What are you sipping on today?

Currently sipping on a Gingerbread Oat Chai Latte from Starbucks. First time trying it. Its pretty good!

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A cool tall glass of sweet tea!

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Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks


Ginger flavoured Twinings Green Tea


Hubby bought me a Mr Coffee 4-n-1 machine to make lattes, cappuchino and hot/iced coffee drinks. I made an iced latte the other day and a cappuchino today. Loving my coffee drinks lately :slight_smile:


Hi I am brand new and cannot figure out how to post a hellow or an introduction only how to reply. So hello, I am brand new, sipping lemon ginger tea with honey!


Welcome to the community…great to have you here with us.

To reply or add to a thread, scroll down to the bottom of the thread and you should see a reply button.

The check in and daily gratitude threads are my daily salvation - check them out when you get a chance.

Checking in daily to maintain focus #61

Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

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Thank you very much for the welcome and the resources! I appreciate it very much! :heart:


May I ask a question about the topic thread you mentioned about checking in daily and gratitude…I clicked through a bunch of the numbered threads yet the most recent posts I see are from October. I am less than 24 hours into this app and still learning so maybe I am doing something wrong or maybe I didnt understand as I thought I would see and read peoples posts from the current day that I check the thread? Can you please advise?


Apple and mango juice with lemonade and lots of ice, in my new hand painted glass :raised_hands:t2::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Not sure if this is what you mean but when I joined the other week I noticed that all posts start from post 1.
If you click on the page number in the bottom right and type in the last page number, that will take you to the latest post. It should remember your position next time you click on it so you will see all the latest posts after that.

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sounds yummy and i love that glass :yum:

Hi Jazzy!! It Is delish! The glass is only from Amazon. I bought it for a friend for Christmas but fell in love with it so kept it and got her something else lol :shushing_face::woman_facepalming:t3::rofl:. It is a bright and cheery glass….makes me happy lol. I hope that you’re having a good Christmas break? :pray:t2::two_hearts:


LOL – i don’t blame you for keeping that for yourself. That is a beautiful glass - bright and cheery for sure :wink:
I am enjoying the Christmas break - i hope you are as well :heart: :hugs:

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I’m just eating the cocktail cherries straight from the jar, without the drink :rofl::cherries:


:rofl: My brother and I used to do that when we were kids since our parents had NOTHNG snacky at all in the house!! We paid the price later though when our mom wanted to bake something :joy:


These mix well and hopefully help with my recovery from whatever virus I caught.


Strange combo this morning. I was craving carbonation (when am I not) so a La Croix to go with my black tea with half and half and stevia sweetener.


Coffee coffee coffee
Sativa drink, some Brazilian fruit thing. Quite nice

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