Relapsed. 24 hours clean from alcohol

How long have you been sober??

two and a half years. Its not always like this. I’ve had a lot of inner peace along the way. I have a lot of my plate.

I have to work for inner peace. It’s always up and down. Knowing I’ve had it makes me believe I can get it back, therefore willing to work on myself more.


Well done Corey, really pleased you are seeing some of the benefits.

I suffer with dizziness anyway so can’t comment on that, but I felt like my brain was clearing/calming a long time before my body. Like my personality started to stabilise if that makes sense. Keep persevering. I have amazing sleep now, such a gift!


Hi Corey, you certainly are making progress! Are you doing anything specifically related to growing your sobriety, like seeing a counselor, going to meetings or reading sobriety literature? Here’s a link to a thread full of proven paths that meanders here have used. Blessings on your house :pray:.


I’ve been hanging out with my sister alot more and she said that my mood/personality is more stabilized. She said when I drank she never new what she would get. I was all over the place. And I didn’t even realize it.

Same! So much of it I blamed on hormones etc. but it wasn’t at all. Glad you are seeing the benefits and enjoying time with your sister. How is your sleep?

The last couple nights I’ve been using melatonin and been trying to keep a pattern/schedule. It’s 2am here I would like to be sleeping around 1 at the latest. But it’s better than last week. I was up til about 4 to 5 am. I wake up a couple times a night. But the first week or two I was up every hour.

Sounds like progress. I used to sleep terribly, constant anxious waking and then not being able to sleep again. I cannot believe the difference. Hopefully you will continue to improve.

I found that when I use to wake up I’d go on my phone. That’s a big no for me. If I got on there I’ll be up for the day. Thanks for the encouragement. I really appreciate it.

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Welp it’s been 27 days sober. Every day is different. Somedays I feel great and others full of anxiety and weird thoughts. One thing I noticed is my energy level is much higher and I enjoy outdoor activities again.

I’m scared because i have a upcoming trip to Florida. My parents live there and my mom drinks. And my dad got tickets to Motley crew, def leppard, poison, and Joan Jett. Thr trip is June 13th til the 20th. And I don’t like flying. Never flew. sober.

Then I have a trip to Vegas July 7th to the 10th. And that’s going to be really hard being sober. Any advice would be helpful. It ain’t for another month but I have a routine that I’ve been doing everyday. And I know it won’t be the same when I leave.

Anyone else hate flying?


27 days wow!! You’re doing great!! :100: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Well from what you’ve said, I think flying is the least of your concerns tbh.

The wisest thing to do is to skip the trips and events. Postpone the ones you can. Your sobriety is most important, it’s life or death really. You don’t want to undo the work when you’re doing so well and got a great routine, it’s so hard to start over. 27 days is super early on.

Vegas…… I tried to research sober activities in Vegas… they’re crap. unless you’re going to go to the Grand Canyon etc. I don’t think it would be easy to say the least at 2 months sober to not party in Vegas, especially when whoever your with I am assuming is going to be partying hard. I really think it’s a bad idea.

But if you do go there or to Florida:

Here is a great article I found about how to deal with fear of flying, lots of suggestions

Before you go, have a look for AAmeetings nearby where you’ll be staying. And whatever you’re doing now to stay sober, keep doing it there.

With the concert, a lot of those musicians are sober now. Tommy Lee for a year I believe, Nikki Sixx and some guy from Def Leppard have a couple of decades. Thinking about it that way has helped me before, the musicians are sober too so why do I need to get wasted to enjoy it. Music is way better sober anyway

But yeah TL;DR - don’t go


Here’s a couple of discussions emphasizing the value of your sobriety over other activities. I how these help you.

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Well I made it 30 days. One full month. I feel.way more energized. Still feel weird. More aware or everything. Sometimes it’s almost too much.

Been spending alot of time with my boys. Outdoors. And enjoying things. My anxiety I lower then it was when I was drinking. I can go places now were I wouldn’t normally go and do things I normally wouldn’t.

It’s weird because when I drank I thought I needed it to do the things that I fins way more easy now being sober. Alcohol really played tricks on my mind.

The downfall is that sometimes I think how much time I wasted and how successful I could have bee. If I didn’t drink between ages 22 - 39. I wasted my prime time partying. But I know I can’t dwell on the past.

Does anyone else dwell on how much time they wasted??


I went through a breakup of 13 years, 4 kids, a successful business, nice home, cars, u name it and I left woth nothing and she was engaged 2 weeks later… I dealt with it all sober. I spent about 3 years in an unfurnished home 300 miles away staring a ceiling every day and night … I then found my will to get up and push forward. I was told by someone that success is thr best revenge and thats what I did…3 more years later and I have a 6 figure business and everything I lost I got back and some. I did it sober. U have too or u won’t heal… I know it hurts brotha. I remember how it physically hurt to breath… I thought she was my soul mate and nobody could otherwise. It does get better though, stay sober and some girl will appreciate you like she didn’t… trust me try and see past the clouds…praying brotha…


Great job on 30 days!!

I have dealt with most of my resentments, including all the time I wasted being wasted. I realized I couldn’t do anything about it and was just wallowing in self pity. Until I dealt with the past I couldn’t be in the moment of today. Today, right now is the only thing that matters to me.


36 days sober. I’m getting more and more tempted to drink. I’ve been working out 6 days a week and worked everyday besides 1 day. Trying to stay busy all day but I urges are getting out of hand. I keep thinking I can have a couple drinks here and there as long as I don’t get drunk.


That is the addict voice trying to pull you back into the mud. Play the track through: this always ends the same way.

Check your HALT. Have you been showing self care in these areas?

Hungry: are you eating enough healthy food?
Angry: are you not processing some anger or resentment? That needs a healthy outlet, some way you speak it and get it acknowledged.
Lonely: are you getting enough meaningful social human connection? For example, at meetings, or anywhere you can be part of a healthy group where you get support.
Tired: are you getting enough rest?

These four areas are things many of us ignore(d) and when we do it sets us up for relapse, it gets that addict voice talking.

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Aha. And judging from your experience, how did this go in the past?
Play the tape forward @Corey1982! You know that this is crazy talk that you experience because you’re newly sober and precisely because you’re an alcoholic who CANNOT just have a couple and not get drunk. Part of you knows this. This is the part that you need to nourish and support.
Use the magnifying glass up top and read some relapse stories on the forum.

You can do it. But only you can do it!

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Hi Corey how are you

I hear you on the “try just one” @Corey1982. It’s never one for me. As long as you can stop yourself from having the first one you can stop yourself from having to go down the “I think I can do this” road with drinking. I know that one is never one and for me that is freeing. Keep going. :muscle:t3: