips and falls instead of making the jump, you can make that the case instead of hoping for the right roll, so long as it’s seen as realistic (parkour pro messing up a small jump, no, clumsy or unlucky character sure)

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I’ve played that over Facebook Messenger before. It went decently. I’d like to join in on that, but I likely won’t be around until sometime mid october. Taking a social media break.

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Oct. 8th mind blowing random thought of the day: The peanut is neither a pea nor a nut.


This made me giggle. Lol thank you.

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It’s a legume like peas but anyone can ask uncle Google of course if curious.


Seems like it should be the fear of losing your phobia. :crazy_face: Edit: I don’t know what I did, but I think I responded to a really old random thought post here. Nomophobia, the fear of not having you cell phone. Ah well…

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Oct. 9th mind blowing random thought of the day: Butterflies taste with their feet.


Oct. 10th mind blowing random thought of the day: Approximately 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.


Do they attack? lol

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That’s scary. People take their life in their hands Everytime they use one! :grin:

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Googling this one gets a hit on Wikipedia. A snake once attacked. :open_mouth: It’s a harrowing tale.

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Oct. 11th mind blowing random thought of the day: Some cats are allergic to humans.


Oct. 12th mind blowing random thought of the day: 315 entries in Webster’s 1996 Dictionary were mispelled.