Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Yes thats all it was a day of junk food !
We got this i feel pretty horrible today to but its nothing were going to get back up and keep fighting !


Checking in Feb 8 2021

Its MONDAAAAYY brand new day brand new week to get the results that we want hope everyone has an awesome day im going to work like a mad dog this week to get my results LETS GOOO !!! Last weigh in was 193 ā€¦


Checking in on weigh in day :man_facepalming:
Iā€™m at 198.8
Past Friday 198.4
Last Monday 198.2.
I donā€™t like it. Iā€™m still under goal weight of 200.

I checked in yesterday all happy about not eating all the left over steak for lunch. Then I blew it on the ribs for the super bowl. There were 3 ribs left and I was like the cookie monster. ā€œIā€™ll never get ribs againā€. Finished them off. I donā€™t know why I do that. I mean I almost never cook ribs. And so I polished them off. But I had no chips or dips or any other appetizers or snacks during the day.

I guess Iā€™m just afraid Iā€™ll gain all my weight back :grimacing: No terrified! I lost about 50 pounds and I donā€™t want to gain it back again. Thatā€™s what always happens. Iā€™ve lost weight before just to put it all back on again. Iā€™m not freaking out. But I do have that fear. And I thought I ate pretty well over the weekend and didnā€™t over indulge.

Got my dog walk in today.
Pilates reformer work out in. 45 min.
Swiss cheeseburger with bacon and some tator tots for my lunch.

Thanks for listening to me whine. I thought maybe if I wrote my feelings down it would help.
Iā€™m sober. Iā€™m under goal weight. I shouldnā€™t be complaining. Maybe this is what maintaining is.


Yess ! You got it right your doing an awesome job glad you enjoyed those ribs its exactly what is happening your maintaining your weight under 200 wich is great ! Dont be so hard on yourself sometimes were going to grab an extra this or that what matters is that were consistent and if your maintaining under 200 thats a WIN WIN for me !

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Checking in Feb 8 2021

Breakfast Vanilla greek yogurt
Lunch roast beef on honey whole wheat
Dinner 3 hard boiled eggs

30 min of Calisthenics
20 min of dumbbells
20 min of my app workout
Feeling great that iam consistent that i keep showing up i think thats whats very important i felt so unmotivated today but i pushed and carried on and got my workout for the day ! I weighed in last week at 193 lets see what it says on the 15th excited :partying_face:


Finished off the day with

510 calories.
Did good today. My wife offered me some of hers and I said NO!!! Politely :blush:
But one day is not enough to do good. Got to keep working it everyday.


Got my weight goal today! šŸ¤ø
Have walked a lot lately and was eating as healthy as I could. Now focus on mantaining it :grin:

Picture made during my walk in the snow yesterday.



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Now thats AWESOME !!!
You should be very very proud of yourself thats amazing and definitly motivating !!

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CONSISTENCY is Key showing up when you dont want to showing up when it gets discouraging or hard is what gets us to our goals LETS GOOO

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@Fury @AdvntrLane @apes2020
Hope you guys are doing awesome on this journey !!! LETS GOOO


(((Hugs))) to you! I can feel your frustration within your post. It totally sucks when we see that scale fluctuate up especially, but stay strong and stay the course!

The ribs sound SO good quite honestly!!

I know your fear too about gaining the weight all back. It will be 2 years ago coming up (end of June), I was just 122 lbs. Then I threw it all away and gain 30 lbs July 2019 - Nov 2020. It came on fast and furious since I just drank and drank and didnā€™t exercise whatsoever especially through March - November. Now Im working out like crazy and trying to eat better to lose it all again and its being more stubborn this time around than last (maybe because Iā€™m that much older now?!). I think back on that time and question myself, why is the HELL did I do this to myself?!? The only thing I can come up with is - alcohol. It called my name and I just kept going to it.

Enjoy today and we are hear for you my friend! Anytime!!


Hell yeah man!

Just got done breakfast overnight oats, with a banana and a glass of soy milk,

Iā€™ll take my nap, and hit the gym in the afternoon, I will get my beach bod, by spring time


That is AWESOME !!! hell yeaa :pray::pray:
Glad to hear you have a set season to when youll reach your goal thats motivating im very proud of you man :partying_face:

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Thanks man!!

How you coming along I know you fell off but we all do, hit That goal yet?

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Aw dude that fell off IS NOTHING and thanks :pray:
iam working hard at the moment that is not stopping me right now having 200 calories for breakfast oatmeal and a cup of almond milk then im out the door with my furry friend for some good cardio and i mean what can stop me from achieving my goal ? So my journey when it comes to eating when i have crazy urges for some fast food ill try and pick the healthiest and keep it within calorie range when i over eat i usually mean sugar like a chocolate muffin or a peice of chocolate the crazy thing about it is i beat mysefl up so hard about it come to find out it doesnt affect my weight at all at weigh in time im really beileveing CONSISTENCY is key if i keep showing up and never giving upā€¦ results will happen but im cutting all that out and actually only eating healthy LETS GOOO !!!

This 15th is my last weigh in for my 2 month on this journey iam down 31 pounds out of 79 im trying to loose Dec 15 2020 i was 224 i definitly feel lighter just with this off i will be chipping every pound away to reach my dream to reach my goal :partying_face::partying_face: LETS GOOO !!!


Thank you :hugs: But I did not have much to get rid of: just a few kilo/pounds. Maintaining that weight is more of a chalenge :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Breakfast had oatmeal and almond milk
Lunch had roast beef on honey whole wheat
Dinner had 2 telapias with a salad

Getting in my nights workout LETS GOO!!!

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Aww thanks. Ya getting old sucks. Especially that old metabolism slowing down.

But, since we are sober it should be easier :grimacing:Iā€™m not freaking out yet. Maybe Iā€™m just maintaining. Or maybe that holiday sugar weight is finally going away.

Ya we do it to ourselves. But if weā€™re not drinking we wonā€™t let our inhibitions down. Itā€™s easier to abstain.

Weā€™ll figure it out.

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