My story, and what I feel has/worked for me.... so far

I don’t know how to message you privately… :frowning: I’m going for a bike ride so will check in, in a couple hours xo

I messaged you back!

Ty for sharing Ty for being here Sobriety has to be our number 1 priority Without sobriety we will eventually lose everything we cherish Keep coming back Go to meetings pray like hell to whomever you chose


I wish I had this forum when I was first started to try and get sober. I had 0 accountability in my life. Keep coming back. I’ve noticed that the more active a person is on this forum the better chance they have at staying sober so you are on the right path.


Thank you Sassy. I appreciate your note very much. Thank you for looking out for me. :slight_smile: xx

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Continuing the discussion from How much do you Sober Time?:

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Was that message to me? About Sober Time?

Just an interesting thread about people’s usage of the app and their ability to stay sober. Generally the more active people on here the higher chance they stay sober.

Egads, I just wrote you a private message and I think it got nuked. Rewriting again my thoughts.

I notice you are on here a lot. I applaud you for your commitment and your invaluable advice to the folks in this forum. You clearly have a lot of experience under your belt.

Just in case you did not receive it, I’m trying again…

I am a sensitive gal, and felt after I was open about my relapse, I was ‘judged’. I “should to this” and “should do that” by folks in this forum, like a slap on the wrist; and while I appreciate it comes from a place of ‘tough love’, I was naive. I hoped I would have only encouragement/support/raising my hopes, etc.

I guess I felt battered for my failure. Got that all my life, and so that in itself caused me to drink again.

Just being honest and any advice is appreciated.



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Hey there! Thos place is like life…lots of personalities. Keep coming back, you will find your “tribe”. This place offers a lot.

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Hi Lucy

There were only three of us out of a huge group of people who initially responded so I’m truly sorry if I appeared to be judging you or telling you what do do. I certainly am in no position to do that. It’s a good reminder for me to be more careful if I ever post anything, and please don’t base your opinion of the forum on anything I’ve done or said. :pensive:

As always, best of luck on your journey!


Hey there Lucy,

This comes up every now and again. When we are new in sobriety and on this forum, our emotions and feelings are raw and ready to pop with the slightest provocation. It can be disconcerting getting advice from so many people with differing viewpoints. I know it takes getting used to for many of us. There have been many a person feeling singled out or attacked or not validated or understood…myself included. I am always sorry to see this happen and sadly, in earlier days I also contributed to someone feeling ‘less than’ with my words. I am ashamed of that behavior and try to be more cognizant now when I respond to people.

Please know that people here have a good heart, tho our viewpoints or delivery may be very different than what you are used to or expecting. Please also know that everyone is welcome here, differing viewpoints and beliefs and methods. As we hang around longer we learn whose voice resonates, who to mute or bypass and to open our minds and hearts to new ways of getting and maintaining sobriety.

I hope you will stick around and keep adding your unique self to the mix. We are stronger with eachother and we have so much to learn from eachother.

:heart: Sassy


Oh my goodness Melba - you did nothing wrong. (Sending you a hug) I loved you talking to me and sharing your story - in fact - you inspired me. 55 days… and I learned from your experience that it is virtually impossible to think - no problem, I can handle this. It’s a very slippery slope. And I thank you. Please, I love hearing from you. I was just sharing my feelings. Sorry to all to have been so sensitive- I’m in my first few days (again) of trying to get there. And I thank you all. You have all been there and I’m learning. Big love xx


Thank you thank you thank you…:kissing_heart:
So grateful for you kind words. Just feeling raw now and going through the motions you all did before me. xx
PS Thank you…

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You are doing great Lucy. Stick with it…It does get easier and better and we get stronger. :heart:

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hugs I knew you’d be back :blush::grinning: you’ve been on my mind! Thought I’d leave you be for a few after our last message. So happy to see you back on here Luce :heart:


Missed ya! :wink: xx :kissing_heart:

Hitting the hay now - have been very busy - including tons of exercise… I won four tennis matches today! yay! But then out came the martinis… ugh… SO hard… I will get there… I have to. I will.

Night dear xx

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Either way, I have faith in you and have your back no matter how long it takes :hugs: very proud of your tennis matches, you go girl! Sleep well! :heart:

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:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

We can do this together :heartpulse:

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Hey Lucy I think everyone here really cares.i feel like everyone thinks what works for them is the way you should do it.but in reality everyone is different and at different places in their addictions.i feel like there is many ways to get results and reach that personal goal what ever that may be.i just wanted you to know your knowledge is helping me cause you turned me on to Annie Grace so keep talking to us you got a lot to offer.and if someone throws out tough love just know they are doing it because they care.but in the end it’s only advice because you know your situation better that anyone,thanks for helping me :slight_smile: