Relapsed....but still trying. Idk if I can do this

So I had been 4 months sober when I relapsed. I only drank one day and didn’t do any dumb shut like I usually do. I did housework and got wasted to forget everything and to get rid if my stress. I woke up still stressed and slight hungover. I have very little support and that is my daughter telling me good job when I do tell her of my milestones. I am trying to do this for myself and my kids to be a better mom than I was. I have to keep reminding myself of that. I know I need a sponsor but don’t know of anyone and don’t always have a phone. I do feel alone. My husband drinks in front of me and it just makes me wanna Crack open a beer. Any advice from anyone? I work and read the Bible when I super passed or stressed out, other than that idk what else I could do. Oh and listen to music is another outlet. All that only goes so far. Thanks in advance.


You can do this.

We are human, so we stumble. And thats okay. You said you read the Bible. So I’m assuming you believe in God. And if thats so, give it all to Him. All of it honey. Don’t hold back. Lay it all at His feet and do not, DO NOT, pick it back up.

Message me if you want, Ill be here to give advice or listen.


Hey Marcia :wave:
I’m glad your here.
I too feel alone in my recovery. My wife has drank every single day of my 900 plus days of sobriety. But she does support me. Downloading this app and being very active here has kept me sober. That and my God and Gratitude. Every day gratitude right here.

It’s my strongest tool. Lots of great people on that thread just being grateful for their sobriety and how much we have when we are sober. If you’re willing C’mon over. Pull up a chair. Coffee and lights are always on. We always have room for more.


Have you considered going to AA? Between the people I met at meetings and this forum, I get an abundance of support. Especially when my alcoholic husband continued to drink daily during my first 2 years of sobriety. I needed to do something on a daily basis to keep me from picking up a drink. Either coming on here or hit an in person or online meeting helped me through it. He’s sober now but I still come here daily and attend meetings to avoid complacency.


Welcome, going through this alone is tough. I tried once and I slipped like 3 weeks into it. Took me about another year to try again. This app is very helpful. Share and read on here as much as you can. When those moments of stress kick in tell us about them. We may not be in the same situation but there’s always someone for support. The gratitude thread is lovely. Makes you happy after reading them. Hope to see you around.


Congrats on achieving 4 months!! And good on you for coming here and posting after just one day of drinking - that shows accountability and that this is truly important to you. I echo what others have said about getting to AA… either in person or online. You can get numbers from people and/or have them message you on apps that perhaps you have on your computer if you don’t always have a phone (Facebook messenger or WhatsApp for example).

Keep coming back here!! Best wishes :slight_smile:


I don’t think I am very good at giving advice but I do have some thoughts to share with you. Relapses happen we are only human after all. Think positive you CAN do this. Don’t beat yourself up because you had one slip after 4 months of sobriety,congrats on that btw that’s huge! Look at it as a learning opportunity. Try to understand what triggered you, own it and move forward. If you attend meetings you should be able to find a sponsor and that person will be someone you can contact if you feel you the urge to drink. And you have the support of a very large community right here.You obviously believe in God don’t be afraid to give yourself up to Him. I am pretty fresh,discharged from a 28 day stay in rehab on May 27th. It saved my life. But just today one of friends from there told me she used and is going back to the facility. One thing that is working for me is consistency. Without much forethought I have fallen into a healthy pattern. The same thing daily. Meditation and prayer exercising and fill my days reading and listening to music. I have been taking yoga classes. Never saw myself doing.that. Stay strong minute by minute hour by hour one day at a time.


You have our support. A lot of us have been in your shoes and many are in your shoes now. We know the struggles and we know that we can’t do this alone. Come here, everyday and get your support.

We humans forget what pain is feels like over time. The further from that bad hangover we get, the less it hurts. The further we get from the embarrassment and the shame, the less it stings. The further we get from the downward spiral of alcoholism, the less we loathe it.

Coming here, everyday and sharing your stories helps keep all these real in our minds. By telling our stories, it helps keep us focused as to why we are on this journey. Eventually, you will get to a point where the journey is no longer hard but enjoyable.


Yeah that’s gonna be hard. Not gonna lie. If it’s in front of you all the time and you don’t have a really strong reason to stop, or a lot of time already sober, AA is gonna be your best option, or something like it where people won’t bullshit you about why it’s ok… Some kind of outside support and routine to get into that will help. In my opinion anyway.

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Just a lapse my friend. Not a relapse. If you go back to your old habits that will definitely be a relapse. Is it worth it?


Thank you all for your kind words and support!! I don’t feel so alone as much! Small things help when you’re depressed and at any second ready to relapse. Thank you all so much!! Much thanks for the possibilities of things to do.