Morning routines anyone?!

It is! And it’s quiet :joy: I arrive around 7.

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Winner!! Keep it up!

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Feed kitty :100:% most important


It’s a coloring app that I use.
I use it in the morning to start my day with some relaxation.
I also use it throughout the day when my anxiety gets high.

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Awesome. So many cool things out there for us!

I have a post on here where I post some of the pictures that have messages that I feel can be moving with sobriety and recovery.

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  • Meditation
  • yoga/hiking
  • shower
  • coffee/breakfast
  • check emails
  • 10am group therapy

Protein shake


Berries and cream?! I’m a lad who loves berries. And cream.

When I’m not a work…wake up bout 9 throw on smelly walk the dogs clothes, walk dogs for about 45min. Take shower have green tea and breakfast mayb go back to bed for an hour or watch this morning…when I’m at work…wake up at 515am put on work clothes wash face and teeth have breakfast and green tea and out at 545 to drive 14mile to work



  1. Wake
  2. Brush Teeth
  3. Drink Water
  4. Shower and use the steam for work clothes
  5. Meditate
  6. Read a few posts here
  7. Double-check my EDC (everyday carry items) and work pack
  8. Make coffee for the morning boost, green tea for throughout the day
  9. Out the door by 7:45AM

Is the work days tough in the morning since given the chance you’d sleep a bit later? Or do you kind of have two ‘modes’.

Solid. I do also sometimes utilize the bathroom steamer that is my shower. :shower:. Also I should start using the term everyday carry items instead of studdering around certain ones.

Wake up at about 7
Read email.
Coffee and CNN/CBC
Meditation (hopefully)
Off to work (back in my bedroom. :joy:)


Haha love this, good old snooze !


Let dog out and feed him (he does 360 spins until I give him food so it has to come first for his own safety!)
Teeth, shower etc.
Fresh coffee (liking the Marley range currently)
Eat some breakfast
Set up laptop at home or drive into work depending on day

Looking over other comments, wondering about adding some morning medidation or yoga into ny routine…


Lots of 4/5am alarms! You guys in the US?
My aunt lives in Vegas and she gets up at 4 too. Mine was 6.30 pre pandemic, then since working at home its 7/7.30. I used to get up at 5 to go to the gym but thats not back open again yet!


Don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve been an early-riser since my early teens. My first job was delivering newspapers. Then I was a meat cutter in a specialty shop. After high school I joined the Marines and served into my early 30’s.

Even on weekends, I am up before 5am. The only drawback is I am pretty much useless after 10pm, and if I have to be up past that hour, I start getting cranky.


I have 2 modes I’m a chiller if I can be but if I’ve gotta get up I can

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Oh cool! :blush:

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