New title: Checking in here when I need to vent or need advice

Ugh pms sucks. But you know you can totally kick those cravings ass! I don’t know if birth control is an option for you, I know that can help regulate things a bit.

And being ill on top of pms sucks even more! But some nice healthy food will make you recover more quickly. Peaches sound like they would help a sore throat. Chicken soup is good when you’re ill too. I looked up chicken and red pepper soup and found this… I would personally leave out the sugar and the buffalo sauce but otherwise it looks delicious!

With the sex stuff, seriously don’t push yourself. There really is no normal and everyone has their own hangups to work on.

It really does lol. I’mma try lol. No luck so far hahaha.

True. Mmm yes! But my parents won’t go shopping lol. Oooooh chicken and red pepper sounds awesome!!!

Yeah, true. I’m just annoyed😆

Not doing super. I’m somewhat ok. My sister threatened to violently murder me but I’m tired so that’s a story for another day. I’ve been kind of obsessing over self harm. Been using the rubber band truck some. I’m also obsessing over weight cause I haven’t really gone to the gym since I started my job. Been constantly thinking about wanting to eat less but not being able to control myself. It’s like I’m watching myself eat crap all the time and judging myself, but I can’t find the controls to make myself stop.
So that’s me right now.

I’m also thinking about religion a lot. I know I believe in God but not Jesus. But I also believe in karma and life force. And idk how to figure out what religion I can fit into. I want to find one cause I think religion and faith can be really comforting and helpful. But for now I just pray and hope someone’s listening lol.

Hi @Kakimime1,
In response to both your last posts, I think perhaps finding a spiritual path and practice may be helpful to you, perhaps more than a religious one … When focused on our purpose, growth, acceptance, fulfillment and joy we can often more successfully find our peace and sense of self worth that is within. I think all religions, when you strip away the doctrine and the specific language differences and semantics, are kinda all pointing us towards the same message/morals - love, kindness and compassion for ourselves and for others.
A spiritual practice can be the most simple yet beautiful thing too, for it is derived from your own wants, needs and experiences. Something as easy as walking in then sunshine everyday, saying a positive affirmation to yourself in the morning, nourishing your body with delicious and healthy foods, practicing mindfulness - which just means bringing your awareness and attention back to the present moment, rather than getting caught up in thoughts about the past or future. There’s lots of books, podcasts and videos (like on YouTube) about all this that you may enjoy and learn from :blush: it has certainly helped me a lot as I travel on the journey of life. I hope this helps. Don’t forget, you gotta love yourself before you can love anyone else or receive love from others, it’s tough but with practice, it can happen and you’ll start to see beauty and gratitude in and of and for life all around you.

Parents are extremely difficult. I fought my parents tooth and nail to get my point across but still to no avail. I’ve come to realize that they are the way they are and there is no possible way to change them. I have to live my life the way I want without the judgment taking over my thought process, using their “knowledge and wisdom” as a tool rather than take offense to it. I don’t have to agree with everything they say or do nor should I expect them to agree with my decisions. Its extremely exhausting to try and change them and expect them to understand how to evolve into someone they don’t want to be. They had their chance at teaching me how to live, now it’s my turn to show them how I want to live.


Yeah, true. I agree. It’s more about morals than differences.

True. You’re right.
I’m not good at meditation. It stresses me out a lot, but I do deep breathing and stuff. I just for whatever reason, can’t stop my brain from thinking. It’s really annoying.

I’m working on self love. And thanks😊. That was a really beautiful sentiment!

Yeah, that’s true. Yeah, unfortunately you really can’t change people if they don’t want to change. Yeah that’s true. You got it! And you’re awesome!

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On the religion topic, I loved the church my dad and I went to. But I just don’t believe in Jesus, so it was hard in a Christian Church. But still, idk. Idk if there really is a church or religion that fits me. Idk. I wish there was, but I’m just trying to get in touch with my religion, but I wish there were a religion I could try and get to see what parts felt right and go off those. Idk. Ughhh. I’m just annoyed. Because it takes forever to explain my religious beliefs when people ask. Idk.

Listening to some Elton John rn. Feeling lonely, but excited and nervous. So idk. I also have a bad headache and allergies and period.

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Not doing great. Feeling lonely and tired and like a failure. Missing how I was before all this. Scared. I’m always tired and I have sensory issues and I have headaches and dizziness all the time and I have bad anxiety and depression. So I get nothing done, but then I feel like a failure for it. And no one can help. So I just feel really alone and like no one can understand me.

How’s it going Hun are you feeling any better :slightly_smiling_face:

I feel you here! It’s hard because parents should be there for you no matter what yet sometimes it seems like that’s the last thing on their mind…all I say is at least you’ve taken action and imagine how amazing its gona be when you can say you did this by yourself and you didn’t need there help…can I ask is this alcohol related or something totally cool if you don’t wana answer that I just relate to this on two topics with my situation


It is not. You are allowed to feel and write and talk about it.

Not great. My period stuff is pretty much done, but my self/body hate is super not done.

True, thanks! No, no history of alcohol for me. Just slef harm and stuff like that lol.

Thank you. It’s true. I just don’t really feel valid. Or i feel like I’m too depressing. It’s always either I haven’t had it bad enough or I’ve had it bad and it’s depressing if I talk about it.

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Yeah. It’s so annoying. Oof. I need to walk some, but ughhhh. It might help. I’m just so tired and ughhhhh all the time. Blech.

How’s your back doing now?

Huh? Confused.