Share your hobbies

And the warmest handshake :blush:

Drawing is my passion since I can remember. Good music or the sound of nature, a pen in my hands and a piece of paper is all I need to forget about my worrys. At least for a while. I can draw the world I want to live in :pencil2:


Been down to madlock bath a few times when i lived in bishops stortford to design some clients gardens but ive been back in Scotland for over 32 years now in my younger days id be down there giving you my experience but to day i just do it local for family and my local hotel ,if you look on FB McLaren Landscapes Ltd see what my guys did , enjoying retirement well semi retirement lol

Whipped up the kick panels. Made the mold on Monday, mounted, wrapped and molded on Tuesday, and I finished them with truck bed liner since they’re kick pods and well… they’re gonna be kicked lol.

Not bad for like 7 hours of actual work, the dash pods I made for the van took like 28 hours for the 2 of them. Guess I’m getting better lol


Great post, was good to read and get ideas, I’m working on day three of sobriety in the last 24 years. I remember enjoying hobbies as a teenager but don’t remember what I used to like. Ever hobby I have had since i started drinking has been something I can drink heavily while doing. Good to get some ideas! Thanks everyone!

~One month update – despite the rainiest month on record around here, and only about 7 sunny days, these babies are already flourishing with proper care. Larger, more leaves, more firm, tighter spiral, more symmetrical, less etoliation (etoliation is when they flatten out due to lack of adequate sunlight, evidenced in the first photo).

Can’t wait to see what they do once we get some consistent sun and warmth, they should grow into some real beauties.

March 28th, the day I first potted them:

Today, May 1:


Crap. I have one and noticed it looked really flat the other day. So it needs some more sun?

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They look beautiful and so healthy!! I’m impressed :slight_smile: … I’ll have to check mine for etoliation, never knew that was why they would flatten-thanks for the tip!


I play the guitar. Self taught at age ten. Mostly like to play acoustic because it relieves stress, but I enjoy a good shred sesh on an electric also. On acoustic I mostly play Spanish or classical stuff. I’ve been learning a lot of Rodrigo y Gabriela if anyone has heard of them. Pretty amazing stuff.
I also am an avid reader. My favorite author is Dan Simmons, but I like epic history and sci fi as a general rule.
I go to the gym four times a week, and my recovery program takes up a lot of time. Besides that, I play games on my phone and binge watch!
That’s me!


That’s more than likely it! The pale-ish green one is still doing it a bit, but given that sun was so hard to come by this past month, I am OK with it.

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Thanks! I’ve killed many, many succulents during the learning process…the best thing you can do is leave them in the sun and leave them alone! It’s counterintuitive to not water them much, but they love being ignored haha.

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Ok mine aren’t doing well lol looks like they need more sun. Also some have black on the leaves… Any idea what that could be?

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This one is doing ok :+1:


Wow, beautiful jade plant! And big!

The black on leaves could be sunburn. Some succs need more or less sun than others. If you look at my photo, the dark green one was a few leaves with some brown on the tips from where the sun hit them too hard. Those leaves will be fine, though. Eventually will be replaced by new ones.

Did you also know that you can take leaves that fall off and propagate them (grow a new plant from it)? There’s a technique to it, but it has also happened to me unintentionally before. In the words of Jeff Goldblum, “Life, uh…finds a way”

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I updated my post with a picture of the leaves… Could be too much sun on that side of my patio… I’ll try to find a new place!

And that Jade plant my son brought home a cutting from school…3 years ago maybe… And that’s what it’s turned into :slight_smile:

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Oooooh, that pic really helps. You know what those black spots usually are? A symptom of possible overwatering. Those look like they aren’t too bad though, definitely not a lost cause by any stretch. Just try watering a little less.

…and this is amazing. THAT is how you propagate! Yowza!


They look brilliant! Those ones are my favourite, I’m going to get some when I move my (indoor) plant shelf to a sunnier wall. I’ve got a few house plants on the go at the moment…

It’s a bit bare! Quite a few succulents died :roll_eyes: but I’m pretty pleased with the aloe vera on the middle shelf. The non-succulent plants are easier to look after. I have been neglecting the succulents a bit which seems to be helping, I killed the others with kindness i.e. too much watering!

Also got a bromeliad which is doing pretty well, the second shoot has come up since I’ve had it.

Not sure if my avocado is going to make it. I took off a few of the lower leaves because they were going a bit brown at the edges, but now the ones that are left are doing the same. But some new leaves coming as shoots at the top, so we will see. Am also trying tomatoes, put a slice in a pot and will see if the seeds take.


@Lionfish Mine got those black patches on at the beginning of the end, because of overwatering. I didn’t know this and carried on watering, so they didn’t make it. Hope yours do!


Finally getting to listen to the last of the albums I picked up on vacation…this 1988 Soviet-only release from Paul McCartney has greatly exceeded expectations, absolutely worth the entire $4.00. A bunch of classic rock n roll/blues covers…it is EXCELLENT! Thought I was just picking up an inexpensive novelty, but I can see myself spinning this one quite a bit!


This is silly, so I apologize.

I just hit my hand off one of my plants by mistake and the whole top snapped off :slightly_frowning_face: It might grow back, but might not. Can take a long time.

I know its just a plant, but I really care for and love these little things. They make me happy. I’ll get over it but its such a bummer. That one was a beauty.