Sober Selfies #15 (shirts required, please review rules)

Hotel gym. Was awesome to confidently walk into the hotel bar at 9:00 last night, sit at the bar, and order water and a antipasto salad :star_struck:

Nay; three waters! And a bill under $25!!??!! Unheard of in my past life.

If not for this app and members, Iā€™d have made other choices, and not been awake to hit the exercise room.


What happened?

Office day today, been abit of a struggle today been abit snappy, need to shake it off any ideas people.


Stepping outside every hour for a couple minutes, rearranging your desk & things in your office. Writing down a gratitude list for today seems to help me.


As annoying as it may be from time to time because I have to say it over and over again some days more than other try saying ā€œthe serenity prayerā€ If you feel uncomfortable using the word God just say " universe Grant me the serenity to except the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can & the wisdom to know the difference." As corny as it may be if able closing youā€™re eyes and just taking 10 deep breathes before continuing what youā€™re doin helps some. Hope it helps man one important thing I forget about is whatever Iā€™m doin for the day are things ā€œI get to do today because of my sobrietyā€ take care man.


Thanks for asking, you can read what happened on:


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Exactly this was my face 45 minutes ago :joy::joy::joy: Patients always start to call us like crazy around 4:30 :roll_eyes: You canā€™t finish one damn task!


Oh my God, I missed this! :scream: How scary!
But how noble of you to help your neighbour!
Glad to see you are healing fast!
Did they get the robber?

He legged it, we caught him on our cctv, but, not the attempted mugging or the assault.
The police arenā€™t interested, as no one died and there was nothing stolen.
The police in this country are a total bunch of wankers, the just donā€™t care, unless itā€™s an easy collar, Iā€™m 57 and my neighbour is 79.

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What is cctv? :blush:

Sad for your neighbour, she must feel so fulnerable on the streets after this happened :sweat:

Find someone you can help.

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cctv, Closed Circuit Tele-Vision, basically any security cameras are usually cctv. Weā€™ve got 8 monitoring all access to our property, itā€™s less hassle than an alarm system and theyā€™re all solar powered, so virtually free to run; we get a discount on our home insurance and if anyone actually got in the house theyā€™d be fucked as our Huntaway (Dylan) is very vocal and very protective


She had a scare, but, sheā€™s old school and hard as nails, if heā€™d tried the same thing 5 or 10 years ago heā€™d be in intensive care and in traction :blush:


Think of being in work the same way as not drinking, which is 24 hrs at a time, whilst work is usually only 8 hrs so should be a piece of piss :innocent:&:smiling_imp:


Remember to give yourself the love you deserveā€¦ Donā€™t beat yourself up for the action that happened in active addiction.

You are worth so much.
Look after yourself you only have one body fall in love with yourself. Be happy on how far youā€™ve come x


17 days free! Iā€™m really starting to feel better overall, even with the struggles.


Looking quite posh there, lady.

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Glamour suits you!

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Day 381
Thought id take a quick pic with my Virtual Challenge medal before heading to the gym! The quality of this medal is impeccable! I would have never ever done something like this while getting high. This medal in a sense represents my recovery and all that is possible!!! :muscle: