My Higher Power... God 🌹

JB it sure is. It’s like he waits in the bushes for me to do all I can then sees me struggling and steps in lol :laughing:

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That’s amazing! Good for you! :blossom: :cherry_blossom: :sunflower: :rose:


Love to hear this! Keep your focus on Jesus. In all you do. Pray and talk to him as if he were right there next to you daily. Seek him before making decisions. Start journaling but make them letters to God. How you feel, what you need. All of it. There is true freedom and love in him. He will wash you clean from the old self and create new life within you. So many prayers your way :pray: :blush:


A song for the group :notes:

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Thanks for asking. I’ve picked up the phone and stopped the washing machine I obsess over things . I’ve got using family members who I have no choice but to see sometimes and they like to belittle me and my program of recovery. They can stay in the madness and I can keep myself safe :pray:t2:

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You’re very welcome. Sorry that sucks. I do too and yes you keep you safe. :blossom: Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict? - #1634 by Pattycake This is a great post to read on.

thank you so much my friend :] !! i’ve been talking (and trying to listen) to God as often as i can about whatever is on my mind, good or bad! i’ve learned he doesn’t mind my rambling, and i feel like he’s rejoicing in me accepting His love <3

journaling to Him is a wonderful idea!! i journal often, so making them letters to God is a beautiful way to spend even more time with Him!

thank you for the love and prayers brother, you’re connection with God is inspiring to me :] <3

(p.s. all love brother, but one small correction, i’m a “brother” more so than “sister” <3)

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Well I feel like a bafoon :man_facepalming:
Very sorry about that my friend

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aww it’s totally okay my friend! i mention it not to make you feel bad, but just bc i feel we’ll be interacting more in the future, you’ve got great insights!! so no hurt feelings here <3 much love and i hope you’re well !!

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My Higher Power is indeed God. But it hasn’t always been. Interesting though that when I was high and wasted I considered myself an arrogant atheist. But now that I’m sober I take a refuge in God and Jesus Christ. I have prayed and read Bible a lot and I truly feel that God is taking care of me. I’m happy to say I believe in Jesus Christ. I’m living in a country where the biggest sect is Evangelical Lutheran and I belong into that. God is great!



I grew up in it, but turned away for a very, very long time out of my own ignorance and thinking. The stories I can tell during those times are now testimonies. I have people that see me in my new life and hear of the old and tell me how that doesn’t even sound or look like the same person standing in front of them. I definitely should not be here today. There’s a plan for each of us. Thanks for sharing David. It’s always amazing to hear more of God’s love and work through others. Take it easy my friend



So inspiring, brother! Thanks for sharing. I love all the testimonies, they are truly so remarkable!

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Another song for the group :notes:

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I’m starting a new journey in my sobriety and my growth with God. This is what I’ll be doing in a group setting for the next 10 weeks.