My Higher Power... God šŸŒ¹

Amen. Still challenging to catch myself in my old ways of thinking/reacting to things. He definitely calms the noise when I fix my focus

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John 10:10 talks about the ā€œenemyā€ who comes to steal, kill and destroy.


Hmmmā€¦.attended my Monday meeting last night. All about HPā€¦sigh. Iā€™m kinda lost about whether or not I have an HP? I kinda donā€™t get why there is so much talk about an HP? Iā€™ve gotten into Stoicism lately and find it more comforting. Reality bites and one must respond with courage. Iā€™m learning to rely on myself and accept what Life is. Thoughts?

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Iā€™m currently at work and definitely want to respond. I will when Iā€™m home and have time to reflect my brotha.

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2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Just a short little blurb I wanted to share with the group. Hope yā€™all donā€™t mind. When I was about 15 my grandmother passed away. FF about 25 years later when I was in active addiction. My mother was going through my grandmotherā€™s purse and she handed me her wallet. Inside I found that 1 verse that had been cut out and inside her wallet. I instantly thought that had to mean a great deal to her. Later that same year I had taken my kidā€™s trick or treating and in my little girls bucket I found an orange piece of paper with the same verse typed out on it. Of all the 31,102 verses in that book I thought whatā€™s the chances of that! A couple yearā€™s later when I got glean I was struggling very hard with extreme Paranoia with having chronic PTSD and other mental illness I found that every time I became fearful I would say that verse over and over until my Paranoia eased up. Thankfully I was able to get the help I desperately needed. My point is thereā€™s power in that verse. If you are ever losing your mind and fearful, powerless, or feel unloved just know those thingā€™s are not from God. They come from the enemy. So with that said. I left my kidā€™s and grandchildren the same verse in my closet incase theyā€™re every struggling. Kind of like a map lol. May sound silly but it got me through it. :purple_heart:


Very beautiful friend. Itā€™s absolutely amazing how God shows up for us.

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Okay my brother. Sorry that took me a bit, I just never want to say the wrong thing without digging deep in my feelings and faith. And of course my Bible. So in response to Stocismā€¦

Stoicism meaning- The endurance of pain or hardships without the display of feelings and without complaint.
A person who is not very emotional. Blank.
Unmoved by pain.

To me that is no way to live. The whole reason I believe in God, is because I FEEL and I believe. I feel everything. More than others a lot of the time. Itā€™s definitely not easy to feel so much, but with maturity in Christ you can.

Salvation meaning- Deliverance from harm, ruin, loss, SIN.
Jesus is salvation.
He was beaten and brutally murdered so that we could let go of those hardships, but only through him. He was the ultimate sacrifice. We are forgiven of our old lives, ways, choices. But we are only forgiven if we actually FEEL it. You have to feel pain. We cause pain to others as well, not only do we receive it. You have to feel that deeply and know youā€™re hurting others to be forgiven for it. Because if not, your apology is nothing. You are nothing. For the way you feel pain and love makes you pure in heart.
Love thy neighbor. Love more deeply.

Mature your heart. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.

I believe weā€™re all here in sobriety because we felt something. We felt that the way we were living wasnā€™t good. We felt trapped to substance. We felt pain from it.

Evil is wicked man. It will take over your mind in all the right ways to keep you trapped. It will wrap itself in the richest of feelings and luxury. Just how drugs and booze made me feel for some time. Thatā€™s why we must be mature in Christ to fight it. Thereā€™s only one way out. I donā€™t want anyone to miss it.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight.

2 Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not in what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Acts 5:29
We must obey God rather than men

I never want to push people away from my beliefs just by sharing. I pray that anything I ever say is taken with love, consideration, and seeing I truly want to see others free and loved. Because thatā€™s all I want too. Iā€™ve caused myself too much time and pain to lose any more of it. Iā€™m always down for fellowship and discussions.


Thank you for gifting that verse to me :heart::pray:t2: Iā€™m having a hard day today and I really needed that :sweat:Iā€™ve just wrote it on the inside of my step 1 book :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


hi friend! i saw this topic a day or two ago and honestly shied away from it bc i had a fear of my Higher Power, or more specifically God. but the most wonderful thing happened that i must share with you, i not only felt, but accepted Godā€™s love for the first time yesterday morning! i talked to him a lot too, and i even downloaded the bible app on my phone last night so i too can learn more and get closer to God!

i had to come back here and share, bc He made me think of you :] thank you for sharing verses here, iā€™m about to go back and read a few rn!

keep doin what youā€™re doing friend, iā€™m so glad youā€™re here and sharing with us! itā€™s a beautiful thing <3


So sorry youā€™re having a rough day. Sure hope it gets way better for you Corine. Thank you Iā€™m glad you could use it. :blush: :blossom:

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JB it sure is. Itā€™s like he waits in the bushes for me to do all I can then sees me struggling and steps in lol :laughing:

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Thatā€™s amazing! Good for you! :blossom: :cherry_blossom: :sunflower: :rose:


Love to hear this! Keep your focus on Jesus. In all you do. Pray and talk to him as if he were right there next to you daily. Seek him before making decisions. Start journaling but make them letters to God. How you feel, what you need. All of it. There is true freedom and love in him. He will wash you clean from the old self and create new life within you. So many prayers your way :pray: :blush:


A song for the group :notes:

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Thanks for asking. Iā€™ve picked up the phone and stopped the washing machine I obsess over things . Iā€™ve got using family members who I have no choice but to see sometimes and they like to belittle me and my program of recovery. They can stay in the madness and I can keep myself safe :pray:t2:

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Youā€™re very welcome. Sorry that sucks. I do too and yes you keep you safe. :blossom: Are you affected by a loved one whoā€™s an addict? - #1634 by Pattycake This is a great post to read on.

thank you so much my friend :] !! iā€™ve been talking (and trying to listen) to God as often as i can about whatever is on my mind, good or bad! iā€™ve learned he doesnā€™t mind my rambling, and i feel like heā€™s rejoicing in me accepting His love <3

journaling to Him is a wonderful idea!! i journal often, so making them letters to God is a beautiful way to spend even more time with Him!

thank you for the love and prayers brother, youā€™re connection with God is inspiring to me :] <3

(p.s. all love brother, but one small correction, iā€™m a ā€œbrotherā€ more so than ā€œsisterā€ <3)

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Well I feel like a bafoon :man_facepalming:
Very sorry about that my friend

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aww itā€™s totally okay my friend! i mention it not to make you feel bad, but just bc i feel weā€™ll be interacting more in the future, youā€™ve got great insights!! so no hurt feelings here <3 much love and i hope youā€™re well !!

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My Higher Power is indeed God. But it hasnā€™t always been. Interesting though that when I was high and wasted I considered myself an arrogant atheist. But now that Iā€™m sober I take a refuge in God and Jesus Christ. I have prayed and read Bible a lot and I truly feel that God is taking care of me. Iā€™m happy to say I believe in Jesus Christ. Iā€™m living in a country where the biggest sect is Evangelical Lutheran and I belong into that. God is great!