Weight loss after giving up Alcohol

Girl, I feel ya. I walked into treatment 6 months ago at 198 lbs. Today I am 150 lbs so far. I was responsible for supplying my food while I was there, so,

I made a decision to change the way I eat,
and I stayed with it one day at a time. I made many choices everyday including what I would put in my mouth… if its good for me, yes
If it bad for me, no. Controlling my diet gave me inspiration… I’ve never been disciplined with anything… It has layed the groundwork for confidence in myself. I was a blackout EATER. I would wake up from a binge and find bags from every fast food restaurant I could imagine. So alcohol and food go hand in hand for me. To keep it simple, I went KETO. Everyone responds to diets differently. That’s what worked for me so far. Now that I’m out of treatment and able to exercise more I eat more carbs for my activity level. Do some research. You can do anything. Use your tool box friend, in all aspects of this life.
Good Luck.


Omg, that’s so awesome!! Great Job!
I was 185.2 this morning :disappointed_relieved:. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been. I eat a lot when I’m drinking too. I’d be happy if I could just get to 165.


@SassyRocks do you want to merge these threads? Helping with thread house keeping :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I gave up drinking last year for lent. Then shortly afterwards we went on lockdown for covid. I started at 145 lbs and by the end of summer I was 125 lbs. My activity level was the same as while I was drinking. But my wine consumption was a significant portion of my daily calories. Good luck on your sobriety. Focus on that first and changes in your life will drive you to a healthier lifestyle. Hugs.


Would recommend this thread :blush:


I lost approximately 40 pounds within my first year of sobriety. I did it with a Fitbit. In the last few years before I quit drinking, I had become very inactive. When I first stopped drinking, I did not lose weight. Six months into sobriety, I got a Fitbit and began walking 10k steps every day. I quickly increased that to 12k steps a day and I now walk/ run a minimum of 18k steps a day, every single day. I’ve kept all of the weight off and maintained my walking without fail for six years now.

Walking changed my body. I would never have believed that just walking could make such a big difference. I am so much stronger and more fit than I was when I was drinking. Losing the weight was also a wonderful motivation to remain sober. There was no way I wanted to regain the weight.

It also became a very good way for me to process my thoughts. A walk outside is an immediate mood booster for me.

Losing the weight in the beginning inspired me to continue with sobriety and my sobriety inspired me to keep walking. For me, the two go hand in hand.


Ive recently lost 13 pounds by not overeating and choosing healthier options to begin with im starting out with 10 to 15 minutes of calisthenics a day as time goes by i will intensify my workout i lost close to 80 pounds couple years back took me 6 months but then i started smoking weed (munchies) and alcohol going to partys eating late at night and i gained it all back so now that im sober again im loosing it all again amd never going back !!


Sorry, didn’t merge these as here folks were asking/sharing in general about how sobriety affected their weight. Didn’t wanna clutter up the daily check in thread!

For those interested in long term fitness in sobriety though, I’ll remind everyone there are some specific groups that are active, as @siand did:

As mentioned above, I for one found with sobriety that my baseline health was much better sober (shocker :rofl:), and my motivation to enjoy that health. Great way to spend sober time!


Thank you :grinning::v:

I’ve been sober for 49 days. Lost 21lbs so far. Watching what I’m eating and drinking water constantly. Unfortunately for me 20lbs is like taking a handful of sand of the beach and saying it just got smaller. lol


Haven’t seen any weight loss yet because I’ve been eating too much :unamused:


I was about 264 lbs in October 2019, I had a shoulder injury so I wasn’t able to lift and weights for a few months and it was when my alcoholism was starting to peak i gained like 20-30 lbs that year. I started going to the gym but I was still drinking and I would lose weight and gain it back very fast. Last summer I was back up to 254 lbs, I was about 240 a few months prior. Once I quit drinking and had my food disciplined prior to quitting drinking. I am now 226 and I suspect I will get down to 215 because that’s where my body weight lies and I’m already 18% body fat and not super interested in being that much lighter.

The most important part though is figuring out your diet and changing it into what you need to eat vs what you want to eat. I lost a lot of weight but if I continued to binge eat food the way I was eating with drinking likely 6000 calories + a day I wouldn’t have lost weight. But you will likely lose weight when quitting drinking just you may notice it more gradually over time when your liver starts to function properly which could take a while some people more than 3 months some people 2 weeks.


That’s what’s happening to me ! I keep reminding myself better sober … but it’s not the side effect I expected.


Ain’t nothing wrong being a member of the sober frumpy club!


Hey, good on ya! That’s a pretty big but steady, healthy drop for 49 days. Keep on keeping on, brother. :+1:

I went from 203 to 170 now im konda stuck. I have been down to 135 before. Im happy at 145 my weight loss is always ups and downs. Feels like a relapse. I am an emotional eater. Seems like what relaly helps is working out hard and eating right avoiding fast food. All the obvious stuff but its hard to stick at it and stay with it.


I lost 11 lbs. Feels great


I am so hoping I do lose weight my god I have gotten huge due to drinking.

I’m working out since November. It was my first fitness journey and I started it sober. Unfortunately had a relapse and been drinking few weekends in the row which stopped my progress. Makes me very disappointed:( Now it’s my 6th day sober and I’m going to fix it.


May I join as well? Looking for motivation.

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