Traveling Sober

Thanks for all your pics and post Charlie. It sure looks fantastic. Maybe someday I’ll get there. Definitely gonna see the windmills and tulips some spring in The Netherlands. I was suppose to go to The Netherlands spring 2020. I had a big family reunion planned. Everyone got time off and BAM :boom: :boom: :boom: COVID hit. Never made it. I even had my Ann Frank tickets. I was so disappointed. Fucking COVID. In hindsight, not so sure I’d be sober today if I’d have gone on that trip. That would have been early on in my sobriety. Ended up in France last summer instead without the family. Grand babies messed it up this time. Oh well. Maybe next time.

Alaska was my favorite cruise so far. Norway has always been on my list.
Safe travels and thanks for the pics.


Glad to hear baggage was found. Better it happened on the way home and not the way there.


And you didn’t have to wait at the baggage carousel forever. It’s great you knew in advance.
Glad you had a great trip. Laundry will be there tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


That’s a horrible feeling too!!

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Charlie, thanks so much for taking the time to post your experience. I live vicariously thru you all and so enjoy it.


I love your pics you just posted on the Gratitude thread. I just got back from a visit to London May 1st. We went far south to Beckley near Rye to visit friends but mostly to hang out in London and see some shows.

There’s a great hiking thread 2023 Hiking Club (Walking Sober) - #106 by Mark5
I know I’d love to see more pics. You might recognize some of them.

And a great “post photos of nature thread” too.

I spent a lot of time distracting myself with photos of nature and posting them on the nature thread. And pics of food for the foodies thread. And memes on the meme thread. But the gratitude thread is my home thread with a lot of wonderful people on it.

This place works if you use it. Being active on here has kept me sober.


Capitol Hill, Washington DC


Beautiful and thanks.
I :heart: this a couple of hours ago.
Since then,
I can’t get Bob Marley out of my head.
If I got to have an ear worm? I can’t think of a better way to go :v:
Thanks Dan :blush:
Enjoy your trip.


This is the first opera that I came to deeply enjoy as an adult. I heard Pavarotti sing the lead role, back before I even got sober. Instead of singing his last line, he screamed out his pain. That passion hooked me.

I saw it on stage last night did the first time. And although I know how it ends, the emotion in Rodolfo’s voice touched me and I cried.


This place is in the running for my favorite coffee shop on the planet. Island Roasters, New Smyrna Beach, Florida.


Some of my adventures around Tasmania. My new job allows me to travel around in my 4wd seeing the country side. It’s winter here, so the early mornings are quite cold but the scenery is beautiful. These pictures were taken just outside of a town called New Norfolk


Finally made a trip to Monaco.

5500 Euro for 52 qm. Well, my rent is not expensive after all.


How empty the streets are!
Never have been there, that squere looks nice!

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Maybe I was too early but colleagues also told me that rich just own apartments there without actually living there. Because, yo know, my apartment in Monaco. How fancy is this. And probably I haven’t seen the most important things. I just wanted to leave asap.


Why did you wanted to leave as soon as possible? No good vibe there?

I don’t like tourism things somehow. I prefer nature or discover where I live in baby steps.

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Tasmania is just beautiful :heart:


It truly is and very diverse for a small island close to Antarctica. We have beautiful coast lines in summer and wild snow swept mountains in winter


Early mornings in Tasmania - Port Huon, Dover and Franklin. This time travelling to the southern regions


Another cruise Florida,

got a new haircut lol and no i dont dye it lol