Yoga group

Did day 2 of YWA Home this evening. Prefer morning yoga but I didn’t get up til 7am and I just got stuck on the sofa with my cup of tea. The theme for day 2 was Intend. I think my intention is probably what it has been before… Compassion (mainly towards myself) and strength.

I had a big wave of emotion and a bit of a cry. Trying to investigate why, I came up with a few things

  • I have been here before with my yoga practice and not kept it up
  • I do not like myself and I don’t like thinking about that
  • Having not done any yoga for some time, a lot of the poses that once came fairly easily are now quite hard, which is obviously going to happen but it still feels like a step back

Plus I generally have a lot of emotions at the moment (always!) and they probably needed a release.

Good to do it though, haven’t really done much moving about today.

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Did some new poses I’ve never tried like a tree vinasa and an eagle airplane… She might be my new favorite instructor. I just loved this class!

Also, I wish I had a calm soothing voice like that, I would be a yoga instructor! Lesley Fightmaster was her name…
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I was actually just reading up on restless leg syndrome because my dad has it and found its cause by low dopamine levels. Sounds like your brain needs time to recalibrate after being on the antidepressants. Be patient and kind to yourself! :pray: I also heard magnesium helps with restless legs. The yoga poses bounce back in no time! Maybe if you just do 5 minutes of yoga/stretching a day until it becomes a routine you can add more time eventually when it becomes more enjoyable… Sending you lots of love. :kissing_heart:


I second magnesium… am too tired to look up which kind tho. :slightly_smiling_face:


Restless legs have calmed down a bit, although I have been doing yoga or some exercise before bed each day so that is likely helping too. Sleep pattern has not returned to early nights/ early mornings so I am embracing it and doing yoga before bed, and letting myself just nest in the mornings.

I have been surprised at the things that have stayed in my muscle memory and the things that haven’t. But that’s ok, I really love Adriene and she is always reminding us to meet ourselves where we are at (or words to that effect!).

I will bookmark that yoga video you shared, and others on this thread, to look at. I tend to get fixed on one thing if I know it works for me, I find choice overwhelming. So out of the last 10 days I have done 9 days of yoga, all YWA, 8 of those the Home playlist. My initial thought is that I will finish Home and then go to the other videos. Maybe I will try and switch it up a bit. It doesn’t matter if it takes me longer than 30 days to complete it!

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Soo, since I last posted, I made it up to day 13 of YWA then didn’t do any yoga for a week. Just did day 14 of YWA and it was sooo nice, lots of yummy hip stuff.

I love Adriene, love the Home playlist and loved this practice! You know when it’s exactly what you need? Just perfect.

The theme of return is about returning to ourselves, a reminder that when we are seeking change or transformation it is about uncovering what’s already there. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that to be better is to be different, to get away from yourself. I find that anyway. Actually though it’s about finding the good stuff that’s within, and maybe also working on nurturing and healing the stuff we are struggling with.

I know it’s really just another way of talking about acceptance but it just clicked with me, it fits in with lots of things I’ve been thinking about in life and in recovery recently.


Day 18 - Believe.

This was my second attempt at this practice, I couldn’t do it the first time round. Too much emotion and struggled with the physical as well as the mindset. Lots of talk about believing in yourself and trusting that you are where you need to be. Anyway, I did it. Trying to focus on that, rather than the slow pace I’m getting through the series or the amount I’m struggling with it.

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Start in tripod pose

Thanks for this thread, it open up some new trainers. I just tried a 60 min class of YWA and I like her voice. It’s a little challenging to listen to the yoga English vocab. But I think I will add it to my routine. Keeps my mind active and it’s interesting always that everyone has their focus.
And it’s also funny how I immediately start to judge, compare… :crazy_face:


Just did deep stretch class of YWA and it was really a good hip opener class.

I am working on… :blush::pray:


Made it to my yoga studios Monday stretch this morning via zoom. I have been pretty inconsistent with it recently. Going to be better in November.

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I have a question to you yogis here. After fasting last week I now decided to give vegan another try due to animal right reasons. I think I will from time to time eat meat as I really like it but stay away from dairy as they are no good for my glycemia.
Now I experienced that since eating vegan I found myself more flexible and better smelling. I asked a friend of mine who reported the same the other way around when she tried eating meat again.

Do you have similar experiences? Just curious. :pray::sunny:

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This looks yummy. :blush::pray: Due to my diabetes I have other issues that are connected to carbs so I have to balance this quite a bit.

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I’m not vegan but that looks good :heart_eyes:

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I am type 1 diabetic for 23 years now.

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I’ve been dipping my toes back in Kundalini after a long break. I really miss the benefits I was receiving from a daily practice so I’m going to post here for some accountability for a bit.
Today’s class was physically and mentally uncomfortable but I know that’s just how it goes in the beginning.

I set up a little space in this new room I’ve moved to that I’ve been struggling to call home. Making this corner mine has been helpful. Soothing even.

Can I just say how much I miss the energy of an in-person class. I’m not normally much for people or groups but wow do I miss this. I fell away from yoga when Covid cancelled classes but at this point it’s like, when will it even be safe to go back? At home is better than nothing.


Beautiful peaceful spot. :heart:

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That looks cozy! I like my yoga routine at home. Doing it more regularly since covid. Not the normal 90 min class, shorter but almost every day and it really helps me to focus.


Oooh! So beautiful!! :heart_eyes:
I am with you on missing the in person classes. Lately Ive barely been making it to savasana because my mind wanders and I get distracted. I am gonna try to do 3 days a week instead of 7 and aim for quality over quantity and really focus.

I need to make a pretty spot like yours! Maybe that would help. :heart:


Aw, thank you :heart:
I’ve never really thought having a nice spot was necessary for yoga but it’s been a huge help in getting into a good mindset for my practice.
I like the idea of switching to 3 days if that feels more supportive for you. I definitely felt it was easier to stay focused during in-person classes. In that way, home yoga is teaching me a lot about myself. No shame in feeling distracted though.