Truth and tough love

I agree with @Englishd. The point is that youre doing something to change. Not just complaining about it.

@anon84416494 make it happen, bro!

I remember the Good me. Before I ruined relationships. He tried, but I kept pushing his limits. I can only see this now. I had to peel away my own layers to find what makes me tip (not tick)
Be strong, be real to yourself.

Clearly, the lounge sucks because I’m not in the dang TS lounge anymore. Sidebar - Am i the only person who reads the letters “TS” and thinks “tough shit”? Ask people in the lounge if they read TS and think tough shit in their heads. Kthx.

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It will go a long way towards fixing the relationship, seeing as you are half the equation.


There ya go, @SweetTea. I was the only “Yep.”

On the plus side…


Yet another thing that can be changed, by you, with intentional action. I can say the lounge would be less sucky, if you were there.


I still see “Tastefully Simple” first. I haven’t been a rep for that company in 15 years, but it’s still first.


I always think “talking shit”


Or if youre a south park fan “taming strange” lol




10 more peeps think like us now. Notify the mods. Heh.

Seriously tho. I’m on here almost everyday, but my online presence has changed, as has my day to day living lately. I find myself in page turning recovery literature, working step 4, going to meetings, attempting to create a new way of living. Love this forum. I’m not purposefully being avoidant, but I’m less active on here lately for sure.

@Yoda-Stevie Thx! I’d like you to start a recovery/“getting better at getting better” podcast. You’d automatically have tons of listeners. Thanks in advance! (-:


Is really that hard to distinguish between self-prescribing and going to a doctor? Everyone here has some varying degrees of mental health issue. Just imagine if we all decided what medications to take on our own. Fuck yeah I need some pot and oxy… If, in sobriety, you find you still can’t handle your mental health issues then go to a fuckin doctor. Even a shitty doctor is better at diagnosis than we are. What you shouldn’t do is just decide that some drugs will help. No shit pot calms you down. It’s a fuckin depressant. But it still doesn’t treat your disease, just the symptoms. If your doctor thinks you need pot then you’d have a prescription.


Self-prescriptions are dangerous. I have tons of patients who come in taking crazy amounts of crap for their biomechanical complaints. It doesnt fix the problem or even manage it. Just sweepnit under the rug so they can ignore it.


Lol thats awesome, im gonna hafta start using that one :grin:

All you have to do is give 30 likes and you’re there, you meet all the other requirements :grinning:

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There’s a fine line between “principled” and “stubborn”. I know, because I sometimes find myself on one side, and thought I was on the other…actually more often than I care to admit.


We need to stop playing the victim. Yes we are afflicted by a really terrible disease, but that does not excuse our behavior. If we broke the law we absolutely deserve to be in jail. Stop complaining when your consequences catch up with you.


Sad though it is to say, if you want to attain lasting and complete sobriety, following rules is one of the steps. If you’re always fighting against the system or the man, you’re always going to be behind.


Shit happens, a lot of the time its shit of our own making, by lying to others you start to believe your own lies and the shit builds up, addictive sociopathic behaviour rears it’s ugly head too, you want to be liked and loved by everyone and your lies help this false achievement which your ego is fuelling along with your addiction, eventually it hits the fan, it’s not everyone elses fault and its not their shit it’s yours, so start cleaning it up, or there’s an even bigger pile of shit heading your way.