That remains a dream of mine too! Makes a whole lot of sense and is pretty awesome… I was just going to mention chickens haha, the more independence the better, nice
Vegetable season is finished by now, but there are still blooming and colourful spots in the garden
and guest chicken at my Mom’s - neighbours have some
I guess I was wrong about tomatillo and chile harvest being finished. And I’m making salsa tomorrow!
I spent a few hours working on end of season tasks and it was therapeutic but bittersweet. It’s all part of the season. My guy built me a sweet compost bin to empty out my pots and put the leafy greens and our kitchen scraps (finally! I hate throwing them away). Got all the chile pepper plants done, trimmed down the wild tomatoes and did a bunch of dead heading. Still sooooo many tomatoes on these plants that are looking gorgeous.
I have a real small garden so I grow a lot of plants indoors. I have more then 20
This is one of theme… it’s an Alocasia.
You should check out this thread:
It’s be the perfect place to post your houseplants! 🪴
P.S. Your Alocasia is beautiful
Just perennials here! I love lavender, lambs ear, coneflower and hydrangeas!
Coneflowers are one of my favorites. I ought to plants some…
Ooooh yes come join the thread Rosa linked!!!
Nice plant!!!
Oh thanks I will check it out
Anyone remember the potted thyme plant I decided to plant in the ground last fall? Well, here is the before and after:
I looks great! Thyme and Sage are some of the few things that survive my winters. I just have to dig a path through the snow to get to them.
I should plant some sage. It is actually kind of hard to find fresh sage at the groceries here. Good to know it survives the winter!
I love all the fall garden surprises when some things die back and I find other vegetables that are still thriving and were hidden underneath. A squash plant went crazy around the garden and I found this real long zucchini standing up underneath it in a back corner.
A few weeks back I noticed aphids had overcome my milkweed which is why no new caterpillars have been seen. After the lacewings showing up to eat the aphids and neem oil last week I saw a bunch of new baby caterpillars…I was so excited!!! The next day or so the lizards and wasps had eaten them all! I was so sad!! Today I checked and found one lone monarch caterpillar survivor and a monarch butterfly laying eggs!! Hoping to get this butterfly garden thriving again!!! I know it’s the circle of life, trying to be patient!
Oh my goodness. We had a hard frost last night so the tomatoes had to come off the vine but I didn’t realize how many I had! Yikes.
I had a similar thing happen, but mine were eaten by praying mantises!