Pet Peeves Anyone?

…no you really are just trying to peel it wrong hahaha!


Been ignored for no reason when you have only said a friendly hi. 2 woman do this at my work. I must of smiled and said hello 10 times they blatantly ignore me. Ive now stopped even looking at them.
People who treat you like you dont know your job.
A bad attitude.
(Im having a hard time at work with alot of rude people)


What’s the correct way? :expressionless:

From the bottom!


Not a pet peeve, those guys are just (insert bad word here) and have bad manners. Nothing to do with you!


Just looked a YouTube video on this. Mind :exploding_head:

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I’ll add “No offense, BUT…”


Haha i know. I wish i could be one of those people who dont care. Im always so polite and struggle been assertive. People sence it!

Ill give a true peeve. When im on treadmill and theres 10 free to use and they go on one next to me!
Hot weather!!!:boom:its 30 degrees today and im roasting!!


When people push in front of you in queues!! Omg think this is my worst!!
Also last week when im shopping in coles. I accidentally press wrong button to pay with card and this man behind me is giving me the filthiest looks i said a sincere sorry and the smug look and he shook his head in disgust aargghh i was blood boiling :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::rage::rage:

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This post was meant for a moaner like me. Im called stacy pilkington!!

Inappropriate use of “quotation marks”. OMG. WHY.


“Careful with that money, I pressed it myself – the ink is still wet!”

eye roll

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I refused a 100 dollar bill once because a customer said that. He looked at me shook his head and walked out.


People talking shit about me in a language i dont understand.


I done mentioned this in like the 4th post of this thread :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


:rofl: Actually, this is one of my favorites cuz it’s always worth a lol if read properly.

Tardiness has to be my #1 pet peeve!! That and people who cannot take responsibility for their own actions.


seriously, I absolutely hate when people can’t take responsibility for their actions :rage:

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It really grinds my gears when someone is a poor sport about losing a card game. My boyfriend’s mom called me a bitch twice because I was winning. Where is the grace?? Geesh😔


When people don’t let others finish their sentences…

I used to never interrupt even if it meant not being able to input throughout an entire conversation. I got fed up as I got older. I basically learned if I wanted to say anything (standing up for people or beliefs, for example) I had to estimate how to become the first interrupter by a tiny margin. I had to be rude to communicate because interrupting was the norm when the conversation got excited. I’m now trying to uproot this habit, and just let it go when I’m prevented from speaking.

Now I’m just obnoxious on my end, with all my “Sorry, I wasn’t finished speaking” and if necessary, just continuing my sentence despite the interruption, even if they can’t hear my words, just to point out indirectly that they are interrupting. The latter occasionally has some pretty satisfying effects, but I feel rude doing it sometimes.