Something good, something bad, something random

You’re 2 degrees. Silas --> Hope --> Kevin Bacon

I met him and Kyra Sedgwick in Cleveland years before I went to college. He’s super nice.


Is it sad that I never felt so cool before lol


That’s pretty awesome! I want to meet John Travolta randomly someday. He comes to Maine a lot!


Didn’t I ever tell you… I’ve met him!! My grandmother and I were at the Samoset hotel and John Travolta was there at the bar!! You can see his summer home from the hotel!

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Shut the front door…SOOOO jealous!!!


The good: Handsome man friend and I slept in, went to the farmer’s market, got delicious coffee, strolled around town and then found THE BEST hole in the wall taco place just a mile from my apartment. Also, he told me earlier in the week that I inspired him to quit drinking, too. He’s at 6 days now and I’m so proud and happy for him!

The bad: …I ran out of paper towels. Today has been such a perfect day that I truly have nothing else bad to say.

Random fact: Since the subject of celebrity meetings seems to be trending today, I once made lunch for Chef Mario Batali and he loved it. Jacques Torres has also given me a private tour of his chocolate factory.


Gotta know the taco place.

I’ve PMed you the name and address so as not to publicly share too precisely my location.
If you go, try not to be too offput by the exterior/interior. It’s not a pretty place, but the food is very authentically Mexican and sooo damn good.


Good…I got a lot of sleep, spent the day lounging with my dog.

Bad…My mood has been in mild pity party mode. And even though I know I could have hit a meeting, or called my sponsor, or did step work or just read some big book, and I know I should be grateful just for the day sober. I’ve just been choosing to wallow in it.

Random…When I was about 5 or 6 I broke into my neighbors house and stole push pops. I got busted because tried using my dads keys to open their front door thinking all keys just work for all doors, and I left them on their porch. Also I left the chair in front of their refrigerator that I used to reach the freezer.


Smartwool socks are super cozy.

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Oh yeah, I think I bought a pair of them last year and they were actually great! Thanks for the reminder, I should really stock up now :grin:

They’re like big, cuddly hugs for feet and I love them!

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Those handwarmers we use for disc golf come in handy… lian gets them in his xmas stocking every year!

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The good: I was very energetic at work today and was able to accomplish a lot more than usual.

The bad: when I’m able to get myself out of bed early enough I like to walk about 2 miles before hopping on the bus and heading to work. This morning some fucking guy pulled up alongside me and said “Where are you going? Get in my car.” To which I responded “No thanks!”
He continued driving slowly by me, backing up traffic in doing so before he drove to the next street, turned and stopped in the intersection that I had to cross and again says “Where are you going? Get in my car!” I said “No!” And he drove to the next intersection, said the same thing to which I did not respond, just kept walking. He did it again before finally driving away for good.
I found his behavior to be extremely threatening, predatory and aggressive and it was a very bad start to my day.

The random: The Dalai Lama has read a poem that I’ve written.


The like was for the Random part. Not the stalker part. Some dudes think that shit is okay, they could use a shovel to the face.

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Yes, THANK YOU! I actually have really similar versions of this situation occur with some frequency with different guys on different streets. Most aren’t quite as persistent, but it’s still alarming. Usually they pull up and drive beside me going “Hey baby, where you going? You got a man? Do you smoke weed? Can I get your name? Can I get your number?” I usually completely ignore them or just say “No” until they go away.

I don’t understand when this became a thing that guys do. I hate it!!

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The good: my first meeting with my SCORE mentor was today and it went really well!

Needs improvement: my anxiety about it almost made me skip

The random: my sternum curves out at the bottom, poking out of my chest.


It is sad. Some people just suck.

Good: I’m an eternal optimist, you’d be hard pressed to find me not having a good day. But did have a little health scare last week & am starting to feel much better today :grin:

Bad: My Cubbies lost tonight :sleepy:

Random: I was flown to LA in March of this year to film a TV commercial!? :flushed::smile:


Idk why men think that’s o.k. and worse most guys just stand around and watch instead of speaking up. I was verbally hit on and verbally molested by a big guy, over 6’ and I’m 5’3 and like 120 and I’m stuck loading what at the time was seemed like an endless amount of groceries into my trunk. I first I just said “I’m married” but then he just went off telling me all the dirty things he would do to me. Loudly I said that he was making meme uncomfortable, I told him 4+ times to please leave me alone. I looked around and everyone 12+ people where just standing around watching it all take place. Not one person came to help me, said anything, alerted security, or called the cops. Just stood there and watched. So frustrating. I was almost certain the “what would you do?” People were gonna pop out with cameras from somewhere… nope… just a normal day.

I’ve also been approached at a gas station by an unstable man in his 60’s who thought I was his ex wife and went on a screaming match about how much of a cunt I was… again has station is a CV place your kind stuck for a minute. My husband has made sure my tank has never gotten low, even if he has to wake up at 4am to put gas in my car before I leave for work.

I suggest weaponizing yourself in some way, I carry pepper spray, a stun gun , and a kitty knuckle keychain lol

SABRE RED Kuros! Pepper Spray—Police Strength—Aqua Key Case with Quick Release Key Ring, 25 Bursts & 10-Foot (3 m) Range

VIPERTEK VTS-979 - 10 Billion Stun Gun - Rechargeable with Safety Disable Pin LED Flashlight, Pink

Langxun 2 Pack Keychain Folding Pocket Knife / Self Defense Keychain Knife (Pink)

Just a suggestion…