Truth and tough love

Im getting indegistion just reading this quiche thread :grin:


I think it should be moved to the what you gonna give up for Lent thread!
I’ll give up quiche!


@DungeonMaster - “He” is still here. Right, you are saying “You don’t really know until you try”. If my analogy is so terrible, i’ll reword it in a way that requires no analogy and that’ll be it from me on the topic.

If someone researches ANY method to acheive ANY result, regardless of whether it is proven to work for other people, it is possible that certain aspects of that method will not appeal to someone else and as such it is the right of the person to decide whether that method will or will not work for them. You can argue “You don’t kow until you try” until you are blue in the face but if a method of action is personally deemed to be fundamentally flawed from the offset, it stands to reason that an alternative method with more favourable aspects should be primarily considered.

I never said that the person should try whatever program we are debating. What im saying is that they shouldnt rule it out as something that will not work for them. Why? Because they cannot know for certain.

So, in her case, by all means do whatever program it is that best suits her. And if that program prooves to not be enough, dont be too prideful to accept that AA may be a credible answer.


Lol! Its funny, but the issue isnt even that shes not willing to do them. Because she is working a program of her own. The issue is that she says that a program that she has not even attempted is not for her.

I remember dragging a 50 inch TV through the hood in a snowstorm bc my car got stuck, so I could trade it for $80 worth of crack. I’m pretty sure I was wearing sandals and gym shorts in the dead of winter. That’s some dedication. But then a few months later I literally fought like hell to avoid going to rehab…

All that work to get high and no effort to get sober was my mantra. And I stayed nice and high until I was desperate enough to try anything.

May God bless you all with the gift of desperation. Going to rehab wasn’t bad the third time, especially bc my alternative was probably death. AA wasn’t so bad when I was living with a junkie for four months. IOP was actually pretty cool bc I didn’t relapse after rehab this time.


I believe it comes from the notion of “free will”. Look, I could get up from my desk and go pour a glass of wine…if I wanted to. What stops me is the fact that I don’t want to. All the forums and meetings, and such in the world couldn’t stop me from drinking, if I wanted to drink. But I won’t drink, because I don’t drink.

I’m not willing to risk losing what I have, for the sake of some smashed grapes or malted hops. I’ve weighed the impact of alcohol on my life, and found it undesirable.

Those who say this or that is “off-the-table”, really haven’t reached the point where their will to stop drinking is greater than their desire to drink. I get not wanting to go through the pain of detoxing, but once passed, sobriety is 100% mental. Being sober is an exercise in the will.


Probably no human power could have relieved our alcoholism. But God could, and would, if he were sought.

*Or whatever Tomi prays to. Death metal God or something :joy:


Is this the new public lounge now?:smile:


@aircircle I think we’re just not talking about the same “use” of the word. Or maybe you refuse to associate the word “trigger” to addiction because it may look like you don’t have control over something that “trigger” you? I don’t know, but my point was just to underline that this word is legit to use in the context of addiction too. You think that the “craving” or “getting thirsty” isn’t due to an “neuro-chemical response” ? Sorry but it is. What we control is the cognitive-behavioral pattern that follow the neurological response. So when you say that trigger is an excuse, I think you’re referring to the response you’re gonna make when confronted to the trigger.

I just wanted to point this because now every time I hear or read someone using this word I know there’s people judging them for using it, when actually it’s reasonable and real. All this said, I’m totally on your side about the control part and the making excuses part: that we have control over, and we can literally change our brain, therefore our life, by doing so.

I just wanted to make sure about what I was assuming and saying so I made a quick research on the meta-data bases, and it seems that this term is used in different type of addiction. It made me realize that the research refer usually to the “craving” or the “cues” of drug/alcool as the trigger. Maybe this is why we were confusing in our respective uses of the term.

I leave you with random citations I picked up to see the context the word is used in research.
Good day guys !

“Research asserts that environmental stress and alcohol cue exposure trigger and contribute to brain processes that may lead to relapse.” (Spencer et al., 2017)
“Drug‐reward cues trigger motivational circuitry, a response linked to drug‐seeking in animals and in humans.” (Regier et al. 2017)
“Heroin craving is a trigger for relapse and dropping out of treatment.” (Fareed et al., 2010)
“Cravings for alcohol are identified as a trigger for relapse.” (2006)
“Food addiction’ refers to the idea that certain highly palatable foods can trigger an addictive-like process in susceptible individuals” (Carter et al., 2019)

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My guess: Odin, or maybe Loki.


Im guessing Loki. Pretty mischievous guy.


See this word used as a justification (i.e. excuse) for relapse on the board, and you might begin to understand why for many “trigger” = excuse.

For me, “trigger” connotes a lack of will. “I was triggered by thus and such, so I drank/used my DOC”.

A firearm has a trigger. Pull it and cycle of operation occurs that unless interrupted by malfunction, results in discharge.

A mousetrap has a trigger. When released the trap springs shut, as intended.

When someone says they were “triggered” and used, I think, bullshit. They were just looking for a reason to use.


Soooo… no more quiche? But, it was fun!

@anon84416494 I though that was Chad Krueger, or whatever his name is. I laughed real good at that one.



No but here is a picture of me trying to make my point earlier.


Shouldn’t you be banging your head off that thing? :joy:

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So. How bout them Yankee’s?


The weather is much more interesing…

I think it hit 80 and sunny today. A few light drizzles early on and then it cleared to beautiful blue. It’s a glorious day to be alive.

How’s it in your neck of the yinz?

What the heck, Raining here :sob: I officially hate the rain. That’s saying something.

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